Lifetime Kentucky Cardinal Fan (first post)

Denny Green Fan

Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
Hello fello Cardinal fans. Let me start off by telling u all about my history as a fan. I live in Western Kentucky and followed the club when they were in St. Louis growing up as a kid. My heart followed them to the desert in 1988. Me and my family simply share a passion for this outfit and have literally shed tears over some tough seasons in the past. My memory takes me as far back to names such as Lomax Stump Mitchel Roy Green Luis Sharpe Tim Mcdonald and Via Sikahema. In 1998 I enjoyed the greatest Cardinal moment of my young life. The playoff victory against Dallas. I thought at the time we had one of our best drafts ever earlier that year.With Wadsworth Chavous and the powerful Anthony Clement. HEEHEE. Which brings me to Dennis Green. A drafting wizard in my book. This confident man is the symbol of hope for this long suffering franchise. Green along with Michael Bidwill and Graves form a solid mastermind for the mission of building a team full of young playmakers. The new stadium and tv deals should keep us on an even playing field. I am concerned about the tight end position. Oh well maybe With the 20th pick in the 2006 NFL draft the Arizona Cardinals select Leonard Pope tight end Georgia


Supporting Member
Dec 29, 2003
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Welcome to ASFN!

I'll have a carne asada and a diet coke.

btw...How long have you been a fan of denny green?


Too much good stuff
Jul 2, 2003
Reaction score
Is everything
Good to see another fan from the bluegrass state on here. I too am a Cardinal fan from Kentucky (Louisville) who followed the St Louis Cards when I was a kid. I moved out west the year after the Cardinals did.

I'll have 4 White Castle sliders and a Mint Julip.


Supporting Member
Dec 29, 2003
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Denny Green Fan said:
As soon as he accepted the job. I know he isnt Jimmy Johnon but he is decent. for me. :thumbup:

I was bracing for a history course on D.G.s time with the vikings.

Denny Green Fan

Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
Rivercard u r the first Arizona Cardinal fan from Kentucky I have ever heard of. Most people around Paducah like the Scrams or the Tennesee citations(IN HONOR OF PAC MAN HEEHEE). My cousin went to law school in Louisville years ago.

Dback Jon

Doing it My Way
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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South Scottsdale
Welcome from Nashville (transplanted from Arizona)!

I've a lot of time in Western Kentucky - friends that went to Murray State - that are from Fulton County. And, drive thru Paducah often, on the way to folks house in Central Illinois.

Denny Green Fan

Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
I wish I could see an Arizona game live. Too bad I live a million miles away. Maybe AT THE TWA dome perhaps. Just wondering have any of u guys ever met Denny Green in person?

Dback Jon

Doing it My Way
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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South Scottsdale
Denny Green Fan said:
D BACK JOHN My brother coaches the Fulton County High school basketball team.

Wow - small world strikes again - roommate graduated from there in 1997.


Registered User
Aug 10, 2004
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I'm from KY.Born in Lexington and moved to Louisville.Father from Irvine and Mother from Big Sandy Gap.Back in the Rupp and Riddle days.


Supporting Member
Feb 2, 2003
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Phoenix, AZ.
Welcome Denny Green Fan. I have a daughter and a couple of grandkids who live in Crofton, KY. (about 12 miles outside of Hopkinsville).


Stack 'em up!
Aug 9, 2002
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Welcom Aboard!

I'll have some deep-fried Seahawk and fire-roasted Ram.

Actually, there are quite a few Cardinal fans in your area...


State Bird of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia and West Virginia
By John James Audubon,
F. R. SS. L. & E.
[Northern Cardinal.]

[Cardinalis cardinalis.]


In richness of plumage, elegance of motion, and strength of song, this species surpasses all its kindred in the United States. It is known by the names of Red-bird, Virginia Nightingale, Cardinal-bird, and that at the head of the present article. It is very abundant in all our Southern States, as well as in the peninsula of the Floridas. In the western country a great number are found as far up on the Ohio as the city of Cincinnati, and they extend to considerable distances into Indiana, Illinois and Missouri. They are found in the maritime districts of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, where they breed, and where a few remain the whole year; some are also seen in the State of New York, and now and then a straggler proceeds into Massachusetts; but farther eastward this species has never been observed.

This fine songster relishes the interior of the forest, and the heart of the deepest cane-brakes or retired swamps, as well as the neighbourhood of cities. It is constantly found in our fields, orchards and gardens; nay, it often enters the very streets of our southern towns and villages to breed; and it is rare that one goes into a planter's yard without observing the Red-bird skipping about the trees or on the turf beneath them. Go where it may, it is always welcome, and every where a favourite, so rich is its song, and so brilliant its plumage.

The Cardinal-bird breeds in the Floridas. In the beginning of March I found them already paired in that country, and on the 8th of February near General HERNANDEZ's. In the neighbourhood of Charleston, as well as in Louisiana, they are nearly a month later, and much the same lapse of time takes place again before they form a nest in the State of New Jersey or in that of Kentucky.

The nest is placed, apparently without much consideration, in some low briar, bush, or tree, often near the fence, the middle of a field, or the interior of a thicket, not far from a cooling stream, to which they are fond of resorting, for the purpose of drinking and bathing. Sometimes you find it placed close to the planter's house or in his garden, a few yards from that of the Mocking-bird or the Thrasher. It is composed of dry leaves and twigs, together with a large proportion of dry grass and slips of grape-vines, and is finished within with bent-grass, wrought in a circular form. The eggs are from four to six, of a dull white colour, marked all over with touches of olive-brown.

In the Southern Districts they now and then raise three broods in the season, but in the Middle States seldom more than one. The young on leaving the nest, frequently follow their parents on the ground for several days, after which they disperse and seek for food apart. During the pairing season, the males are so pugnacious, that although they breed near birds of other species, they never allow one of their own to nestle in their vicinity. One male may be seen following another from bush to bush, emitting a shrill note of anger, and diving towards the fugitive antagonist whenever an opportunity offers, until the latter has escaped quite beyond his jurisdiction, when the conqueror, elated, returns to his grounds, ascends his favourite tree, and pours out his song in full exultation.

Those which migrate to the eastward begin to move about the commencement of March, usually in the company of the Towhe Bunting and other Sparrows, hopping and passing from bush to bash during the whole day, announcing to the traveller and husbandman the approach of a more genial season, and resting at night in the secluded swamps. The males precede the females about ten days.

Towards autumn they frequently ascend to the tops of tall trees in search of grapes and berries, being as fond of succulent or pulpy fruits as they are of the seeds of corn and grasses. On the least appearance of dancer they at once glide into the interior of the nearest thickets. During the summer heats they frequently resort to sandy roads to dust themselves, carelessly suffering people to approach them until within a few yards, when they only remove to the nearest bushes, until the intruders pass.

They are easily raised when taken from the nest, and breed when kept in aviaries. My friend Dr. SAMUEL WILSON of Charleston, has had them breeding with him, having placed straw-baskets for the purpose, in which the female deposited her eggs, without improving the nest any more than by placing in it a few grass-blades, perhaps pilfered from some of her neighbours. The purity of its colouring is soon lost when it is kept in confinement, where it is gentle, easily fed on corn or hemp-seed, and it sings when placed in a cage for several months in the year.

During winter the Cardinal Grosbeak frequently shews itself in the farm-yard, among Turtle-Doves, Jays, Mocking-birds, and various species of Sparrows, picking up its food from the store daily supplied to the poultry. It now and then seeks refuge at night in the lee of some haystack, or throws itself with many other birds among the thickest branches of the nearest evergreen tree.

The flight of the species is strong and rapid, although seldom continued to any great distance. It is performed by glidings and jerks of the tail. When the bird is alighted it also frequently juts its tail with grace. Like all birds of the genus it hops, but does not walk.

Its song is at first loud and clear, resembling the finest sounds produced by the flageolet, and gradually descends into more marked and continued cadences, until it dies away in the air around. During the love-season the song is emitted with increased emphasis by this proud musician, who, as if aware of his powers, swells his throat, spreads his rosy tail, droops his wings, and leans alternately to the right and left, as if on the eve of expiring with delight at the delicious sounds of his own voice. Again and again are those melodies repeated, the bird resting only at intervals to breathe. They may be heard from long before the sun gilds the eastern horizon, to the period when the blazing orb pours down its noonday floods of heat and light, driving the birds to the coverts, to seek repose for awhile. Nature again invigorated, the musician recommences his song, when, as if he had never strained his throat before, he makes the whole neighbourhood resound, nor ceases until the shades of evening close around him. Day after day the song of the Red-bird beguiles the weariness of his mate as she assiduously warms her eggs; and at times she also assists with the modesty of her gentler sex. Few individuals of our own race refuse their homage of admiration to the sweet songster. How pleasing is it, when, by a clouded sky, the woods are rendered so dark, that were it not for an occasional glimpse of clearer light falling between the trees, you might imagine night at hand, while you are yet fir distant from your home--how pleasing to have your ear suddenly saluted by the well known notes of this favourite bird, assuring you of peace around, and of the full hour that still remains for you to pursue your walk in security! How often have I enjoyed this pleasure, and how often, in due humbleness of hope, do I trust that I may enjoy it again!

This species is very abundant in Texas, where, as in our Southern States, it is a constant resident. Mr. TOWNSEND has observed it on the waters of the Upper Missouri. According to Dr. T. M. BREWER, it is but a chance visitor in Massachusetts during summer, indeed so rare, that he never knew certainly but of one pair which bred in the Botanical Garden, Cambridge, about six years ago, and departed in the fill, with their young. The eggs measure one inch and half an eighth in length, five-eigths and a third in breadth, and are thus elongated, although the smaller end is well rounded.

Male, 8 1/2, 11 1/2.

Breeds abundantly from Texas to New York. Very rare in Massachusetts. Valleys of the Mississippi and Missouri, Kentucky and Ohio. Resident from Maryland southward.

CARDINAL GROSBEAK, Loxia cardinalis, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. ii. p. 38.
FRINGILLA CARDINALIS, Bonap. Syn., p. 113.
CARDINAL GROSBEAK or RED-BIRD, Fringilla cardinalis, Nutt. Man., vol. i.p. 519.

CARDINAL GROSBEAK, Fringilla cardinalis, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. ii. p. 336;vol. v. p. 514.

Adult Male.

Bill short, very robust, conical, acute, deeper than broad at the base; upper mandible with its dorsal outline a little convex, the sides rounded, the edges sharp and inflected, the tip slightly declinate; lower mandible broader than the upper, with its dorsal line straight, the back broad, the sides rounded, the edges inflected; the gap-line deflected at the base. Nostrils basal, roundish, concealed by the feathers. Head large, neck short, body robust. Legs of moderate length, rather strong; tarsus compressed, anteriorly covered with a few scutella, posteriorly sharp; toes scutellate above, free, the lateral ones nearly equal; claws slender, arched, compressed, acute, that of the hind toe considerably larger.

Plumage soft and blended, slightly glossed. Wings of moderate length, broad, much rounded, the fourth quill longest; primaries rather broad, rounded, from the second to the sixth slightly cut out on the outer web, secondaries rather narrow and rounded. Tail long, straight, rounded. Feathers of the crown long, pointed, and erectile.

Bill of a tint approaching to coral-red. Iris dark hazel. Feet pale umber. The whole upper parts of a deep dusky-red, excepting the head, which is vermilion. The anterior part of the forehead, the lores, and the upper anterior part of the neck, black. The under parts are vermilion, which is brightest anteriorly. Inner webs of the quills light brown, their shafts and those of the tail-feathers blackish-brown.

Length 8 1/4 inches, extent of wings 11 1/2; bill along the back 7/12, along the edge 3/4; tarsus (1 1/2)/12.

Adult Female.

The female has a crest as well as the male, which it resembles in the texture of its plumage, but the tail is proportionally shorter. The general colour of the upper parts is dull greyish-brown, slightly tinged with olive; the longer crest-feathers are streaked with dull red, the wings, coverts, and outer edges of the quills, are of the same tint; the edge of the wings and the lower coverts are pale vermilion, and the inner edges of the quills are of the same tint, but paler. The parts surrounding the base of the bill, which are black in the male, are blackish-grey, and the lower parts in general are pale greyish-brown.

Length 7 1/2 inches.

In a male preserved in spirits, the palate ascends very abruptly, and has two very elevated soft ridges, at the junction of which anteriorly is a prominent soft space, on the lower mandible beneath are three longitudinal ridges with four grooves, of which the two lateral are much wider. The tongue is 4 1/2 twelfths long, emarginate and papillate at the base, convex and fleshy above, as high as broad, horny beneath, tapering to a point. The width of the mouth is 6 twelfths. The lower mandible is broader than the upper, exceedingly strong, and very deeply concave. The oesophagus is 2 inches 5 twelfths in length, 3 twelfths in width. The stomach pretty large, roundish, 7 1/2 twelfths long, 7 twelfths broad; its lateral muscles strong, the tendons large, the epithelium very dense, longitudinally rugous, brownish-red. The stomach is filled with seeds, which have all been husked. Intestine 10 1/4 inches long, its width from 3 twelfths to 2 twelfths. Coeca 3 twelfths long, 1/2 twelfth broad, 1 inch distant from the extremity. Cloaca ovate, 4 twelfths in width.

Trachea 1 inch 10 twelfths long, from 1 1/4 twelfths to 1/2 twelfth in breadth; its rings 52; the muscles as in the other species. Bronchial half rings about 12. THE WILD ALMOND.

PRUNUS CAROLINIANA, Willd., Sp. Pl., vol. ii. p. 987. Pursch, Fl. Amer. Sept., vol. i. p. 330.--ICOSANDRIA MONOGYNIA, Linn.--ROSACEAE, JUSS.

Flowers in racemes; leaves evergreen, oblong-lanceolate, mucronate, serrate, without glands at the base. The wild almond is altogether a southern tree. Its height now and then is as much as twenty-five feet, the stem in that case being a foot or more in diameter. The usual rounded form of its top, and the persistence of its foliage, together with its white flowers, and dark coloured fruits, render it a very agreeable object. Many are planted around the plantation grounds or the gardens of our southern cities, on account of their beautiful appearance. The fruits are greedily devoured by many species of birds, but are unpalatable to man. I have not observed it to the east of Virginia, nor farther west than the town of Memphis on the Mississippi. The wood is seldom applied to any useful purpose.

Portions copyright © Richard R. Buonanno, 1995
Portions copyright © Creative Multimedia Corp., 1990-91, 1992


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May 4, 2005
Reaction score
Chico, CA
Denny Green Fan said:
I wish I could see an Arizona game live. Too bad I live a million miles away. Maybe AT THE TWA dome perhaps. Just wondering have any of u guys ever met Denny Green in person?

man, find a decent sports bar! there's a number of places in my town (chico, ca) that show most or all of the games every sunday. there must be one in your area.

Big red 2

May 13, 2002
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St Louis
Welcome to the best board in america You will get the besr infomation fro scorp an

Denny Green Fan said:
Hello fello Cardinal fans. Let me start off by telling u all about my history as a fan. I live in Western Kentucky and followed the club when they were in St. Louis growing up as a kid. My heart followed them to the desert in 1988. Me and my family simply share a passion for this outfit and have literally shed tears over some tough seasons in the past. My memory takes me as far back to names such as Lomax Stump Mitchel Roy Green Luis Sharpe Tim Mcdonald and Via Sikahema. In 1998 I enjoyed the greatest Cardinal moment of my young life. The playoff victory against Dallas. I thought at the time we had one of our best drafts ever earlier that year.With Wadsworth Chavous and the powerful Anthony Clement. HEEHEE. Which brings me to Dennis Green. A drafting wizard in my book. This confident man is the symbol of hope for this long suffering franchise. Green along with Michael Bidwill and Graves form a solid mastermind for the mission of building a team full of young playmakers. The new stadium and tv deals should keep us on an even playing field. I am concerned about the tight end position. Oh well maybe With the 20th pick in the 2006 NFL draft the Arizona Cardinals select Leonard Pope tight end Georgia
welcome . this is the real cardinal group.


Jul 12, 2002
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Montgomery, TX -- Birthplace of the Texas Flag!
Denny Green Fan said:
Rivercard u r the first Arizona Cardinal fan from Kentucky I have ever heard of. Most people around Paducah like the Scrams or the Tennesee citations(IN HONOR OF PAC MAN HEEHEE). My cousin went to law school in Louisville years ago.

What's wrong with Paducah? My fam is from SEMO (bootheel...Stoddard County) and Paducah has the only broadcast TV station south of Cape. My Great Grandaddy cleared some swampland in that part of the US so you and I could drive to the wonderful Mecca of Paducah from nearly every part of the "heartland" imaginable. Lay off the Pud!


Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
Montgomery, TX -- Birthplace of the Texas Flag!
Welcom Aboard!
I'll have some deep-fried Seahawk and fire-roasted Ram.

Actually, there are quite a few Cardinal fans in your area...


State Bird of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia and West Virginia
By John James Audubon,
F. R. SS. L. & E.
[Northern Cardinal.]

[Cardinalis cardinalis.]


In richness of plumage, elegance of motion, and strength of song, this species surpasses all its kindred in the United States. It is known by the names of Red-bird, Virginia Nightingale, Cardinal-bird, and that at the head of the present article. It is very abundant in all our Southern States, as well as in the peninsula of the Floridas. In the western country a great number are found as far up on the Ohio as the city of Cincinnati, and they extend to considerable distances into Indiana, Illinois and Missouri. They are found in the maritime districts of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, where they breed, and where a few remain the whole year; some are also seen in the State of New York, and now and then a straggler proceeds into Massachusetts; but farther eastward this species has never been observed.

This fine songster relishes the interior of the forest, and the heart of the deepest cane-brakes or retired swamps, as well as the neighbourhood of cities. It is constantly found in our fields, orchards and gardens; nay, it often enters the very streets of our southern towns and villages to breed; and it is rare that one goes into a planter's yard without observing the Red-bird skipping about the trees or on the turf beneath them. Go where it may, it is always welcome, and every where a favourite, so rich is its song, and so brilliant its plumage.

The Cardinal-bird breeds in the Floridas. In the beginning of March I found them already paired in that country, and on the 8th of February near General HERNANDEZ's. In the neighbourhood of Charleston, as well as in Louisiana, they are nearly a month later, and much the same lapse of time takes place again before they form a nest in the State of New Jersey or in that of Kentucky.

The nest is placed, apparently without much consideration, in some low briar, bush, or tree, often near the fence, the middle of a field, or the interior of a thicket, not far from a cooling stream, to which they are fond of resorting, for the purpose of drinking and bathing. Sometimes you find it placed close to the planter's house or in his garden, a few yards from that of the Mocking-bird or the Thrasher. It is composed of dry leaves and twigs, together with a large proportion of dry grass and slips of grape-vines, and is finished within with bent-grass, wrought in a circular form. The eggs are from four to six, of a dull white colour, marked all over with touches of olive-brown.

In the Southern Districts they now and then raise three broods in the season, but in the Middle States seldom more than one. The young on leaving the nest, frequently follow their parents on the ground for several days, after which they disperse and seek for food apart. During the pairing season, the males are so pugnacious, that although they breed near birds of other species, they never allow one of their own to nestle in their vicinity. One male may be seen following another from bush to bush, emitting a shrill note of anger, and diving towards the fugitive antagonist whenever an opportunity offers, until the latter has escaped quite beyond his jurisdiction, when the conqueror, elated, returns to his grounds, ascends his favourite tree, and pours out his song in full exultation.

Those which migrate to the eastward begin to move about the commencement of March, usually in the company of the Towhe Bunting and other Sparrows, hopping and passing from bush to bash during the whole day, announcing to the traveller and husbandman the approach of a more genial season, and resting at night in the secluded swamps. The males precede the females about ten days.

Towards autumn they frequently ascend to the tops of tall trees in search of grapes and berries, being as fond of succulent or pulpy fruits as they are of the seeds of corn and grasses. On the least appearance of dancer they at once glide into the interior of the nearest thickets. During the summer heats they frequently resort to sandy roads to dust themselves, carelessly suffering people to approach them until within a few yards, when they only remove to the nearest bushes, until the intruders pass.

They are easily raised when taken from the nest, and breed when kept in aviaries. My friend Dr. SAMUEL WILSON of Charleston, has had them breeding with him, having placed straw-baskets for the purpose, in which the female deposited her eggs, without improving the nest any more than by placing in it a few grass-blades, perhaps pilfered from some of her neighbours. The purity of its colouring is soon lost when it is kept in confinement, where it is gentle, easily fed on corn or hemp-seed, and it sings when placed in a cage for several months in the year.

During winter the Cardinal Grosbeak frequently shews itself in the farm-yard, among Turtle-Doves, Jays, Mocking-birds, and various species of Sparrows, picking up its food from the store daily supplied to the poultry. It now and then seeks refuge at night in the lee of some haystack, or throws itself with many other birds among the thickest branches of the nearest evergreen tree.

The flight of the species is strong and rapid, although seldom continued to any great distance. It is performed by glidings and jerks of the tail. When the bird is alighted it also frequently juts its tail with grace. Like all birds of the genus it hops, but does not walk.

Its song is at first loud and clear, resembling the finest sounds produced by the flageolet, and gradually descends into more marked and continued cadences, until it dies away in the air around. During the love-season the song is emitted with increased emphasis by this proud musician, who, as if aware of his powers, swells his throat, spreads his rosy tail, droops his wings, and leans alternately to the right and left, as if on the eve of expiring with delight at the delicious sounds of his own voice. Again and again are those melodies repeated, the bird resting only at intervals to breathe. They may be heard from long before the sun gilds the eastern horizon, to the period when the blazing orb pours down its noonday floods of heat and light, driving the birds to the coverts, to seek repose for awhile. Nature again invigorated, the musician recommences his song, when, as if he had never strained his throat before, he makes the whole neighbourhood resound, nor ceases until the shades of evening close around him. Day after day the song of the Red-bird beguiles the weariness of his mate as she assiduously warms her eggs; and at times she also assists with the modesty of her gentler sex. Few individuals of our own race refuse their homage of admiration to the sweet songster. How pleasing is it, when, by a clouded sky, the woods are rendered so dark, that were it not for an occasional glimpse of clearer light falling between the trees, you might imagine night at hand, while you are yet fir distant from your home--how pleasing to have your ear suddenly saluted by the well known notes of this favourite bird, assuring you of peace around, and of the full hour that still remains for you to pursue your walk in security! How often have I enjoyed this pleasure, and how often, in due humbleness of hope, do I trust that I may enjoy it again!

This species is very abundant in Texas, where, as in our Southern States, it is a constant resident. Mr. TOWNSEND has observed it on the waters of the Upper Missouri. According to Dr. T. M. BREWER, it is but a chance visitor in Massachusetts during summer, indeed so rare, that he never knew certainly but of one pair which bred in the Botanical Garden, Cambridge, about six years ago, and departed in the fill, with their young. The eggs measure one inch and half an eighth in length, five-eigths and a third in breadth, and are thus elongated, although the smaller end is well rounded.

Male, 8 1/2, 11 1/2.

Breeds abundantly from Texas to New York. Very rare in Massachusetts. Valleys of the Mississippi and Missouri, Kentucky and Ohio. Resident from Maryland southward.

CARDINAL GROSBEAK, Loxia cardinalis, Wils. Amer. Orn., vol. ii. p. 38.
FRINGILLA CARDINALIS, Bonap. Syn., p. 113.
CARDINAL GROSBEAK or RED-BIRD, Fringilla cardinalis, Nutt. Man., vol. i.p. 519.

CARDINAL GROSBEAK, Fringilla cardinalis, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. ii. p. 336;vol. v. p. 514.

Adult Male.

Bill short, very robust, conical, acute, deeper than broad at the base; upper mandible with its dorsal outline a little convex, the sides rounded, the edges sharp and inflected, the tip slightly declinate; lower mandible broader than the upper, with its dorsal line straight, the back broad, the sides rounded, the edges inflected; the gap-line deflected at the base. Nostrils basal, roundish, concealed by the feathers. Head large, neck short, body robust. Legs of moderate length, rather strong; tarsus compressed, anteriorly covered with a few scutella, posteriorly sharp; toes scutellate above, free, the lateral ones nearly equal; claws slender, arched, compressed, acute, that of the hind toe considerably larger.

Plumage soft and blended, slightly glossed. Wings of moderate length, broad, much rounded, the fourth quill longest; primaries rather broad, rounded, from the second to the sixth slightly cut out on the outer web, secondaries rather narrow and rounded. Tail long, straight, rounded. Feathers of the crown long, pointed, and erectile.

Bill of a tint approaching to coral-red. Iris dark hazel. Feet pale umber. The whole upper parts of a deep dusky-red, excepting the head, which is vermilion. The anterior part of the forehead, the lores, and the upper anterior part of the neck, black. The under parts are vermilion, which is brightest anteriorly. Inner webs of the quills light brown, their shafts and those of the tail-feathers blackish-brown.

Length 8 1/4 inches, extent of wings 11 1/2; bill along the back 7/12, along the edge 3/4; tarsus (1 1/2)/12.

Adult Female.

The female has a crest as well as the male, which it resembles in the texture of its plumage, but the tail is proportionally shorter. The general colour of the upper parts is dull greyish-brown, slightly tinged with olive; the longer crest-feathers are streaked with dull red, the wings, coverts, and outer edges of the quills, are of the same tint; the edge of the wings and the lower coverts are pale vermilion, and the inner edges of the quills are of the same tint, but paler. The parts surrounding the base of the bill, which are black in the male, are blackish-grey, and the lower parts in general are pale greyish-brown.

Length 7 1/2 inches.

In a male preserved in spirits, the palate ascends very abruptly, and has two very elevated soft ridges, at the junction of which anteriorly is a prominent soft space, on the lower mandible beneath are three longitudinal ridges with four grooves, of which the two lateral are much wider. The tongue is 4 1/2 twelfths long, emarginate and papillate at the base, convex and fleshy above, as high as broad, horny beneath, tapering to a point. The width of the mouth is 6 twelfths. The lower mandible is broader than the upper, exceedingly strong, and very deeply concave. The oesophagus is 2 inches 5 twelfths in length, 3 twelfths in width. The stomach pretty large, roundish, 7 1/2 twelfths long, 7 twelfths broad; its lateral muscles strong, the tendons large, the epithelium very dense, longitudinally rugous, brownish-red. The stomach is filled with seeds, which have all been husked. Intestine 10 1/4 inches long, its width from 3 twelfths to 2 twelfths. Coeca 3 twelfths long, 1/2 twelfth broad, 1 inch distant from the extremity. Cloaca ovate, 4 twelfths in width.

Trachea 1 inch 10 twelfths long, from 1 1/4 twelfths to 1/2 twelfth in breadth; its rings 52; the muscles as in the other species. Bronchial half rings about 12. THE WILD ALMOND.

PRUNUS CAROLINIANA, Willd., Sp. Pl., vol. ii. p. 987. Pursch, Fl. Amer. Sept., vol. i. p. 330.--ICOSANDRIA MONOGYNIA, Linn.--ROSACEAE, JUSS.

Flowers in racemes; leaves evergreen, oblong-lanceolate, mucronate, serrate, without glands at the base. The wild almond is altogether a southern tree. Its height now and then is as much as twenty-five feet, the stem in that case being a foot or more in diameter. The usual rounded form of its top, and the persistence of its foliage, together with its white flowers, and dark coloured fruits, render it a very agreeable object. Many are planted around the plantation grounds or the gardens of our southern cities, on account of their beautiful appearance. The fruits are greedily devoured by many species of birds, but are unpalatable to man. I have not observed it to the east of Virginia, nor farther west than the town of Memphis on the Mississippi. The wood is seldom applied to any useful purpose.

Portions copyright © Richard R. Buonanno, 1995
Portions copyright © Creative Multimedia Corp., 1990-91, 1992

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That was obnoxious.


Supporting Member
Feb 2, 2003
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Phoenix, AZ.
BradMannTX said:
What's wrong with Paducah? My fam is from SEMO (bootheel...Stoddard County) and Paducah has the only broadcast TV station south of Cape. My Great Grandaddy cleared some swampland in that part of the US so you and I could drive to the wonderful Mecca of Paducah from nearly every part of the "heartland" imaginable. Lay off the Pud!

The only job I've ever had outside of the construction industry was selling Kirby vacumn cleaners in Paducah for about a 6 month period. Imagine trying to sell a vacumn cleaner that cost $300.00 in Ky. in 1961. Needless to say, I was not very successful.


Registered User
Jun 18, 2003
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welcome, just call me in a quiznos sub, and a caramel frapacino from starbux


thanks for flying
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Marion, IL
hey, i've recently moved to marion, illinois - just about 40 minutes from paducah. i'll be at st. louis when the cards KILL the rams in november! join me!


Supporting Member
Feb 2, 2003
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ.
denverbirdfan said:
hey, i've recently moved to marion, illinois - just about 40 minutes from paducah. i'll be at st. louis when the cards KILL the rams in november! join me!

Marion is a nice city. You are going to like the people there. Back in the 60's their main claim to fame was the Federal Penetentiary there. No one had ever broken out of it.

BTW, good hunting and fishing in the area. If you like to hunt geese/ducks you have just landed in heaven.