I just can't be the only one...


May 5, 2003
Reaction score
I havent ben able to watch the superbowl replay but I have watched the NFC championship game about 20 times, the falcons game about 5 times and the panthers game twice( kind of a yawner lol).

But I wasnt that hurt after the superbowl just a slight sick feeling but beating the Eagles for the NFC Championship was the next best thing.


ASFN Addict
Aug 22, 2003
Reaction score
The 215
20 I understand man believe me. I hate to think about it sometimes. I keep visualizing a turnover on that last drive to seal it, only to face reality knowing Ben tore our heart out. It's gonna hurt forever no doubt, but know that there are ultimately more important things in life. Your family and close friends particularly. Love the Cardinals with all you've got but cherish the people in your life. Life really is too short my dude.



ASFN Addict
Aug 22, 2003
Reaction score
The 215

1. It's only football.

2. We aren't the team/the team isn't us. (i.e. If we lose a close one or Kurt throws a pick, that doesn't make us bad persons).

3. Playing the role of the long suffering Cardinal fan is useful at times and makes for good conversation with other fans. But that's about it.

4. That said - I've thrown my share of clipboards and broken my share of arm-rests over the past 64 years, and I still dread reading Monday post-mortems after a Cardinal loss.

5. But looking back on the entire ride since roughly 1945, it's been a pretty interesting roller-coaster - where I've marveled at the exploits of Charley Trippi, Ollie Matson, John David Crow, aeneas Williams and OJ Anderson, hoped like crazy that lesser-sung guys like Willis Crenshaw, Roy Shivers, Cid Edwards, Thunder Thornton and Freddie Joe Nunn would emerge as All Pros; while cringing when Eric Swann's and Wads' knees blew out and David Boston's body blew up or Terry Metcalf fumbled or one of a series of our CB's (Norman Thompson, ToasTito Paul, Tommy Knight etc.) got torched.

6. It makes you wax philosophic: (Some days you eat the "Bahr"/some days it eats you). And while we certainly have had a fairly rotten ratio of valleys compared to peaks over all these years - each year is brand new! (We start out 0 & 0 and are privileged to become witnesses to whatever the hand is we're dealt.

7. And meanwhile, we get to congregate here or at games or with loved ones to cheer, boo, laugh or cry.

And life goes on - Babies are born. We meet someone we love. Jobs are landed and lost. People die. A new restaurant is discovered.

And there are the Cardinals each Sunday in the Fall.

We're not them, and they're not us, but in retrospect, they've helped life be pretty darned cool.

Good post Jeff.


Supporting Member
Feb 2, 2003
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ.

1. It's only football.

2. We aren't the team/the team isn't us. (i.e. If we lose a close one or Kurt throws a pick, that doesn't make us bad persons).

3. Playing the role of the long suffering Cardinal fan is useful at times and makes for good conversation with other fans. But that's about it.

4. That said - I've thrown my share of clipboards and broken my share of arm-rests over the past 64 years, and I still dread reading Monday post-mortems after a Cardinal loss.

5. But looking back on the entire ride since roughly 1945, it's been a pretty interesting roller-coaster - where I've marveled at the exploits of Charley Trippi, Ollie Matson, John David Crow, aeneas Williams and OJ Anderson, hoped like crazy that lesser-sung guys like Willis Crenshaw, Roy Shivers, Cid Edwards, Thunder Thornton and Freddie Joe Nunn would emerge as All Pros; while cringing when Eric Swann's and Wads' knees blew out and David Boston's body blew up or Terry Metcalf fumbled or one of a series of our CB's (Norman Thompson, ToasTito Paul, Tommy Knight etc.) got torched.

6. It makes you wax philosophic: (Some days you eat the "Bahr"/some days it eats you). And while we certainly have had a fairly rotten ratio of valleys compared to peaks over all these years - each year is brand new! (We start out 0 & 0 and are privileged to become witnesses to whatever the hand is we're dealt.

7. And meanwhile, we get to congregate here or at games or with loved ones to cheer, boo, laugh or cry.

And life goes on - Babies are born. We meet someone we love. Jobs are landed and lost. People die. A new restaurant is discovered.

And there are the Cardinals each Sunday in the Fall.

We're not them, and they're not us, but in retrospect, they've helped life be pretty darned cool.

Great post Jeff and a great perspective on life. It's exactly the way I feel.