Josh McCown On 1060


ASFN Lifer
Jan 18, 2004
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lrk27 said:
Do you watch football, or just make random statements?

Why has Culpepper had only two chances to make the Pro Bowl? Do you not count the other two seasons he played?

Which year did Favre suck? Find me one.

Have you ever watched Vick play. His ability to pass is nearly equal to his ability to run. Far and away the most talented QB in the league.

One year Culpepper was hurt so that doesn't count. The other year was the year of the Randy Ratio where he was told to throw into coverage which resulted in Turnovers galore. Not his fault scheme was flawed.

Vick himself has said he needs to become more of a passer.

Favre has been sucking for years. Last year he was doing nothing until his dad passed away and then he gave away the PHI game with a typical idiot Favre int. How about the playoff game vs ATL again his int ensures GB will not win. Remember his 6 SIX!!! ints in one playoff game a few years ago.


ASFN Lifer
Apr 25, 2003
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Vick is a very good passer. I would say he is one of the best if he stays healthy. Him saying he needs to pass more is just an indication of that.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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vikesfan said:
Vick himself has said he needs to become more of a passer.

Favre has been sucking for years. Last year he was doing nothing until his dad passed away and then he gave away the PHI game with a typical idiot Favre int. How about the playoff game vs ATL again his int ensures GB will not win. Remember his 6 SIX!!! ints in one playoff game a few years ago.

So when Big says he has been stunted by moving around, we ignore it because it's an excuse. but when Vick says he needs to become more of a passer, that's true? I guess I need you to lay out in advance all the scenarios for players talking and whether they're telling the truth or not.

Let's discount all the years over 60% and 30td's and how every other year they lose their primary WR and some unheralded guy steps in and makes the pro bowl because Favre was so good.

Favre is one of the few QB's who was so good that you could tolerate the higher INT's because he threw so many TD's and for so much yardage.

His worst year came when he had a bad thumb, you've already established that injured years don't count for Daunte, I sense a double standard.


Dec 8, 2002
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ordinance 2257
Russ Smith said:
So when Big says he has been stunted by moving around, we ignore it because it's an excuse. but when Vick says he needs to become more of a passer, that's true? I guess I need you to lay out in advance all the scenarios for players talking and whether they're telling the truth or not.

Let's discount all the years over 60% and 30td's and how every other year they lose their primary WR and some unheralded guy steps in and makes the pro bowl because Favre was so good.

Favre is one of the few QB's who was so good that you could tolerate the higher INT's because he threw so many TD's and for so much yardage.

His worst year came when he had a bad thumb, you've already established that injured years don't count for Daunte, I sense a double standard.
What do you expect Russ this is comming from a Viking fan, their arch rivals is Favre!!! :wave:


ASFN Lifer
Jan 18, 2004
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Russ Smith said:
So when Big says he has been stunted by moving around, we ignore it because it's an excuse. but when Vick says he needs to become more of a passer, that's true? I guess I need you to lay out in advance all the scenarios for players talking and whether they're telling the truth or not.

Let's discount all the years over 60% and 30td's and how every other year they lose their primary WR and some unheralded guy steps in and makes the pro bowl because Favre was so good.

Favre is one of the few QB's who was so good that you could tolerate the higher INT's because he threw so many TD's and for so much yardage.

His worst year came when he had a bad thumb, you've already established that injured years don't count for Daunte, I sense a double standard.
You are comparing apples to oranges in one case a guy is using an excuse to cover up a failing while in the other case the guy is admitting to a failing. Favres good years were when he was high on drugs and booze he said so himself in an Esquire article. He LOSES about as many games as he wins. If he is hurt he should not play more of Favres selfish BS. By the way he committed the ultimate dishonorable thing in the history of the NFL when after his teammates worked their butts off all game to prevent him from being sacked he LAID down and let Strahan sack him so he could get the sack record. That is the most disgraceful thing that has ever happened in the history of the nfl. Favre has been so overrated for years it's not funny.
Last year the coach said Favre had to try and learn to throw the ball away. THAT IS LAST YEAR ROTFLMAO.


Jan 19, 2004
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Florence, Arizona
Favre has been one the elite QB's of all time. Culpepper isn't even close to him. The biggest reason for Culpeppers success is Moss. One reason he threw so many interceptions was because they kept calling so many passing plays and defenses expected it. Another was because his recievers basically sucked the last few years. Then add in the injury to his thumb. As for integrity, if you ask players around the league which active QB they have the most respect for, Favre is most likely to be at or near the top.


ASFN Lifer
Jan 18, 2004
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CardShark said:
Favre has been one the elite QB's of all time. Culpepper isn't even close to him. The biggest reason for Culpeppers success is Moss. One reason he threw so many interceptions was because they kept calling so many passing plays and defenses expected it. Another was because his recievers basically sucked the last few years. Then add in the injury to his thumb. As for integrity, if you ask players around the league which active QB they have the most respect for, Favre is most likely to be at or near the top.
Try and understand this Favre costs the team with his selfish play. The height of his selfish was seen when he gave Strahan an NFL record by laying down for him. This is the BIGGEST DISGRACE in the HISTORY of the NFL.
He cost 1 player his NFL record and effected the play of a game. Favre is a media creation the weekly Madden Man Love is what created Favre the man is a phony. Who costs his team as many games as he wins. Just last year the coach was saying Favre needs to throw the ball away WTF after how many years in the NFL. Favre is a disgrace IMAGINE if Terrel Owens caught a ball and then fumbled it so his friend could get the fumble recovery record IMAGINE. Favre is another phoney NFL creation by the phoney NFL. Sickening! He admitted in Esquire Magazine he played well because of drugs and booze. SIX ints in one game. Just last year he threw 4 ints in one game.


Jan 19, 2004
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Florence, Arizona
Your open hatred of the man blinds you to understanding that Favre is a great QB that can dominate a game. You're missing out on a legend.


ASFN Lifer
Jan 18, 2004
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CardShark said:
Your open hatred of the man blinds you to understanding that Favre is a great QB that can dominate a game. You're missing out on a legend.

No I don't hate the man I hate the things he does. I hate the fact that a phoney is upheld as an example. There are plenty of players out there who deserve praise start with Q. But what Favre did is WORSE then anything TO or Boston or Meyshawn did he QUIT on his team. He spat in the faces of his OL. Check out the OL quotes after that game. He cheated a man out of an NFL record. His best years were the results of DRUGS and BOOZE and he admitted it.

I wonder why this DOUBLE STANDARD exists when it comes to Favre. I remember when Holmgren called TO's sharpie routine the biggest disgrace in NFL history then when Favre let himself get sacked Holmgren didn't say a word.

I hate PHONIES I hate fake media BS promotion. Favre is a phoney and disgrace.

Like I said he costs the team games. They have been telling him NOT to throw they have been using Green as the team engine. And you saw what he did in PHILLY that was beyone stupid that is why what got the Pack Winning was Green not Favre.

Capital Card

The Kobayashi of Kool-Aid
May 13, 2002
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Pigskin Slaughter House-Smithfield, VA
Talk about getting way off track of Josh being on the radio.

Isn't it odd that VF speaks of Brett Farve in much the same manner as we still speak of SiMEon Rice? Just a thought.

BTW, thanks for recapping the Josh McCown interview. I am excited to see what he might bring to the team. Hopefully, it all not just a new brand of spin.

Go Cards!!!

Dan H

ASFN Addict
Banned from P+R
Dec 1, 2002
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Circle City, IN
I do think it's pretty hypocritical that the same people who will give Favre a pass for being addicted to Vicodin will jump all over guys like Kerry Collins or others who've had similar problems. Nobody here, just some Packer fans I know.


The problem
Oct 7, 2003
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Scottsdale, AZ
Capital Card said:
Isn't it odd that VF speaks of Brett Farve in much the same manner as we still speak of SiMEon Rice? Just a thought.

Actually it's a little different. We just don't like Simeon because he badmouthed the Cards. Vikesfan's reasons for his hatred of Favre are because of the same paranoid borderline-schizo thinking he brings to nearly every comment that doesn't involve some sort of Dennis Green homosexual flirtation.


Jun 18, 2002
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arthurracoon said:
Good point.

In sports we're aloud to dislike players...I think HATE is too strong a word for someone that is a great leader and has played every game he has been asked to. The reason I think vikesfan "hates" Favre is because Vikings and Packers are one of the biggest rivals in the NFL. Vikesfan is making a case for it being the biggest.....Did you see him against Oakland last year...Farve is amazing despite laying down for a sack!


Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score
ordinance 2257
Capital Card said:
Isn't it odd that VF speaks of Brett Farve in much the same manner as we still speak of SiMEon Rice? Just a thought.
Way different. VF talks about Favre cause that's their arch rival and the deep hatred he has for Favre. We talked about Rice since he played for us for 5 years and in those 5 years all he did was basically all about him, how he just rush the QB and how he neglect the run and blows his assignment IMO.