lol @ how dirty the Spurs play..


The King
Nov 18, 2006
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Mardy Collins, whose sole achievement to date was to be sent out and hard-foul people.
Jason Terry, who nut punches players, pull player's legs while they are airborne going for a layup, fake charges people.

lol @ mardy collins, that's pathetic.

Go ahead and search for Jason Terry dirty plays on youtube, let me know what you get. absolutely nothing related to basketball. Search for bruce bowen, let me know what you get. 25 video results is what i came up with. Show me some evidence of Terry being dirty, please.


Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
lol @ mardy collins, that's pathetic.

Go ahead and search for Jason Terry dirty plays on youtube, let me know what you get. absolutely nothing related to basketball. Search for bruce bowen, let me know what you get. 25 video results is what i came up with. Show me some evidence of Terry being dirty, please.

And I am glad that you agree Mardy Collins is pathetic. I mean, his ONLY point of existence in the NBA is to hard foul the other team for "running up the score". You can attribute this to Isiah Thomas though.

EDIT: I am surprised you don't know about the Terry punch. I mean, do you not know anything that is not immediately searchable under youtube? Or is it that you fail to think for yourself and is only capable of accepting what everybody else feeds you?
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Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
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And I am glad that you agree Mardy Collins is pathetic. I mean, his ONLY point of existence in the NBA is to hard foul the other team for "running up the score". You can attribute this to Isiah Thomas though.

EDIT: I am surprised you don't know about the Terry punch. I mean, do you not know anything that is not immediately searchable under youtube? Or is it that you fail to think for yourself and is only capable of accepting what everybody else feeds you?

Wow - This is quite funny. How is this thread still going?

Oh wait I remember - Amberchang continues to pick fights with everybody and people some how STILL continue to get sucked in.

It says you have 279 posts. I would say 270 of them are from this thread.

Can't we all just agree to disagree?


ASFN Addict
Oct 16, 2007
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In a van...down by the river.
Would i take a Bruce Bowen on my team?....Yes i would. Then i'd tell em to go out there and do what you do. Then i'd turn a blind eye to his dirty tactics as long as we were winning. Thats just me being honest with myself. Try it amchang......say it with me..........Bowen is a Dirty player. We're all adults here, we can say it.
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Darth Llama

Rise Up Red Sea!
Dec 9, 2007
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Section 444 Row 4
ambchang is just kidding. There is no one in the world too dumb to know that Bruce Bowen is a dirty player. It's as much of a fact as the fact that we need oxygen to live. This thread is silly.


Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
You people make very convincing arguments, you really do.
So since my last post, the arguments includes:
1) Bowen is a dirty player, everyone knew it.
2) Bowen is a dirty player, if you don't think so, you are just stupid.
3) Bowen is just dirty.

Did I miss any?


Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
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Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
You people make very convincing arguments, you really do.
So since my last post, the arguments includes:
1) Bowen is a dirty player, everyone knew it.
2) Bowen is a dirty player, if you don't think so, you are just stupid.
3) Bowen is just dirty.

Did I miss any?

The obvious. Or are you just missing that people are tired of trying to reason with you?


Let's get Nashty
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
San Francisco
Well,I can post zillion links for Bowen's dirtinesses..

Bowen injuring Iverson

Injuring Steve Francis

Kicking Amare Stoudamire

Bowen Kicking Ray Allen

Bowen Kicking Nash

Bowen Undercutting Crawford

Bowen Kicking Sczerbiak

He ruins what the game stands for and he should be kicked out of the game..


Frank Kaminsky is my Hero.
Apr 2, 2005
Reaction score
South Bay
Well,I can post zillion links for Bowen's dirtinesses..

Bowen injuring Iverson

Injuring Steve Francis

Kicking Amare Stoudamire

Bowen Kicking Ray Allen

Bowen Kicking Nash

Bowen Undercutting Crawford

Bowen Kicking Sczerbiak

He ruins what the game stands for and he should be kicked out of the game..

The Sczerbiak kick is so blatent and dangerous. I dont understand why this guy isnt officiated more tightly.

Darth Llama

Rise Up Red Sea!
Dec 9, 2007
Reaction score
Section 444 Row 4
You people make very convincing arguments, you really do.
So since my last post, the arguments includes:
1) Bowen is a dirty player, everyone knew it.
2) Bowen is a dirty player, if you don't think so, you are just stupid.
3) Bowen is just dirty.

Did I miss any?

Watch the YouTube links you friggin tool. You have no ground to stand on.. none. Bowen is the dirtiest player in the game, and you ******** well know it.


Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Well,I can post zillion links for Bowen's dirtinesses..

Bowen injuring Iverson

Iverson elbowed Bowen in the chest, Bowen fell backwards, Iverson landed awkwardly. So Bowen just happened to be in the vincinity means he injured Iverson? Ever happened that *gasp*, Iverson lost balance and fell? Gee, I wonder why Iverson was called for the charge.

Covered ad nauseum. Challenging a jumpshot. Freak accident. I know Phoenix doesn't really play defense, but I am surprised that their fans can't even recognize it and thought that defending is dirty.

This reflects more on how Amare is a whiner more than anything. And for about the 5th time in this thread alone. Amare didn't complain after the play, didn't complain after the game, and only spoke up after seeing the tape. Bell went out and said he didn't think much of it, then mysteriously, Amare shut up after that.

Yes, dirty play indeed, but I would love to see how Bowen could have injured somebody with that kick right there.

Bowen called for the foul. He caught the ball, swung to face basket, and hit Nash. note to Nash, wear a cup.

Just because Isiah Thomas went irrate meant that it was dirty? No contact was made, Bowen challenged a shot. That is dirty?

I am sure when Bowen jumped, he KNEW Sczerbiak was going to go right and aimed directly at that once empty space so that he could eventually hit Sczerbiak. He also arguably changed direction in midair in a split second to make sure he hit Wally.

He ruins what the game stands for and he should be kicked out of the game..

He was, he was suspended for a game, haven't you heard?

Also, ruins the game stands for? What does the game stands for? Could you elaborate on that? It's getting a little abstract for me.


Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Watch the YouTube links you friggin tool. You have no ground to stand on.. none. Bowen is the dirtiest player in the game, and you ******** well know it.

Another convincing argument! Where DO you guys came from? This place should be called:

Association of Lawyers - Suns Fans Chapter.

Look at your arguments, I mean, Bowen just IS the dirtiest player in the game. Do you mean today? Do you mean ever? At this moment? Or throughout his career?

So a list of injuries that had Bowen around the area means he is dirty. Great evidence.

Darth Llama

Rise Up Red Sea!
Dec 9, 2007
Reaction score
Section 444 Row 4
Another convincing argument! Where DO you guys came from? This place should be called:

Association of Lawyers - Suns Fans Chapter.

Look at your arguments, I mean, Bowen just IS the dirtiest player in the game. Do you mean today? Do you mean ever? At this moment? Or throughout his career?

So a list of injuries that had Bowen around the area means he is dirty. Great evidence.

Wow, are you really that dense? Seriously, do you have a learning disability? You're staring at video proof right in front of your face. You can click on any of those links and clearly see Bruce Bowen playing dirty basketball, it's right there in video proof, and still you're saying we're just making it up. It's absolutely amazing, it's clear that you're completely irrational because even when presented with hard proof, you still just ignore it and say there is no proof. If Bowen isn't dirty, then do you care to explain all those clips of him kicking people in the face, kneeing them in the balls, and slipping his feet under jump shooters? Do you really think that's how all other players in the NBA play? You can make up all the excuses you want, you can try and justify it any way you like, but you don't see all those clips of other players in the NBA do you? You think it's just a big conspiracy against Bowen and you're the only one that sees through the lies? You're the only one that realizes he's really just a clean living family man? Please!

My statement that he's the dirtiest player in basketball is based on his actions on the basketball court. Actions that are documented and proven. You can justify those clips anyway you want, but it clearly shows Bowen time and again trying to hurt people. Go to You Tube and just do a search under "Bruce Bowen," and you can find even more then what's posted above. The only person not offering an argument here is you. The other people are showing proof and your only argument is "he's not dirty." You take any clip of Bowen clearly trying to hurt people and make it the other players fault. Bowen must have the worst luck in the world then huh? Players are always throwing their balls in front of his knees, bashing his feet with their faces, and trying to land on top of his feet. Yeah, that makes perfect sense. Maybe if instead of links, we sent you a pop up book with Waldo on the front it would be more to the level you can understand.

Oh, and just for the record..

Association of Lawyers - Suns Fans Chapter.

I'm a Laker fan. Fans of teams all over the NBA can come together through their mutual hatred of Bruce Bowen.
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Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Wow, are you really that dense? Seriously, do you have a learning disability? You're staring at video proof right in front of your face. You can click on any of those links and clearly see Bruce Bowen playing dirty basketball, it's right there in video proof, and still you're saying we're just making it up. It's absolutely amazing, it's clear that you're completely irrational because even when presented with hard proof, you still just ignore it and say there is no proof. If Bowen isn't dirty, then do you care to explain all those clips of him kicking people in the face, kneeing them in the balls, and slipping his feet under jump shooters? Do you really think that's how all other players in the NBA play? You can make up all the excuses you want, you can try and justify it any way you like, but you don't see all those clips of other players in the NBA do you? You think it's just a big conspiracy against Bowen and you're the only one that sees through the lies? You're the only one that realizes he's really just a clean living family man? Please!

Amusing that in the same paragraph you question my learning abilities, you mca up with something as profound as me saying that you people are making things up. Since when have I said that? I have listed my arguments as to each and every one of those videos. So there are some videos of NBA players getting hurt and Bowen was around them, does that mean that he is dirty? No. That means that Bowen played a lot of games and people were injured in games he played.

Other than the Ray Allen kick, NONE of the plays look intentional.

And since when has video evidence been any use on this board. Check the CP3 incident video, check the screen caps. What appeared to be clearly as Bowen moving back away from CP3 looks like a clear kick to somebody else (who later said Bowen was indeed moving away, which is quite confusing).

My statement that he's the dirtiest player in basketball is based on his actions on the basketball court. Actions that are documented and proven. You can justify those clips anyway you want, but it clearly shows Bowen time and again trying to hurt people. Go to You Tube and just do a search under "Bruce Bowen," and you can find even more then what's posted above. The only person not offering an argument here is you. The other people are showing proof and your only argument is "he's not dirty." You take any clip of Bowen clearly trying to hurt people and make it the other players fault. Bowen must have the worst luck in the world then huh? Players are always throwing their balls in front of his knees, bashing his feet with their faces, and trying to land on top of his feet. Yeah, that makes perfect sense. Maybe if instead of links, we sent you a pop up book with Waldo on the front it would be more to the level you can understand.

Oh, and just for the record..

I'm a Laker fan. Fans of teams all over the NBA can come together through their mutual hatred of Bruce Bowen.

Really? Quotes of Van Gundy, Kobe Bryant and McGrady goes for nothing. Quotes of Raja Bell saying that he does't think Bowen is dirty is nothing. Well, apparently, I am the only one who does feel Bowen is dirty? Seems like your boy Kobe disagrees to that.

And what has been proven? You mean a coach who asks his players to break Bowen's legs? Great proof right there.

Which video clearly shows Bowen trying to hurt other players. Other than Ray Allen, none of the plays shows intentions. Even the Nash trip on Raymond Felton looks more intentional (see how Nash was looking at Felton before he trips), but I will never call Nash dirty, because that is just over sensitive.

Basketball is a contact sport, players who play tough physical defense tends to get involved in accidents. It is really as simple as that, but no, just because someone got hurt around a player, and just because it happens that said player belongs to a highly successful ballclub, that player MUST be dirty.

Sourgrapes anyone?


Jolly Nihilist
Jan 17, 2003
Reaction score
Old Town Scottsdale
That Bowen flying kick on Sczerbiak doen't look very basketball to me - more like Jackie Chan.
But then I've only been watching the game for a little over 30 years...


Official ASFN Lurker
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Don't you think it's more than coincidental that so many replays are readily available of 'questionable' plays all of the same guy?

Accidents happen and people unintentionally get injured all the time but Bowen routinely seems to be in the middle of things.

Raja Bell routinely challenges opposing players jumpshot, yet I can't recall a single instance where he led with his foot for the opposing player to land on.


(ex-Uriah Heep)
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
Don't you think it's more than coincidental that so many replays are readily available of 'questionable' plays all of the same guy?

Accidents happen and people unintentionally get injured all the time but Bowen routinely seems to be in the middle of things.

Raja Bell routinely challenges opposing players jumpshot, yet I can't recall a single instance where he led with his foot for the opposing player to land on.

Resident Bowen Fan would just tell you that it's because Bell isn't as good as Bowen. You know the old chestnut "If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin'"

Darth Llama

Rise Up Red Sea!
Dec 9, 2007
Reaction score
Section 444 Row 4
Really? Quotes of Van Gundy, Kobe Bryant and McGrady goes for nothing. Quotes of Raja Bell saying that he does't think Bowen is dirty is nothing. Well, apparently, I am the only one who does feel Bowen is dirty? Seems like your boy Kobe disagrees to that.

What you don't seem to understand is that I'm basing my opinion off what my own eyes see. Kobe may be my favorite player, but I feel the way I do regardless of what Kobe says. If Kobe says the sky is green, I'm going to say he's high. To me, those plays all look intentional and dirty. I'm not in a position to guess the motivation of Raja, Kobe, or others. To me, Bowen looks like a very dirty player, and nothing that Kobe or anyone else says changes that for me.

There is no point in going on since we'll never agree. I'm just going to accept that you're standing up for a player you're a fan of, respect that and let it be. I honestly hate Bowen, and perhaps I have unfairly taken some of that out on you. I apologize for that, but I still very strongly disagree with you. I honestly don't think either of us can change the others view on this issue. Peace out bro.


Let's get Nashty
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
San Francisco
What you don't seem to understand is that I'm basing my opinion off what my own eyes see. Kobe may be my favorite player, but I feel the way I do regardless of what Kobe says. If Kobe says the sky is green, I'm going to say he's high. To me, those plays all look intentional and dirty. I'm not in a position to guess the motivation of Raja, Kobe, or others. To me, Bowen looks like a very dirty player, and nothing that Kobe or anyone else says changes that for me.

There is no point in going on since we'll never agree. I'm just going to accept that you're standing up for a player you're a fan of, respect that and let it be. I honestly hate Bowen, and perhaps I have unfairly taken some of that out on you. I apologize for that, but I still very strongly disagree with you. I honestly don't think either of us can change the others view on this issue. Peace out bro.

Despite I tangle a lot with Darth in any Lakers issue,I totally agree with him,I think not Kobe but ambchang is high.

He's asking 'tell me which video shows he's trying to hurt someone?"..It's gotta be a bad sense of humor.Answer is "each one of them".He has nothing to do with the ball,never even touching the ball,but in each one of them either he's putting his foot when the opponent player lands,flying kicks etc.

Ambchang made some time and tried to justify each one of them,that's a genius work right there.all those links I provided have thousands of youtube fans comments,even some rare well-rounded Spurs fans saying they're not proud of Bowen's dirty fouls.

Then again,if Bowen wasn't playing for the Spurs and if any of those moves were made against Duncan or Ginobili,he would now be opening 10 "why i hate bowen" forums in spurs fan websites a day.


Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Don't you think it's more than coincidental that so many replays are readily available of 'questionable' plays all of the same guy?

Accidents happen and people unintentionally get injured all the time but Bowen routinely seems to be in the middle of things.

Raja Bell routinely challenges opposing players jumpshot, yet I can't recall a single instance where he led with his foot for the opposing player to land on.

Twice, it happened twice, over 10 years.

Nash has one under his belt, does that make him half as dirty as Bowen?


Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Resident Bowen Fan would just tell you that it's because Bell isn't as good as Bowen. You know the old chestnut "If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin'"

Wow, Bell hurt his ankle when he stepped on Kevin Durant's foot while Durant was rushing him on a jumpshot. Given that it is Durant's first year, and he already has one under the belt, it MUST mean that Durant is 5x dirtier than Bowen, who only has two under his belt in 10 years.


Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
What you don't seem to understand is that I'm basing my opinion off what my own eyes see. Kobe may be my favorite player, but I feel the way I do regardless of what Kobe says. If Kobe says the sky is green, I'm going to say he's high. To me, those plays all look intentional and dirty. I'm not in a position to guess the motivation of Raja, Kobe, or others. To me, Bowen looks like a very dirty player, and nothing that Kobe or anyone else says changes that for me.

There is no point in going on since we'll never agree. I'm just going to accept that you're standing up for a player you're a fan of, respect that and let it be. I honestly hate Bowen, and perhaps I have unfairly taken some of that out on you. I apologize for that, but I still very strongly disagree with you. I honestly don't think either of us can change the others view on this issue. Peace out bro.

If it's based on your hatred of Bowen, then go right ahead. I have no problem with people labelling Bowen dirty, and it's not like it's the first time I have heard it. It won't affect me either way. What I do have a problem is that people here continuously talk about how objective and unbiased they are, but then starts to label people irrational, stupid, homers, etc ... when opinions don't align with their own.

Don't have to apologize, you are far from the worst.

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