Herfin BIg Time
This would be really interesting to see what a week would do to this poll.
This would be really interesting to see what a week would do to this poll.
I would stick with Skelton...nothing against Kolb, but you stick with the hot hand.
I would stick with Skelton...nothing against Kolb, but you stick with the hot hand.
Skelton is a winner. He is only going to get better. This team responds better to him. Let him play.
Skelton can perform much better under pressure than Kolb.
See the Eagles game, and the Rams game. He has come back twice, and lead this team to victory.
He also makes some throws that show he is confident in his ability, and is fearless in his decisions.
It hurts me to say that I believe that they should stick with Kolb, IF he is healthy. Skelton came up with a solid win today, but as previously mentioned, by the narrowest of margins did he avoid disaster. The ball bounced Skelton's way today.
It hurts you because you know it is wrong. As many mistakes as Skelton has made, Kolb has made more...many more. Skelton should only get better as a young, relatively inexperienced signal caller. Kolb has had how many years in the NFL? It would absolutely sicken me if we take out the young QB that has won two games in a row, and who is seemingly starting to progress, and put in that hack Kolb again. Sicken me.
The problem with saying that Kolb hasn't had time in our system is that it isn't that he's making big mistakes with the system; he's making big mistakes that are unacceptable for any QB in any system. If he was hanging in the pocket when he should be and simply struggling with the offense, I'd probably have a different opinion. His idiotic and scared sissy run-around Keystone Cops routine is Pop Warner QB play, and has absolutely ZERO to do with the system. I know people have tried to excuse it by saying that is the system in Philly, but I don't buy that for a second. If a QB can't learn to not run 15 yards backwards and try to throw off his back foot, the system will never matter.
So, I guess I'm kind of fed up with Kolb's skittishness and stubborn insistence on scrambling when it is clearly the most stupid option available him.