Matt Leinart's Personal Life Merge Thread


Per Ardua Ad Astra
May 14, 2002
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Sun City, AZ
Bickley's new column about Matt's partying in the off-season rather than buckling down and take more of a leadership role. In his opinion, Matt is still partying like he is still in college and is leaving himself wide open as an easy target for those who may want to take advantage of a situation.

Those of us who have been around for awhile know the temptations of our youth and how it can affect out discipline in preparing ourself for the task ahead. I don't put Matt in the same category of some players today who seem hell bent on destroying their career, however, I would hate to see his career affected to the point that he never reaches his full potential as an NFL QB.

Darth Llama

Rise Up Red Sea!
Dec 9, 2007
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Section 444 Row 4
I think people should lay off him a bit. He's doing the same things we all did in our early 20's and he's doing it in the off season. During the regular season, even when he was injured and shut down for the year, he traveled with the team for every game, attended all team meetings, spent his time watching film and studying how to get better, all things he didn't have to do.

So he went out and drank it up with a few chicks, hooked up and got a hangover.. so what? Welcome to being 25. I did it, we all did it, some of us still do. If he was doing it during the regular season when we had games on Sunday, that would be another story. In the off season, I say let him party. Get it all out before camp starts.


Apr 30, 2003
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He is just jealous.

This is the type of smut that the offseason brings.

Damn you Leinart for enjoying any part of your life !!! How dare you throw a party at your own house !!! How dare you invite beautiful women and friends and drink beer !!!! How dare you enjoy one night of partying !!!

Get back to work. I want you working 24-7, 7 days a week.

Cause Joe Montana, Joe Namath, John Elway, and Tom Brady would never do such a thing like, throw a party with beer, women, and friends.

For shame.

That's it! It is over. The season is over, the next 50 seasons are as good as done, and the world will explode!

WHAT A BUNCH OF BULL!!!! Bickley is a schmuck. Talk about jumping to conclusions, making assumptions, and implying his opinion to be taken as truths. That is a tabloid article that should be on the Nation Enquirier. Bickley should feel ashamed of himself.....well maybe not since he is a gutless hack.

I guess that is why Darren Urban is our official news man, and Bickley is still stuck writing two bit pieces on the internet. I guess it was too hard for Bickley to spend 10 minutes and research some roster moves, or draft picks to write a real article about Cardinals football. His buddies probably sent him some pictures, and he decided to write about that since it was the easiest thing to do.

The guy is a waste.
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Apr 30, 2003
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I think people should lay off him a bit. He's doing the same things we all did in our early 20's and he's doing it in the off season. During the regular season, even when he was injured and shut down for the year, he traveled with the team for every game, attended all team meetings, spent his time watching film and studying how to get better, all things he didn't have to do.

So he went out and drank it up with a few chicks, hooked up and got a hangover.. so what? Welcome to being 25. I did it, we all did it, some of us still do. If he was doing it during the regular season when we had games on Sunday, that would be another story. In the off season, I say let him party. Get it all out before camp starts.

NO. He didn't he stayed at his house, and drank. He wasn't out in public. He was at his house.

But Fitzgerald going to Argentina or some crazy place is OK ? Like Fitzgerald is in Argentina, and is in his room by 8:30pm reading the Bible. :shrug:

This is stupid.


Plucky Comic Relief
Supporting Member
Jul 2, 2004
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Leinart is 24 going on 25. I think it is time to grow up. Not saying he should get married and start popping out more kids, but pouring beer bongs down co-eds throats isn't what I call getting ready for the season. Time to buy the off-season home in Newport, surf to blow off steam, and spend 6 to 8 hours a day working out, studying the playbook, and working on timing routes with teammates.

The photos do a lot to reveal Leinart's state of mind if not outright denial of his age.

Darth Llama

Rise Up Red Sea!
Dec 9, 2007
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Section 444 Row 4
Leinart is 24 going on 25. I think it is time to grow up. Not saying he should get married and start popping out more kids, but pouring beer bongs down co-eds throats isn't what I call getting ready for the season. Time to buy the off-season home in Newport, surf to blow off steam, and spend 6 to 8 hours a day working out, studying the playbook, and working on timing routes with teammates.

The photos do a lot to reveal Leinart's state of mind if not outright denial of his age.

And those photo's tell you what he did all day? How do we know he wasn't studying the playbook all day, and then blew off steam that night with a party? How do you know his day wasn't filled with workouts with team mates? How do we know he didn't spend the day volunteering at a soup kitchen or reading to sick children?

I love the way that when we draw unfounded conclusions about Matt, we make sure they are negative.

Mar 10, 2004
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Leinart is 24 going on 25. I think it is time to grow up. Not saying he should get married and start popping out more kids, but pouring beer bongs down co-eds throats isn't what I call getting ready for the season. Time to buy the off-season home in Newport, surf to blow off steam, and spend 6 to 8 hours a day working out, studying the playbook, and working on timing routes with teammates.

The photos do a lot to reveal Leinart's state of mind if not outright denial of his age.

Denial of his age? You mean, when we all turned 24 we were supposed to never drink again, at our own homes, with our friends and some hot girls? Damn, I missed that chapter in the adult instruction manual.

Mar 10, 2004
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And those photo's tell you what he did all day? How do we know he wasn't studying the playbook all day, and then blew off steam that night with a party? How do you know his day wasn't filled with workouts with team mates? How do we know he didn't spend the day volunteering at a soup kitchen or reading to sick children?

I love the way that when we draw unfounded conclusions about Matt, we make sure they are negative.

Absolutely. I guess we'd rather have Matt blowing off steam at Dos Gringo's...getting into a fight...getting kicked out...then telling the bouncers that won't let you back in, because you are so drunk, "Do you know who I am? I'm Matt Leinart!"...then getting arrested on a DUI charge. Yeah, that would be a lot better for all of us.

BTW: Something similar to this happened to Liz Habib years ago...Now she's banished to doing local 11pm sports for Fox LA.

Dr. Jones

Has No Time For Love
Nov 2, 2004
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We pay this guy a TON of money to act like our franchise quarterback.

As of now..... 2 years into his contract..... He doesn't deserve it.

Do I wish I could party like him? What the heck does that matter. The guy is not a professional.

And IMO this will never change. We hear stories like this every offseason. And sometimes on road-trips during the season.

As of now, he is an injury prone QB that could be so much more. Only Matt can change that view.

red desert

ASFN Addict
Mar 4, 2003
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A.B.Q. in da house
Leinart is 24 going on 25. I think it is time to grow up. Not saying he should get married and start popping out more kids, but pouring beer bongs down co-eds throats isn't what I call getting ready for the season. Time to buy the off-season home in Newport, surf to blow off steam, and spend 6 to 8 hours a day working out, studying the playbook, and working on timing routes with teammates.

The photos do a lot to reveal Leinart's state of mind if not outright denial of his age.

Couldn't agree more.

Warner is our best hope for a successful season, IMO.


Apr 30, 2003
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and spend 6 to 8 hours a day working out, studying the playbook, and working on timing routes with teammates

I believe he already does this, and for more than 8 hours a day.

Moving to Newport ? Newport,CT ? That place is a hole. I don't see how moving from one high end drugged out community to another is going to help.

I thought Leinart moved to AZ anyway....I guess I am wrong.

I can understand people getting annoyed with Leinart when they see stuff like this. That some want him to be Capt. America, like Peyton Manning. That is completely understandable.

But saying he should do something is one thing.

Saying he should live his life this way, and when he doesn't to jump to conclusions, assumptions, and drag his name through the mud is uncalled for.

He did hurt anyone, he didn't get in trouble with the law. He was in his house. That is his private life, and he is free to do what he pleases. I see no problem with a 24 year old NFL QB, partying with beautiful women, at the end of March with the season 6 months away.
Give the guy a little bit of a break. You think a normal 24 year old millionaire would not be doing this, and more often than Leinart ?

Why don't we save our high standards, and uncalled for mud slinging for the season ?


Apr 30, 2003
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We pay this guy a TON of money to act like our franchise quarterback.

Hmm, that is a good point tho.

I wouldn't want this kind of spot light.

As of now, he is an injury prone QB that could be so much more. Only Matt can change that view.

Also, true.

I think you give a guy a lot more than a season and a half of football to declare him a bust, but there must be a reason why Warner was kept around.

It will be an interesting offseason to say the least. If Matt starts to succeed then stuff like this won't matter, ala Tom Brady.
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Apr 30, 2003
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What pictures?

Apparently Matt had a party at his house, and was playing "snap the ball to me" with some pretty girls.

The media, and some fans have a problem with it. Which is understandable.

Personally, I think it is a borderline tabliod article written to sell papers, and to exploit our QB. The guys has a party and now he is getting raked over coals for it.

BUT, Anytimeuwant says this happens all the time with Matt. I would love some proof (not calling you out ATUW cause getting that proof would be impossible) so we could really get the real story. On whether this is a one time, or all the time thing.

Regardless, It makes me happy we have Warner......just in case.


Provocateur aka Wallyburger
Supporting Member
Nov 17, 2003
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The urban swamp
Thought there were party pictures a la Bryant McKinnie.

Until Matt produces he will get his fair/unfair dose of this. Harkens back to his decision to stay in college for a 5th year instead of going draft route. Some said, back then, he enjoyed college party life. Coo be ( Sammy Sosa for could be )


A real American hero
Nov 21, 2004
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I just wish he would hang with guys from the team rather than LA types. He is asking for trouble.


Per Ardua Ad Astra
May 14, 2002
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Sun City, AZ
It's true that many of us at 25 drank too much, played the field and generally raised hell, but we were not a franchise quarterback either. We only hurt ourselves for the most part, but Matt has a lot riding on him.


Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2008
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Bickley is a tool. The only reason he's taking this side of the story is to rile the people so they'll read his articles and listen to his show. He does it all the time. Who cares what Matt does on his own time. Are you trying to tell me that Joe Namoth or Terry Bradshaw never partied during their careers? This is asinine. The only thing that matters is what he does on the field. Lets talk football and leave the gossip mongering to the tabloids.


ASFN Addict
Mar 24, 2004
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Until Matt produces he will get his fair/unfair dose of this.

We only hurt ourselves for the most part, but Matt has a lot riding on him.

What they said.

This is Leinart's year to get the team to the playoffs. He's been in the league long enough to get acclimated.

He'll be healthy, he needs to stay that way.

If not, the team can look for a replacement and he'll just be another member of the failed 1st rounders club.

The whole party business is a non-issue. I'm just getting tired of seeing him without the helmet.


Supporting Member
Mar 25, 2005
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SE valley
Leinart is 24 going on 25. I think it is time to grow up. Not saying he should get married and start popping out more kids, but pouring beer bongs down co-eds throats isn't what I call getting ready for the season. Time to buy the off-season home in Newport, surf to blow off steam, and spend 6 to 8 hours a day working out, studying the playbook, and working on timing routes with teammates.

The photos do a lot to reveal Leinart's state of mind if not outright denial of his age.

your 25 and of rock start status, every hot woman in the world is at your fingertips....and you focus 100% on football and blow them off? I love how people are so f'in full of themselves sometimes.

If I was Matt, id be studying football and working out in the day and then by night pourings beer bongs down coeds throats.

john h

Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
NO. He didn't he stayed at his house, and drank. He wasn't out in public. He was at his house.

But Fitzgerald going to Argentina or some crazy place is OK ? Like Fitzgerald is in Argentina, and is in his room by 8:30pm reading the Bible. :shrug:

This is stupid.

I do not know what Matt did and did not do in the off season but some of the things that separates the greats from the average is work ethic, commitment and the absolute drive to succeed. Matt may be a very good QB for us but will he be the best he can be? I hope so.

john h

Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
Absolutely. I guess we'd rather have Matt blowing off steam at Dos Gringo's...getting into a fight...getting kicked out...then telling the bouncers that won't let you back in, because you are so drunk, "Do you know who I am? I'm Matt Leinart!"...then getting arrested on a DUI charge. Yeah, that would be a lot better for all of us.

BTW: Something similar to this happened to Liz Habib years ago...Now she's banished to doing local 11pm sports for Fox LA.

I wonder if you all will feel this way if Matt has a really bad season? Some people can live a playboy life and still be very good. Other cannot. One thing for sure you do not get worse by working harder and playing less. No one is asking him to not have fun but as the Army said "Be the best you can be". If you can do that by living the playboy life then have at it. When I was in college at age 21 I partied day and night and did not even have books for some classes. I was kicked out in the middle of my second year. Five years later I gave it a go and graduated with honors. It all came down to hard work and less play. Most things in life are like that. You get what you work hard for. Nothing comes free and easy. Hope Matt is doing his best as he would appear to have all the tools to be very very good.

john h

Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
Couldn't agree more.

Warner is our best hope for a successful season, IMO.

I have this feeling that Warner will be in there throwing the ball a lot earlier in the season than we all hoped for. I know Kurt will be ready. He always is.