It is quite obvious from this that the Suns had NO other intent than to sign Steve Nash! All of their other talk was insincere and dishonest rhetoric. This is B.S. to the highest degree.
I have been a Suns fan since the beginning. I have stuck with them through the drug years and the mediocre and the best years as well. I am not going to grandstand and say that I will no longer be a Suns fan but this diminishes my zeal and my stomach to support them. This signing absolutely disgusts me!
Steve Nash....what a joke!!!! The Suns have destroyed their next 5 to 6 years as far as the cap with this ridiculous amount of money paid to Mr. Nash. But, the Suns have put themselves in that position for a few years now haven't they?
Steve Nash is no consolation prize, he is NO prize at all. This board will be full of complaints when Steve begins to break down and is making $13 million dollars for nothing about the second season into this deal. He is NOT WORTH THIS MUCH MONEY!!!!!!
<takes a deep breath> Thanks for letting me vent a bit