I haven't read this whole thread, so forgive me if I'm repeating an idea previously posted.
I'm torn on the subject of athletes refusing to play for certain teams.
On one hand, I think "Screw that. You're making millions of dollars to play a figgin game. You'll go where the NFL tells you to go."
On the other hand, I can sympathize with the players. Why shouldn't they be able to be employed where they want to be--or at least not where they DON'T want to be. What if one of your compant's competitors said to you: "We just bought your rights. You're moving to Cleveland. Pack up, we need you there next week."? You might see who else is hiring in a city where you want to live, and if you could find a job, say, in San Fancisco, you might want to take that one instead.
But, that's not the way it works in the NFL. In Fact, it's this very system that prompted the Warren Sapp "Slave Trader" comment.
But, like I said, I'm torn. I can see both sides of the arguement.