Neither of them used the stadium's speakers, and for me, the Alice Cooper portion was unlistenable. The Rolling Stones portion sounded better, but both were less than ideal.
As to carrying water for the Bidwill family, I think it's more a matter of logic. There seems to be so much willingness to place blame on them rather than try to understand the problems sometimes. They certainly deserve a rich level of blame for things that occurred for the first 10-15 years here, but there did come a point where they started moving in the right direction.
I grow weary of the people who, when confronted with problems for the team, just throw up their hands and decree that the Bidwill family must be directly responsible for the problem. I see a family that I'd be willing to bet is more tired of losing than any of us are, but they have to make the decisions in the team's best interest still.
I'm also willing to bet that while family members were involved in the process of organizing the content of the tribute, they probably assumed that competent people in the organization were handling the equipment issues.
As to there being sound issues in the past, please enlighten me. When did we last get a mixing error where the music soundtrack was audible but the spoken portion was not (other than, of course, last Sunday)?