Key Phrase in Urban's Latest Propaganda Piece


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
Whaaaaa?? You mean the GM is well, being a GM?? I know, I know, it is weird for us as Cards fans, but this is how it is done.

Coaches coach, GMs get them the talent they need. Coaches and GMs talk, and coaches tell them what they desire to run their system/be successful. Sometimes, a really good coach tries to do both jobs and most often fails at both in the process.

Keim is the GM, and he is NOT a yes man like Graves was. This is good. This I like. This means you have accountability, finally. We are starting to run like a golly darned for reallies really really NFL franchise. Yikes!

this guy has the goods


Nov 12, 2014
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I've been saying for a while that Arians has little control over the makeup of this roster and the personnel moves being made by the front office. As much as the propaganda arm is a reflection of the operations within Hardy Drive, this seems to be the case.

Don't get to used to Bruce Arians and his Kangol hats; I don't expect him to be around long with the "weapons" he's being given by the front office. It won't be his fault.

Let's say that the team's offense improves slightly in 2013 and declines slightly on defense. We end up with the same record against a tough schedule. 5-11.

Next year we get a quarterback, but he struggles as rookies tend to do, especially against a strong division. 6-10.

Arians goes on the hot seat in 2015, the winter of the Cards will have 5 important pending free agents, including Patrick Peterson.

Ok, I'm starting to get it. I better becarful of what I say you guys don't forget.

PS! I can see not letting new people put up links or photos. But I don't get why if a long term member has a link or a photo in their post why I have to delete it to respond. IMO it's not a fun way to get new people to participate.
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Sep 1, 2010
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I run this mamma jamma up in here. I write down everything I want each week from the grocery store because I am the freakin man yo. But I rarely get to decide which hotdogs we buy because she gets what evers on sale, and I usually aint even there. Most times I don't get everything on my list, and I often end up with some cheap ass Little Debbies when Entenmann's was written clear as day!!! But I run this mamma jamma all right...



ASFN Addict
May 27, 2010
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Tempe, AZ
I don't even know what that means bro. Other than hot dogs and mammas and cheap ass Debbies, reminds me of Kramer in Seinfeld trying to get his car back and he's busted for being a pimp. Or maybe I have my episodes mixed.

Lol you're like I called it! And I have no clue what that means brother. Like I could post some hieroglyphics **** on there and be like me and Tutenkhamen called it!

You kill me man.


4 Food groups: beans, chili, cheese, bacon
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May 20, 2002
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I don't even know what that means bro. Other than hot dogs and mammas and cheap ass Debbies, reminds me of Kramer in Seinfeld trying to get his car back and he's busted for being a pimp. Or maybe I have my episodes mixed.

Lol you're like I called it! And I have no clue what that means brother. Like I could post some hieroglyphics **** on there and be like me and Tutenkhamen called it!

You kill me man.

I'm gonna guess it means BA don't get to for groceries, but he has to make dinner anyway... And it better come out tastey.... Or something to the effect. Sorta like Parcels said... yo


Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
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And his Agent apparently.

Let people call a spade a spade. Its not like other posters don't have their own M.O.

Complaining, taking the contrarian opinion, and being negative is K9's "thing". Been that way for 10 years now. That old dog ain learning new tricks so just roll withit. Although I have to say predicting the next 3 seasons and having Arians "fired" because of a Darren Urban article that says "as the GM shapes the roster in his image" (OMG THAT IS INSANE. WAIT THATS SUPPOSED TO BE THE GMS JOB RIGHT? Errrrr) and he has no actual authority is tin foil hat logic at its finest. But hey. Sure sounds like a "football opinion" to me.

Oh wait im supposed to have him on ignore.

BTW Im not trying to be rude here. Im just standing up for this posters right to call what he sees. You would think some of the regulars here would get if EVERYONE else is poining it out, well maybe there some truth to it.

Let the people speak. Its a message board. K9 knows what hes doing. Hes hiding his agenda pushing and needling/ talking down to other posters behind having "thoughtful football discussion" and God bless em some people actually are buying it!

And just so I actually post on topic Ill say this.

Just like with Schnieder and Pete Carroll in Seattle and Balke and Harbaugh in SF, I believe the team will draft and build aroudn the shared values of Arians and Kiem, but if the decision comes down to it, its the GMs. Just like in SEA and SF.

Key is having harmony and alignment between those two people and how anyonce can predict otherwise before the actual draft is nonsense really.

Also absolutely and incredibly with regards to the OP, if you look at what we have seen so far (Free agency) teh Cardinals HAVE acquired players based on Arians (or Bowles) knowledge and say.


Sure Arians doesnt have any say on the roster. Hes just without argument handpicked 40% of the people we signed in FA so far.

So whose pushing an agenda here....Urban or............

Weak Sauce.

K9 has every right to have his thoughts about the state of the football team.

Yet you are OK with people attack him personally?

You gotta a problem with what a poster says ? Then attack the subject not the person. You know like the other posters seem to be able to do in this case.

But if personal attacks are OK, is that the green light to come back to this post and shove it in people's faces when they are wrong and tell them how stupid they look because of their rude arrogance. I mean if some is always wrong we are just calling a spade a spade right.

Just saying. I mean the board thrives on people posting substance. If you just want to regugitate then do so.

Not to mention the people that bring stuff to the site are what makes the site. How many of the people that spend most there time attacking people and not subjects add NOTHING to the site when it comes to football and the topics.

But whatever, as I said that is some weak sauce, and it is good to know you are 100% certain in what people's intentions are. And the you got some crazy vendetta against some posters.....hey, just calling a spade a spade again. Its all good right?

Give me a break.

If the negative nelly's on the board are such HORRIBLE fans why to they post some much substance on the board. Where is your thread, or some of the other GREAT FANS threads ? Looking for them, and just can't seem to find them.

I love it. The notion of "Thanks for posting, but you suck ____." is encouraged.

What a waste of a good thread, talking about internet personalties instead of football.

Arians had a say on essentially a backup QB who has never started, a #3 CB who has never played an entire season, a 36 year old S on a 1 year deal and a ST guy. I'm not sure that is definitive evidenence that Arians has pull in the decision making process. I think it means that Keim is willing to listen to Arians when it comes fringe or low cost roster options.

Say what you want, no head coach would have been for cutting both Wilson and Rhodes and replacing them with Bell and Johnson. I am sure Arians wasn't going to fight the moves because it was a financial call, but no coach is for losing talent on a roster.

I am sure Keim listens to what Arians wants, but it has seemed pretty obvious to me from day 1 that Keim calls the shots.

You just seem like the type of dude that's gonna toe the company line at every turn.

Yeah, this is pretty bush league. Of course, my consideration for AF's posts have dropped since he questioned K9's fandom which is pretty weak sauce IMO.

Keep it to football dude or get off the board. Nobody likes these personal attacks.

Actually it's a terrible thread and I pointed out why. It's not based in fact.

And why is someone telling K9 he is negative a "personal attack"???

That's an opinion (something you are defending everyones right to have) on a poster who is TRYING to get under people's skin. If someone wants to point that out its all good.

LOL your opinion on my thoughts changed when you see I am diametrically opposed to your contention that Arians sucks, Keim sucks, FA sucks rinse repeat.

And you don't understand te context of me calling K9 not a fan. I truly believe he doesn't actually watch games. I mean maybe he attends them but I hve never seen him cite something he saw or learned from actual watching. It's all football outsider and PFF. Not to mention he doesn't actually like anything about the team lol. But that's besides the point.

It's very simple. It's the Kool aid camp and te Darksiders camp. Very little I between ( although I don't think te cards are going to be very good this year I like what they are doing) and the same damn people fall into the same damn camps.

I don't actually mind your take Chopper. But K9s I don't even take seriously anymore. So contrived and formulaic. You could actually name a Az Cardinals topic and I could tell you exactly what his take is going to be.

Actually you are allowed to debate ideas. You are NOT allowed to attack the poster.

Site Guidelines:



AZF 180,876

K9 2

Thanks for playing! :wave:

Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
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(FYI the 2 are Kevin Kolb and Matt Leinart. Maybe its 3 if you bring up Max Hall) :)

*k9 spends 4 hours going through posts from back in 2007 where I said Denny Green is a God*


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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(FYI the 2 are Kevin Kolb and Matt Leinart. Maybe its 3 if you bring up Max Hall) :)

*k9 spends 4 hours going through posts from back in 2007 where I said Denny Green is a God*

unfortunately for you, Kolb, Leinart probably count as 50K bad points in themselves and Max Hall probably counts for a cool mill. :D

Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
Reaction score
unfortunately for you, Kolb, Leinart probably count as 50K bad points in themselves and Max Hall probably counts for a cool mill. :D

LOL. That is my cross to bear :)

I do remember a certain post about Denny and Josh McCown too though :)