i sincerely hope you are kidding.
lawyers are not taught how to flaunt the law, they are taught the law, how to conduct legal research, and how to think and reason regarding legal issues. it is how each individual uses this knowledge that determines if the lawyer is ethical or not. and use of the word "manipulate" is semantics. the common law, from its inception, was a living, breathing, evolving thing. it is MEANT to be interpreted. it retains its flexibility to fit an ever-changing society that way.
as for your second paragraph . . . a lot of ALL professions suck. lawyers are not alone in this. the fact of the matter is, lawyers, through the media, are just a very visible profession. and because they tend to get compensated well (though not nearly what the general public thinks . . . the 80s are long gone) the public is quick to jump on them. in fact, it is usually only the controversial attorneys that get media attention anyway, so the vast public's opinion of them (including yours apparently) is skewed. finally, most people hate dealing with attorneys b/c of the situations they've found themselves in. it is not the attorney that chooses to sue you, it is the individual that hires the attorney. it is not the attorney that chooses to divorce you, it is the spouse. most of these situations may become so untenable that they become dangerous w/out the aid of attorneys.
as for lying attorneys as a professional norm . . . if you believe that you're an idiot. we are one of the professions that actually have a code of ethics that we are BOUND to follow. not an oath. not a promise. a legal code that we must follow or we are punished.
now back to sports . . . agents are the mouthpieces for their clients. they are meant to deflect blame from the client. that's one of the things they're paid for. whenever you see a ballplayer holding out or demanding a trade and your first inclination is to blame the agent, actually stop and turn your brain on again. the agent may suggest ways to get something better, but the initial inclination to holdout or make a demand had to take hold of something already existing within the player. don't absolve the players of their responsibilities. they are grown men (even if they don't always act like it).