I think it is stupid for anyone other than the top 10-20% of football talent to play the sport.
Fair enough opinion. My only gripe is that the other 90-80% be allowed to choose whether they want to try and play. I feel if it is something they want to do, they should be alllowed to do it.
Why beat yourself up just to sit on the bench or get cut after your sophomore year in high school. Find another sport that is easier on the body.
Again. Very fair. All sports carry a risk, but there is no doubt football/rugby are more dangerous to ones body.
Like Rugby for instance.
LOL. Yes, well,, I would be lying if I didn't say there were days I didn't question what in the hell I was doing beating the ever loving crap out of my body, for no money.
Yet, I would not trade it for the world. I know the risks of playing rugby, a contact sport, while less voilent than football, is can screw your body up.
BUT, most importantly and keeping with this topic. It is my choice on whether or not to step out on that field, and it should stay my, or anyone's choice.
Yet, as a perfect example I don't play any more. My body cannot take the punnishment, and I leave the sport with one bad shoulder, that is not even that bad (yet at least). Knowing the risks, against the reward, it just didn't make sense anymore.
Yet, again I would be lying if on a beautiful spring or fall day, I don't think about going back out there. But, it has been 2 years and those days are few and far in between.
Just as long as we leave the choice in the hands of the individual when it comes to sport, then I am OK. Football, rugby, and heck even hockey are really fun, and good for the mind and soul, IMO. Some just can't get into basketball or baseball. Different strokes, etc., etc.