Did the new information from Wednesday's preliminary hearing change your opinion of Kobe Bryant?
Yes, I think he's innocent now
No, I still think he's guilty
Still undecided
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Did the new information from Wednesday's preliminary hearing change your opinion of Kobe Bryant?
* 30922 responses
Yes, I think he's innocent now
No, I still think he's guilty
Still undecided
Survey results tallied every 60 seconds. Live Votes reflect respondents' views and are not scientifically valid surveys.
<b>And everyone predicted and were prompting Mackey to waive the simple A-B-C prelim. Without that standard prelim we'd have to go close to year before the trial starts without discovering the other fellow's ***** and semen in her undies, not to mention the night auditor, who saw her first (not the bellboy) and stated she looked just fine.
I've also learned that Mackey can appeal the judge's decision on whether to send this case to trial. Experts say it's unusual that the defense would appeal, but then the EXPERTS also said that Mackey would waive the prelim.
Start passing the hat again in CO. Hurlbert.