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what is rape?
Main Entry: 2rape
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): raped; rap·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin rapere
Date: 14th century
1 a archaic : to seize and take away by force b : DESPOIL
2 : to commit rape on
rape doesnt have anything to do with if she had sex before it has to do with the fact that she didnt want to have sex with kobe at the time. in other words when she says "no" it means that you stop and go no farther. there is only the question of if kobe had sex with her after she said no. that is the only thing that matters in this case? did she say no? kobe says he had sex with her, it is a matter of record. so any other proof that she had sex with someone else isnt even an issue.
it all comes down to did she say no. if she did it is rape.
can you rape a hooker? yes if they say no then there is no question about the fact that you raped her after you have said you had sex with them.
Main Entry: 2rape
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): raped; rap·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin rapere
Date: 14th century
1 a archaic : to seize and take away by force b : DESPOIL
2 : to commit rape on
rape doesnt have anything to do with if she had sex before it has to do with the fact that she didnt want to have sex with kobe at the time. in other words when she says "no" it means that you stop and go no farther. there is only the question of if kobe had sex with her after she said no. that is the only thing that matters in this case? did she say no? kobe says he had sex with her, it is a matter of record. so any other proof that she had sex with someone else isnt even an issue.
it all comes down to did she say no. if she did it is rape.
can you rape a hooker? yes if they say no then there is no question about the fact that you raped her after you have said you had sex with them.