I'll have to watch it again but Bridges man didn't hit him unless Bridges was blocking Ellis who plays inside.
It's Snyder's man Ellis that hits him. 94 Cameron Jordan is the guy you are talking about I guess if anything the looped or stunted because Jordan came inside on Bridges and Ellis wound up outside. But there is no pocket to step up into because of Jordan, and when he tries to get outside Snyders man is right there.
I couldn't really see Sherman there to know if he's wide open or not but what I saw is Jordan go right by Bridges and Ellis go right by Snyder. Hyphen from what I can see starts to come up on jordan but then turns to his left to pick up someone else maybe that's who you're saying he chipped but it doesn't seem to me he chips Jordan.
hard to say the clip stops and starts on my computer.
Sorry you are correct, Kolb is so far out of his pocket that the interior rusher is able to disengage and pursue.
You cannot see how open Sherman is from that view. No one is near him when he comes out of the pocket and starts running right.
The guy is afraid to take a hit. I defended him last week as playing great in practice. But when the heat is on he panics.