This is getting tiresome... but, looking at this way... There are 12 teams that have 160 or more 3rd down attempts against them. Of those 12 teams, only 4 have 3rd down conversion %'s worse than the Cards, and only two have given up more actual 3rd downs.
It's all bad... I get it! I know you can now toss out some equally bad, if not worse stats on our offense! I get it!! I just refuse to have a conversation that starts with the premise that our defense is this bad because of our offense.
And I NEVER said that...go back and look, I just think it is ignorant to believe our record wouldn't be better with a better QB. If the offense is on the field more the opponent has less opportunity to chew up our bad defense which would lead to more wins...that is my whole point. You were the one who said that if we converted a higher % of third downs we wouldn't win more which can't be further from the truth.