lol @ how dirty the Spurs play..


Feb 4, 2008
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I believe you are talking about Phade by initiating personal attacks. Oh wait, he is a Suns fan, yeah, you guys can just go around throwing smack talk.


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
Did I ever say he never have his foot on the landing spots of shooters, what I was arguing was that it was not intentional.

No, you said he didn't do it. Then you claim it happens on every straight on jumpshot. That's more than twice a quarter. Do you need dramamine to rapidly spin at a constant rate, or has your body gotten used to the "whirls?"

In the 24 second mark, Bowen actually retracted his foot before Kobe landed, it's just a terrible example.

LOL! That's the frigging point. He is employing an act that he knows can injure people, but also knows that it screws up their shot thinking of how they will land. He knows what he is doing, jabbing that foot underneath and then pulling it away. Sometimes he doesn't get it away in time, and people get hurt. But you can't even begin to believe that he doesn't know what he's doing. His "pulling it away before the guy lands" proves that he does.

The one he did on Francis was a much dirtier, and it looks intentional.

Fixed that for you.

And I am still waiting for the second one in the quarter, I went through the whole video, which spans more than a game for sure, and found that only play as any kind of "evidence".

Hey, Cap'n Obvious...I already took that argument card out of your deck. But since you have eye problems (you must with the reading comprehension issues and the inability to undertand visual evidence) you must have missed it. Too bad, because you just look dumber for going there.

Check this video, very first play (is that Gooden), is he dirty? This is a common basketball move, and I was just randomly looking up Kobe clips and I found this one, on the very first video, on the very first play, and it doesn't even invovle Kobe.

Hmm, looks like the guy jumps out at the shooter, and lands on his foot. That is a common move; it is called trying for the block and getting lucky the refs didn't call the foul. Spin, spin, spin.


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Feb 4, 2008
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Not. Even. Close.

But nice try. Shuffle on along now.

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Check it out, on the 24th second on the clip like you said.

On closer inspection, yeah, Steve Smith was closer to Jordan than Bowen was to Kobe. Steve Smith is such a dirty player.


Feb 4, 2008
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No, you said he didn't do it. Then you claim it happens on every straight on jumpshot. That's more than twice a quarter. Do you need dramamine to rapidly spin at a constant rate, or has your body gotten used to the "whirls?"

I did? I said Bowen wasn't twisting ankles two times a game, or a quarter. I didn't say he never slid his foot under people on shots, try to follow the thread.

You mean when him landing after he jumps to contest shots is trying to hurt people on purpose? What was he supposed to do? Hang in the air for two more seconds and float to another landing spot? Tell me how you jump into people when people shoot jump shots. And if he was trying to hurt people, wouldn't it makes more sense for him to do so vs. the Mavs or Suns during the playoffs, rather than while they were playing the Knicks in the regular season?

Show me. Show me where he does that. The two times people actually was hurt landing on his foot after a jump shot was:
1) Vince Carter shot a jump shot, Bowen contended, landed on the spot, then Carter landed on Bowen's foot.
2) Steve Francis (or was it Jamal Crawford) did the same as above.

I cannot recall a single instance where Bowen was sliding his foot on a shooter while he was on his ground.

Insisting on issues have happened when video evidence clearly shown that it has never happened is indeed Pigheadedness.
I mean, that moron actually thought Bowen had BOTH of his feet planted before he slid over to hurt jumpshooters when it was so clearly shown that he didn't even have one foot set in any of the instances.

LOL! That's the frigging point. He is employing an act that he knows can injure people, but also knows that it screws up their shot thinking of how they will land. He knows what he is doing, jabbing that foot underneath and then pulling it away. Sometimes he doesn't get it away in time, and people get hurt. But you can't even begin to believe that he doesn't know what he's doing. His "pulling it away before the guy lands" proves that he does.

You are now getting into his psych! This is brilliant! First we have Suns fans who can read emotions through the internet, now we have a Laker fan who can read minds through TV. This is getting better and better. I am stumbling upon the land of ESPs!

Hey, Cap'n Obvious...I already took that argument card out of your deck. But since you have eye problems (you must with the reading comprehension issues and the inability to undertand visual evidence) you must have missed it. Too bad, because you just look dumber for going there.

Read previous post.

Hmm, looks like the guy jumps out at the shooter, and lands on his foot. That is a common move; it is called trying for the block and getting lucky the refs didn't call the foul. Spin, spin, spin.

Dirty move.


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You are selling yourself short. Given your conclusion that I am a baby, I would assume that you routinely go into arguments, debates if you will, with little kids, and then lose. But trust me, one day, you can win arguments against kids, you just need to follow the flow of the thread, and understand that, sometimes, things that don't exactly according to how you want is not a failure.

The Man In Black

May 10, 2007
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You're going to have to come to grips with the fact that many of us have been watching basketball before you, and out of that group some of us even remember Bruce Bowen before he even came to San Antonio. Could those have been the years I was speaking of? way! But if you'd like to pretend that his storied NBA career didn't start until 2000, be my guest.

Whatever dude, I'm 40 years old. I've seen more basketball than a whole lot of you. Did any of you ever see Dr. J play when he was in the ABA? Yeah, so I remember Bowen's Career before he got to SA, I remember his career at CSUF and in case you didn't know, that first year he made ALL-NBA D team, he did that as a member of the Miami Heat.

But if you want to say that you've been watching hoops longer than me, I'd venture to say that you'd be wrong.

I lived in Phoenix for 1 year and the best thing I got out watching a game at Veterans Memorial was Jeff Hornacek, and Sweet D's J. I also saw them to be the first team to bring in a Euro in Georgi Glouchkov.
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A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone

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Check it out, on the 24th second on the clip like you said.

On closer inspection, yeah, Steve Smith was closer to Jordan than Bowen was to Kobe. Steve Smith is such a dirty player.

Way to show the clip when bowen pulled his leg back, not when he jabs it out and it's awkward and clear. Again, what Smith is doing isn't even remotely similar to what Bowen is doing.

You are freaking transparent, Casper.

The Man In Black

May 10, 2007
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Is that dirty?

Bruce Bowen is a dirty player, plain and simple.

The NBA, looking the other way for all of Bowen's antics (incessant bitching, elbows, fouling the shooter) finally drew the line yesterday. Bruce Bowen was fined $10,000 by the NBA for kicking Seattle's Ray Allen in the back during a 106-102 loss to the SuperSonics on Sunday night.

Bowen kicked Allen in the back while the two were laying on the floor. Bowen was called for a technical, while Allen had to be restrained by Seattle's Robert Swift and San Antonio's Nazr Mohammed.

"It's just dirty basketball. It's plain, outright, dirty basketball," Allen said following the game. "You guys have chronicled our battles over the last couple of years and I don't mind the competition, someone going at me on both ends of the floor. ... But when guys start throwing elbows and kick you when you're down, that's dirty basketball and I don't respect guys like that."

That's Ray Allen, (mentioned above) and this took me a total of 5 seconds to find.

Alright this took me all of 5 seconds to find:
"He's a very tough, hard-nosed defender who crowds you and tries to get under your skin," said an Eastern Conference general manager who spoke on condition of anonymity. "He's basically a pest.
"[But] I don't think he's sticking his foot out intentionally. He's a defensive player. He does what he can to bother you and throw you off your game. But knowing him and knowing his character, I don't think he'd go out there and intentionally try to hurt somebody."
Said another East executive: "I see it as just a guy playing hard defense. Does he grab, hold and play physically? Yeah. But is he perceived around the league as a guy who goes out to hurt people? I don't think so."
The GM went on to raise an interesting statistical argument: Let's say Bowen defends the other team's top scorer each night, and that the scorer attempts 20 shots per game. If Bowen actively contests half those shots, he's looking at 820 times per season (10 shots x 82 games) where he's flying out at his man trying to get a hand in his face. Over the span of five years, that's 4,100 plays.
"How many times has he been accused of [sticking his foot underneath] over that time span? Four or five? Out of [4,000] plays?," the GM notes. "When you look at it like that, it doesn't seem like it's intentional."
Perhaps the best argument in Bowen's defense, however, is that the NBA has never seen fit to punish him. The league has cracked down hard in recent years on fighting and flagrant fouls in a clear effort to eliminate the old justice system in which players took matters into their own hands on the court. Yet so far discipline czar Stu Jackson has seen nothing to warrant any penalty
-- though he did phone Bowen on Sunday to warn him to watch his feet in the future.
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Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
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Can i just break this down for everybody real quick since I just wasted the last ten minutes of my life reading through all this drivel.

Bruce Bowen is a no talent hack who has done what he had to to survive in the NBA. He has little physical skill but mentally beats lesser players by clutching, grabbing and yes at times playing good ol fashioned defense. Yes he is dirty. You know who else is? Raja Bell. They are the SAME player.

Bowen is dirty in the way the Bronce O-lineman back in the late 90's were dirty in that they cut block. You know what? Like Bowen and the Spurs they won. I have a certain level of respect for that although I hate his guts.

But that doesn't make him tougher or smarter or certainly not better. Hes the type of player you love on your team and hate when hes not. Ironically Bruce Bowen is EXACTLY they type of player the Suns could use right now for perimeter defense.

But hes a ditry whiny player. That much has been said by Kobe, Jason Richardson, T-Mac and even the docile Ray Allen. If you don't think so its likely your a Spurs fan and you love your players who help you win. But you are also quite naive.

Thats like me trying to convince you that Steve Nash is some kinda defensive dynamo.


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
Oh my...ladies and gentlemen, you have just seen Ambchange do what is commonly known on the Internet as "Kicking Your Own Ass" or KYOA. What ambchang did here is a fantastic example of KYOA.

I did? I said Bowen wasn't twisting ankles two times a game, or a quarter. I didn't say he never slid his foot under people on shots, try to follow the thread.

Ok, the post that started my response.

Your an idiot if you don't think Bowen intentionally slides his feet under jump shooters, it happens ALL THE TIME. Why these guys even argue with you is a joke, your obviously a clueless sterns fan.


The ALL THE TIME (good use of capital letters, let us all know that you really mean it and it must be true) is TWICE (I learn from the best).

Let's see. Logic tells you that what Nashman is referencing is, well, intentionally sliding the feet under shooters. And since Ambchang acknowledges it happens TWICE and not ALL THE TIME, well, that means he knows what we are talking about here.

From this point on, it should be crystal clear that we are talking about the claim that:

Bowen intentionally slides his feet under jump shooters, it happens ALL THE TIME.

Anyone not following along other than Ambchang? Everyone has it? Good.

So I say:

Dude, Bowen used to do this all the time to Kobe...not twice. Twice a quarter maybe. Used to piss me off to no end. However, he doesn't do it very often to Kobe anymore. Dunno how often he does it otherwise since I don't watch the Spurs unless they are playing the Lakers, but he definitely had a habit of it against Kobe.

Quick quiz...what am I referencing in the bold parts. Yep, you guessed it:

Bowen intentionally slides his feet under jump shooters, it happens ALL THE TIME.

Man, that was easy, right? I thought so.

Ambchang, however, begs to differ.

I did? I said Bowen wasn't twisting ankles two times a game, or a quarter. I didn't say he never slid his foot under people on shots

What? KYOA. That is exactly what we were talking about.

try to follow the thread

That's wise advice for someone like ambchang to take to heart, lest he KYOA again.

Then SitNSpin shows me video of a guy jumping on top of another guy, landing on his ankle and thinks that is the same thing. Again he should take his own advice:

try to follow the thread

You are selling yourself short. Given your conclusion that I am a baby, I would assume that you routinely go into arguments, debates if you will, with little kids, and then lose. But trust me, one day, you can win arguments against kids, you just need to follow the flow of the thread, and understand that, sometimes, things that don't exactly according to how you want is not a failure.

Given the above examples of ambchang not able to follow along and looking like an asshat in the process, that quote right there is KTFOOYOA, and is quite priceless. I think he must have been looking in the mirror as he typed that...self hate and rage is dangerous and I hope he gets help.

Oh, and:

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Oct 3, 2003
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Dear ambchang,

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Feb 4, 2008
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Way to show the clip when bowen pulled his leg back, not when he jabs it out and it's awkward and clear. Again, what Smith is doing isn't even remotely similar to what Bowen is doing.

You are freaking transparent, Casper.
You said at the 24 second mark, I paused right at 24 and screen capped it, what more do you want?

You say it's not remotely similar, and that is up to you. Apparently, I have backed my stuff up with videos and screencaps. I respect you at least came up with a video, but to claim that Bowen is dirty and refused to look at this as a normal basketball play is your call.