Nash lost the Hornets game(s) on both side for us


May 3, 2007
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Queen Creek, AZ
Dumb thread, Nash didn't lose the game for us, the whole team did for playing lazy defense and the fact the Hornets couldn't freakin miss a jump shot even the contested ones.


#13 - Legendary
Feb 22, 2008
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nashman said it. everyone shoots lights out against us (wonder why).


May 3, 2007
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Queen Creek, AZ
Look its pretty well known players love playing this style of free wheeling bball. So guys come out firing and if someone gets hot its tough to stop them, when a whole freaking team gets hot you get beat simple as that. Especially on a back to back where your looking disinterested in playing the game. Again we are working in a new player and at least half an offense against the best teams in the league right now just bad timing. We will get it worked out and should be a hell of a lot more ready for playoff type basketball. It may actually do us some good to actually have to play hard heading into the playoffs instead of coasting in like we have been the past few years. Its always good to be playing hard heading in, instead of trying to ramp it up from a few weeks of lazy bball.


My Name Is Robert!
May 14, 2007
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Aging superstars learn how to "cheat" on defense. They learn how to make it easier for themselves to do their job and minimize or budget their efforts.

I love what Steve Nash has done for this team. I don't like the passive role that Mike D'Antoni has taken as Coach.

Not rendering Nash acceptable on defense is one of the areas where lack of a strong Coach-influence is showing.

Some of you are going to say that I'm singling out the Coach again. But damnit, he has responsibility in this. His job is more than turning Steve Nash free and watching.

I agree. And I was worried that when we lost Ivaroni that it would somehow hurt our team defense fundamentals. I think it has, because Dantoni DOESN'T CARE ABOUT ANYTHING other than scoring. Nash just gives up on defense, doesn't even make it back down the court and he's a guard!!

Against the Spurs in the playoffs (The real finals) last year our defense was a helluva lot better than this crap. Even Nash defended better. I have to wonder, what changed since then?


Throw some Bees on that.
Feb 9, 2008
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Nash didn't lose this game. The overall lack of perimeter defense did.

I'm still amazed that the Suns didn't make a more aggressive move for somebody who can play perimeter defense, like Artest or Pietrus. It does Raja Bell no good when Barbosa, Hill, Nash, and Diaw blow defensive assignments left and right.

I'm still trying to figure out why Linton Johnson was the Suns' best perimeter defender and hustler yesterday. If it's because he doesn't get much playing time and was trying to earn a spot in the rotation, then what does that say about the guys who've already earned one? That they're complacent? That they have no motivation?


Registered User
Dec 14, 2006
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Nash didn't lose this game. The overall lack of perimeter defense did.

I'm still amazed that the Suns didn't make a more aggressive move for somebody who can play perimeter defense, like Artest or Pietrus. It does Raja Bell no good when Barbosa, Hill, Nash, and Diaw blow defensive assignments left and right.

I'm still trying to figure out why Linton Johnson was the Suns' best perimeter defender and hustler yesterday. If it's because he doesn't get much playing time and was trying to earn a spot in the rotation, then what does that say about the guys who've already earned one? That they're complacent? That they have no motivation?

I'm amazed that we didn't make a play for Artest involving Barbosa.


Throw some Bees on that.
Feb 9, 2008
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I'm amazed that we didn't make a play for Artest involving Barbosa.

The only problem with Artest in particular is that he's already announced his desire to jump ship and go play in New York. He wouldn't renew with the Suns if they achieved anything less than a championship this season.

But I mean, Pietrus? He would have been tremendously helpful. Air France has about the offensive game of fellow Frenchman Boris Diaw (for whatever that's worth), except that he's got a reputation as an athletic defensive stopper. Hmm, just what the Suns need.

I heard reports that Golden State was asking too much for him--a rotation player in exchange--but if the acrimony continues between Pietrus and Don Nelson in Golden State, maybe they'll just buy him out? Pietrus is in the last year on his contract, and it's only for $3.4 million, so it's not outside of the realm of possibility.

Other Suns fans on this board keep talking like the team needs another offensive weapon, like Barry, but really we just need the guys that are there to play both ends of the court, instead of getting bored on defense and all too eager to get back to running and gunning on offense. That's not on Nash, that's on the whole team.

sly fly

Devil Me This
Jun 12, 2002
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N. Phx
Nash didn't lose this game. The overall lack of perimeter defense did.

I'm still amazed that the Suns didn't make a more aggressive move for somebody who can play perimeter defense, like Artest or Pietrus. It does Raja Bell no good when Barbosa, Hill, Nash, and Diaw blow defensive assignments left and right.

I'm still trying to figure out why Linton Johnson was the Suns' best perimeter defender and hustler yesterday. If it's because he doesn't get much playing time and was trying to earn a spot in the rotation, then what does that say about the guys who've already earned one? That they're complacent? That they have no motivation?

The lack of perimeter defense is evident. However, you have to remember opposing teams are game planning against Nash on both sides of the ball now. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what's being done:

DEFENSIVELY: Nash can't guard CP. So, Raja Bell is forced to slide over. Yes, Raja Bell. That causes a reaction that filters down to every player on the perimeter. Raja has a hard enough time on Peja.

Let's face it, PHX has no one competent enough to stay in front of CP.

Some of the blame can go to Barbosa, who should be LIGHT YEARS ahead of where he's at defensively. The guy is quick enough to beat anybody in the league to the rim, but almost breaks his ankles trying to guard CP (or any other talented offensive guard). Barbosa should be embarassed that he doesn't lead the league in steals. All the tools, but where's the D?

OFFENSIVELY: Nash is getting killed with the way teams are defending him. He's getting hip checked and bumped out of position 99.9% of the time he comes off the pick and roll. Teams are forcing him to play SG. And, no one else on this team is picking up the slack.

So, Nash tries to do a little too much, gets tired, and begins to make soft mental mistakes with the ball.

Management failed to address this problem by acquiring a capable backup PG, and it's already showing how devastating of a void this can be.


Feb 29, 2008
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As great as Nash is (and he is great), I think we can all agree that he's a horrible defender. The suns opponents just run their offense through whoever is Nash is guarding. Have the suns ever thought of running a zone defense for an extended period of time. I know you guys will get killed on the defensive glass because of that, but I think it might be needed being that whoever Nash is guarding is cutting through your defense like swiss cheese. I'm usually against zone defenses, but I think it might be needed in this case. At least when Nash is in the game.

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