Indeed I do find a lot of the over reaction here, simply amazing.
From my personal point of view all those mentioned do indeed seem worthy of being possibly retained by the new HC.
The first thing that pops out at me that everyone seems to have glossed over is that its not easy to assemble a new staff of assistants, especially if that new HC has presently been an assistant on some other team. They can't just take other coaches with them.
Also, these present assistants now "know" the players and what's been going on with them. Thus the more of them that are retained the less "rebuilding" that some have been whinning about as a downside of getting rid of Green.
I think the Cards are doing EXACTLY the right thing. Keep a core of assistants, if they are competant, which I think most of these guys are.
As to the strength and conditioning coach, Steve Wetzel, I would assume he's history, as Green brought him in as one of his old cronies from Minnesota, firing long-time Card stength and cond. coach Bob Rugucki, (something like 15 years), and I remember some of the early talk when that was done in regard to some of his training theories were quite a bit different "norm". So I would kind of assume he will be replaced too.
Again, think about it....say Ken Whisenhut, for example is hired as the new HC. Where is he going to get the bodies to man his new staff? It won't be easy and he might as well include looking at some of the decent ones already here.
My prediction is simpy with Green, Solomon, and Hargraves, gone, that alone is addition by subtraction and on defense, especially Clancy may "look" better and especially our secondary and CB's may now actually get some quality coaching.
This all looks good to me.
Ding Dong and Woo Hoo, the wicked witch is dead !!!
Today is the first day of the rest of our lives !!!
We got now where to go but up !!!
The first step of a great new journey has started !!!
Don't Happy !!!