First-Class Second-Rate Poster
no sure have not, I try to make it a point to stay away from youtube and the whole myspace thing. I do fineart and just for me it is more productive to read books instead so my mind can get a workout which hopefully carries over to the paintings. Did a painting on the Berlioz piece in the late 90s. I rather watch complete tragedy with the Arizona Cardinals, LOL...I feel good about this team though and hope they can pull off a win soon. A young team needs a win to confirm that the things they did right in a loss where valid reasons to keep pushing forward...lose a lot and a young team will think they do everything wrong.
To each his own. I just think it's cool to SEE the Berlioz requiem, the vast human hive that comes together to signify the end of life and the world, and a gradual decrescendo to peace.