Suns are my Kryptonite!
"Trades will be the best way to get a true franchise player in the next few years and NOT free agency. That's why they have these multiple mid range deals now."
This is interesting. I had a feeling this might be the plan. If it is, I like the strategy. Just so long as they don't actually think this is the finished package. With moderate, fairly priced players, and one extremely valuable commodity in an excellent player with a large, expiring contract, we have a lot to bring to the table. I can almost see the finish line, the culmination of this polished line-up, walking in that dominant big man. I just don't know who that dominant big man is. I keep looking through rosters, and for the life of me, I can't figure out who it could be.
I'm thinking maybe a draftee next year, or a free agent in next year's class.