Local media continues to give us no respect


Hope springs eternal
Nov 24, 2004
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First of all, I've been surprised by how little talk the Cardinals have gotten over the last month. I usually listen to sports talk radio on my drive/to from work. A lot of days, I can make the 40 minute commute, flipping between three sports stations and not hear a word about the Cards. I mean, I was interested in Terrell Owens shanigans, the Joe Johnson debacle and Mark Grace's faux paus too. But by goodness, its football season. In most media, football dominates the discussion. Turn on PTI any day from June to Feburary. If any football story is in the headlines at all, its usually the lead story. But in Phoenix, you can get a few minutes of Cardinals talk if you're lucky.

And when they do talk about the Cardinals, its extremely pessimisitc. Its clear that the Cardinals have improved, but no one on the radio is willing to step up and give them respect.

The talk this morning on 1060 was about par for the course. The talk was about how the Cardinals offensive starters would play longer than usual for the last preseason game. Our offense looked "horrible" so far, I believe was the word they used. "Couldn't even score on the Chiefs defense" they said. A caller said we'd finish about 7-9 and both jocks agreed. "We're still a year away" said the talking heads.

Everyone predicts about 7 or 8 wins, so that no matter was happens, they can say "I told you so" when the season starts. If we open 4-0, it'll be "I told you the Cardinals were improved". If we start 0-4, it'll be "Yep, same old Cardinals, just like I said". But the bottom line is that I don't get the feeling that anyone on sports talk radio believes in this team at all.

If we manage to put together a playoff season, let's not forget what regard our local media regarded the team coming into the season.


Comin for you!
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
I dont really see the problem with what they said. This offense has quite frankly stunk this pre-season. Especially the last two games.

I dont see anything remotely wrong with a sports guy predicting 7-9 anymore than theres something wrong with predicting 9-7.

Are they supposed to just be homers and jump on the bandwagon because their "local"

Oh and just because they say we will win 7 doesnt mean they dont believe this team has improved.
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Registered User
May 13, 2002
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Your Mamas
Shane H said:
I dont really see the problem with what they said. This offense has quite frankly stunk this pre-season. Especially the last two games.

I dont see anything remotely wrong with a sports guy predicting 7-9 anymore than theres something wrong with predicting 9-7.

Are they supposed to just be homers and jump on the bandwagon because their "local"

Oh and just because they say we will win 7 doesnt mean they dont believe this team has improved.

Considering you live in Vegas, I don't think you are exactly the expert on Phoenix Sports Talk Radio and the view of the reporters


Comin for you!
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
DevonCardsFan said:
Considering you live in Vegas, I don't think you are exactly the expert on Phoenix Sports Talk Radio and the view of the reporters

What does living in vegas have anything to with having an opinion on why a sports guy in Phoenix isnt predicting a winning season? I would like to hear this Devon.

People act as though because a "local media" guy isnt predicting 11 wins for this team that they get no respect.


Hope springs eternal
Nov 24, 2004
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Shane H said:
I dont really see the problem with what they said. This offense has quite frankly stunk this pre-season. Especially the last two games.

I dont see anything remotely wrong with a sports guy predicting 7-9 anymore than theres something wrong with predicting 9-7.

Are they supposed to just be homers and jump on the bandwagon because their "local"

Oh and just because they say we will win 7 doesnt mean they dont believe this team has improved.

Some folks will look at the facts and draw conclusions. Other people come up with their conclusions and look for facts to justify them. The local media here quickly goes into "same old Cards" mode when football season starts.

What I'm saying is that these hacks are prepping for same old cards mode without a lot of insight or analysis. I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with a 7-9 prediction. What I'm saying is that most of these guys aren't capable of any kind of decent analysis at all (I'm looking at you Bickley). Rather, they look at whatever happens, and look for ways that they can say "I told you so". All of the 7-9 wins predictions are just ways to give themselves wiggle room to work backwards.

But there tone is extremely negative. They're ready to dance to the familar "same old Cards" song which they've been so accustomed to singing.

I'm just saying that if the Cards surprise and you hear these jokers say that they knew all along what a strong team we'd have, call them on their B.S.


ASFN Addict
Aug 17, 2004
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Phoenix, az
It's a two edged sword.. Sports radio sucks so bad these days around here. Just wait until the cards start winning.

The problem is that most of the hosts aren't even fans of the teams they cover.


Comin for you!
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
RobbleRobble said:
I'm just saying that if the Cards surprise and you hear these jokers say that they knew all along what a strong team we'd have, call them on their B.S.

Thats cool.

We as Card fans drink the kool-aid every year. We all seem to expect this team to come out and be in the playoffs year after year and season after season only to be knocked down time after time. I really cant blame anyone for being negative or skepticle.

WIth that being said take the over 7 in Vegas! :thumbup:


ASFN Addict
Aug 17, 2004
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Phoenix, az
Shane H said:
What does living in vegas have anything to with having an opinion on why a sports guy in Phoenix isnt predicting a winning season? I would like to hear this Devon.

People act as though because a "local media" guy isnt predicting 11 wins for this team that they get no respect.

It's a combination of lack of coverage, complete idiocy, and down right lack of knowledge. Most usually suck up to other teams outside of phoenix and leave us with some of the worsts sports talk radio personalities ever.
Nov 15, 2002
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SE Valley
Robble has it right Shane! It's not the fact that they'll predict a 7-9 season; that of itself is fine, no problem. It's the "snickers" and "chuckles" that you hear when they discuss some one else's more optimistic prediction. It's the tone of scorn you hear in their voices when discussing the Cardinals. It's the never failing to take the cheap shot at the Cards organization.

It would be nice to have ONE, just ONE local reporter that had the cojones to come out and say he is a Cardinals fan and to be optimistic in his comments rather than snide.

If the media was more supportive in this city, not only of the Cardinals but also the Suns, Diamondbacks, etc., I believe it would be a better sports city.


Registered User
May 13, 2002
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Your Mamas
Shane H said:
What does living in vegas have anything to with having an opinion on why a sports guy in Phoenix isnt predicting a winning season? I would like to hear this Devon.

People act as though because a "local media" guy isnt predicting 11 wins for this team that they get no respect.

True, but since I can't listen to the Radio guys, I cannot make make an accurate assesment if their giving the Cards a fair view or not.


Hope springs eternal
Nov 24, 2004
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clif said:
It's a combination of lack of coverage, complete idiocy, and down right lack of knowledge. Most usually suck up to other teams outside of phoenix and leave us with some of the worsts sports talk radio personalities ever.

You got that right. I'm a huge fan of Bob Kemp(though he has his detractors), but I find most everyone else unlistenable.

Its a virtual dead heat for worst among all the rest of the hosts. Although for my money Bickley finishes in last place. If my radio dial finds its way to Bickley's show in the morning I find myself correcting him and finishing his sentences as he trails off and can't remember who played who or who the guy was that did such and such last year.

Also, there's a guy who I can't remember his name, but has an East coast accent and is on in the evenings on Fridays I believe. He likes to shout every point he makes. More so than most of the other guys. I mean he shouts everything.

Then, while not local, I find "the Herd" on ESPN radio tough to listen to as well. This guy thinks, "Why make your point once, when you can make it five times in a row?" Plus, this guy will have a thought along the lines of "the White Sox aren't going to make the playoffs" and he'll put it out there like pure genius. In fact, he'll tease it up for five minutes going into break like, "There is a team out there in baseball. A team that I think, while once considered a lock to make the playoffs isn't going to get there. Not going to get there. NOT GOING TO GET IN! Heads are going to roll, when this team collapses and doesn't make the playoffs, again. I'll tell you who in 10 minutes. You're listening to the Herd on ESPN radio." I mean his teasers take longer than the actual analysis would. But I digress.....

I listen to the sports talk radio here everyday, but I just don't learn. I just keep coming back for more like Lucy pulling the football away from Charlie Brown.
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Comin for you!
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
CardLogic said:
Robble has it right Shane! It's not the fact that they'll predict a 7-9 season; that of itself is fine, no problem. It's the "snickers" and "chuckles" that you hear when they discuss some one else's more optimistic prediction. It's the tone of scorn you hear in their voices when discussing the Cardinals. It's the never failing to take the cheap shot at the Cards organization.

It would be nice to have ONE, just ONE local reporter that had the cojones to come out and say he is a Cardinals fan and to be optimistic in his comments rather than snide.

If the media was more supportive in this city, not only of the Cardinals but also the Suns, Diamondbacks, etc., I believe it would be a better sports city.

Oh I will definately defer since I have no ability to hear what they are saying or "how they are saying it"

But I will contend that Kent Somers is definately a Cards supporter and fan even with his sometimes negative tones.


Jan 10, 2005
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The offense has been a huge dissapointment so far. Arrington hasn't been as good as advertised and the passing game has not been nearly as explosive as advertised. The offensive line looks horrible as usual. So they aren't that far off saying we are a .500 team.

Until we can put together a team that can move the ball offensively and get up to speed with our defense we will be a mediocre team.

Other teams are just going to bring the blitz non-stop because our lineman can't pick them up, our RB isn't a good blocker and our RB won't make them pay by running the ball.

I'm just hoping the line will play better once Ross gets back into shape, and Step comes back. I'm also hoping Arrington will adjust just like Kevin Jones did.

Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
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JPlay said:
The offense has been a huge dissapointment so far. Arrington hasn't been as good as advertised and the passing game has not been nearly as explosive as advertised. The offensive line looks horrible as usual. So they aren't that far off saying we are a .500 team.

Until we can put together a team that can move the ball offensively and get up to speed with our defense we will be a mediocre team.

Other teams are just going to bring the blitz non-stop because our lineman can't pick them up, our RB isn't a good blocker and our RB won't make them pay by running the ball.

I'm just hoping the line will play better once Ross gets back into shape, and Step comes back. I'm also hoping Arrington will adjust just like Kevin Jones did.

UHHhhhhh.....did you mean to post in another thread or are you Gambo?

Can we wait until the first f----n regular season game before we start "over analyzing" the preseason offense. Yes Jplay, it doesnt take a genius to realize w/o a cohesive offensive line, our offense is not going to be able to produce due to Kurts need of like 5 seconds to get rid of the ball. But why dont you wait for the actual starting unit to get out there.

JJ arrington is a rookie, blitz pick up will come, just as it did for Edge and Cmart. It will take about 6-7 games to get all of the main components in sync offensivly. Saying that i dont think its out of line that we can go 4-2 in those games as our defense carries us.

We dont need to whine about the radio guys not giving the cardinals credit becuse they are not paid to be fans. But this message board is so full of sky is falling predictions (see above) and fans who have been down for so long on the ineptitude of this team, they dont know which way is up. Just relax. We actually have reason for genuine optimism this year and i defer to Denny on all of these things. News Flash: we are not winning the Super Bowl this year, even Denny acknowledges are run to the Super Bowl will begin next year. Quit being so overly negative and just wait till we get to NY. Then if we score 25+, it is likely your a$$ will be back in here saying "well i knew we had the talent, and the offensive line looked pretty good, and blah blah"...If in week 6 we are 1-5 and averaging 15 points a game, then you can start bitching....until then, wait for a game that counts...........


ASFN Lifer
Sep 12, 2002
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Jenks, Oklahoma
In Tucson, everyday the sport section is just a few pages, but almost all the content is about UA sport programs.

The AZ Pug is the worst home sports paper I have ever seen. I have to admit they love the D-Backs so it must just be against the Cards.


Jan 10, 2005
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Arizona's Finest said:
UHHhhhhh.....did you mean to post in another thread or are you Gambo?

Can we wait until the first f----n regular season game before we start "over analyzing" the preseason offense. Yes Jplay, it doesnt take a genius to realize w/o a cohesive offensive line, our offense is not going to be able to produce due to Kurts need of like 5 seconds to get rid of the ball. But why dont you wait for the actual starting unit to get out there.

JJ arrington is a rookie, blitz pick up will come, just as it did for Edge and Cmart. It will take about 6-7 games to get all of the main components in sync offensivly. Saying that i dont think its out of line that we can go 4-2 in those games as our defense carries us.

We dont need to whine about the radio guys not giving the cardinals credit becuse they are not paid to be fans. But this message board is so full of sky is falling predictions (see above) and fans who have been down for so long on the ineptitude of this team, they dont know which way is up. Just relax. We actually have reason for genuine optimism this year and i defer to Denny on all of these things. News Flash: we are not winning the Super Bowl this year, even Denny acknowledges are run to the Super Bowl will begin next year. Quit being so overly negative and just wait till we get to NY. Then if we score 25+, it is likely your a$$ will be back in here saying "well i knew we had the talent, and the offensive line looked pretty good, and blah blah"...If in week 6 we are 1-5 and averaging 15 points a game, then you can start bitching....until then, wait for a game that counts...........

Wow, can you say over-reaction.

Please note that criticizm based in fact does not mean you are bashing the team. It is simply observation based in reality. Nobody is saying the sky is falling, but it's obvious that the first team offense has struggled. That is definitely not a good sign for the upcoming year. But just like I said in my earlier post, hopefully Arrington will progress because he shown a lack of vision and tackle breaking ability so far. We'll see if the offensive line play improves.


Registered User
Oct 11, 2002
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Glendale, Arizona
RobbleRobble said:
First of all, I've been surprised by how little talk the Cardinals have gotten over the last month. I usually listen to sports talk radio on my drive/to from work. A lot of days, I can make the 40 minute commute, flipping between three sports stations and not hear a word about the Cards. I mean, I was interested in Terrell Owens shanigans, the Joe Johnson debacle and Mark Grace's faux paus too. But by goodness, its football season. In most media, football dominates the discussion. Turn on PTI any day from June to Feburary. If any football story is in the headlines at all, its usually the lead story. But in Phoenix, you can get a few minutes of Cardinals talk if you're lucky.

And when they do talk about the Cardinals, its extremely pessimisitc. Its clear that the Cardinals have improved, but no one on the radio is willing to step up and give them respect.

The talk this morning on 1060 was about par for the course. The talk was about how the Cardinals offensive starters would play longer than usual for the last preseason game. Our offense looked "horrible" so far, I believe was the word they used. "Couldn't even score on the Chiefs defense" they said. A caller said we'd finish about 7-9 and both jocks agreed. "We're still a year away" said the talking heads.

Everyone predicts about 7 or 8 wins, so that no matter was happens, they can say "I told you so" when the season starts. If we open 4-0, it'll be "I told you the Cardinals were improved". If we start 0-4, it'll be "Yep, same old Cardinals, just like I said". But the bottom line is that I don't get the feeling that anyone on sports talk radio believes in this team at all.

If we manage to put together a playoff season, let's not forget what regard our local media regarded the team coming into the season.

Why Not these guy's know what no respect is who in their right mind would ever give most of them any respet. Maybe Jude and Fewy; but that is as far as it goes.

Most of them suck..!!! Zenner is gone, who will be next, maybe Mark C. of 12 news.

Bobcat :shrug:


Mar 30, 2005
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I agree with all the comments stating that local sports talk hosts are terrible. That's why I don't listen much anymore and get everyone's opinion on this board. Here you get all the fans' opinions without having to hear about what Gambo and his wife did last weekend.

Evil Ash

Henchman Supreme
Jun 26, 2003
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On a flying cocoon
clif said:
It's a two edged sword.. Sports radio sucks so bad these days around here. Just wait until the cards start winning.

The problem is that most of the hosts aren't even fans of the teams they cover.

And they shouldn't be. The idea is to look at a team from an unbiased perspective.


I'm saying you ARE stuck in Wichita
Mar 20, 2003
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Arizona's Finest said:
UHHhhhhh.....did you mean to post in another thread or are you Gambo?

Can we wait until the first f----n regular season game before we start "over analyzing" the preseason offense. Yes Jplay, it doesnt take a genius to realize w/o a cohesive offensive line, our offense is not going to be able to produce due to Kurts need of like 5 seconds to get rid of the ball. But why dont you wait for the actual starting unit to get out there.

JJ arrington is a rookie, blitz pick up will come, just as it did for Edge and Cmart. It will take about 6-7 games to get all of the main components in sync offensivly. Saying that i dont think its out of line that we can go 4-2 in those games as our defense carries us.

We dont need to whine about the radio guys not giving the cardinals credit becuse they are not paid to be fans. But this message board is so full of sky is falling predictions (see above) and fans who have been down for so long on the ineptitude of this team, they dont know which way is up. Just relax. We actually have reason for genuine optimism this year and i defer to Denny on all of these things. News Flash: we are not winning the Super Bowl this year, even Denny acknowledges are run to the Super Bowl will begin next year. Quit being so overly negative and just wait till we get to NY. Then if we score 25+, it is likely your a$$ will be back in here saying "well i knew we had the talent, and the offensive line looked pretty good, and blah blah"...If in week 6 we are 1-5 and averaging 15 points a game, then you can start bitching....until then, wait for a game that counts...........

Yea let's not post anything until the end of the year. :rolleyes: It's a message board, dude, people post on everything and anything at all times.

As far as "The sky is falling", why is is it that when someone looks at the starting unit and says, there's a lot of work to do and they haven't looked good and critique them, that the sky is falling? Making a fair observation and not thru Card colored glasses one can say the O doesn't look great...not yet, not at all. Is there flashes? Yes. Is there hope? Absoluitley but do the starters look good so far? Not as good as I'd hoped and if you think they have, then you have some low expectations. I totally agree ya gotta wait till the 1st game to see but that's not the point of a msg. board, it's to follow your teams every move and over analize...otherwise we have to be stuck listening to our wives and girlfriends over analize the last Dr.Phil episode and what the nieghbors did to their lawn...you know how hard it is to drink a beer while your g/f is yappin about her friends new dress?