Please Explain


Mar 18, 2003
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can anyone please explain to me the pros-cons of Ken Whisenhunt be our HC and/or letting Denny Green finish his last year.. what do you all think Ken will be able to do that Denny couldnt have done his last year.. please no scarasm.. I just dont think Ken is proven and that we will just be starting over in our rebuilding .. Who do you think will be his Offense staff.. sounds like most of the Defense side will probably stay..

go cards

Ed Burmila

Jan 4, 2006
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Of course he's not proven. He's 44 and hasn't been a head coach before.

He consistently put a power running game on the field and had an OL that functioned like a meat grinder. For that reason alone he was a great hire.

We have the greatest power runner in football in #32. We should be pounding defenses into the ground with this guy. Whisenhut will see that it happens, and he'll make sure there are Tecmo Bowl numbers going up in the passing game too.


I want my 2$
Sep 1, 2002
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Of course he's not proven. He's 44 and hasn't been a head coach before.

He consistently put a power running game on the field and had an OL that functioned like a meat grinder. For that reason alone he was a great hire.

We have the greatest power runner in football in #32. We should be pounding defenses into the ground with this guy. Whisenhut will see that it happens, and he'll make sure there are Tecmo Bowl numbers going up in the passing game too.

I did not like how he got the job, I don't like the process that kept shoving CP under his nose and I already am suspicious of a guy willing to swallow that.

Having said all that, it's possible that even despite this stuff that things work out.

It's possible CP didn't tell the CB's to play 10 yards off the WR's, maybe that was all the DG henchmen.

This could very well work out, sometimes even a process that's fubar'd works out, I hope it does.


Jun 10, 2002
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I already am suspicious of a guy willing to swallow that.

I'm suspicious of any professional coach who would take the Cardinals Head Coaching job.

But, the more I look at it the more I like it. Especially seeing the poll on that Steelers Board. Colts fans thought very highly of Tobin as their DC and he is, by comparison, the most successful coach the Cards have had in Arizona. In retrospect his winning 27 games in 4 seasons following Buddy Ryan, with Plummer at QB and working for the Bidwills is phenomenal. I don't care how easy the 1998 schedule was.

I'll have to ask Harry Turtledove what would have happened if the Bidwills had either fired or extended Tobin at the end of 1999 instead of letting him go into 2000 as a lame duck coach.

Ohio Cards Fan

Aug 27, 2003
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can anyone please explain to me the pros-cons of Ken Whisenhunt be our HC and/or letting Denny Green finish his last year.. what do you all think Ken will be able to do that Denny couldnt have done his last year.. please no scarasm.. I just dont think Ken is proven and that we will just be starting over in our rebuilding .. Who do you think will be his Offense staff.. sounds like most of the Defense side will probably stay..

go cards

The difference is "Dennis Green is who we thought he was"!! Couldn't help one last jab at his ridiculous post-Bears game tirade.

Dennis Green did a heck of a job bringing in talent to the Cardinals. Nevertheless, his stagnant gameday coaching performance and inability to make adjustments was a common thread from game to game. Having him stick around for one more year would have been like throwing the Cardinals forward progress into neutral (or even reverse). With a new guy coming in, there is at least an opportunity for our talented players to have success. I don't believe the same would have been true had Dennis Green stayed.


Sep 28, 2002
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The difference is "Dennis Green is who we thought he was"!! Couldn't help one last jab at his ridiculous post-Bears game tirade.

Dennis Green did a heck of a job bringing in talent to the Cardinals. Nevertheless, his stagnant gameday coaching performance and inability to make adjustments was a common thread from game to game. Having him stick around for one more year would have been like throwing the Cardinals forward progress into neutral (or even reverse). With a new guy coming in, there is at least an opportunity for our talented players to have success. I don't believe the same would have been true had Dennis Green stayed.

Well you can bet that there will be discussion about this if Whisenhunt comes in and wins this next season with Denny's "talent". The team did go 4-2 in the division and was playing there best ball at the end so hopefully this is a discussion we will be having because it would mean we are Winning sooner rather than later. Thankfully we will not see a Qb carousel. We at least have that part right for sometime.


Feb 21, 2004
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The Cardinals were not going to have the option to just let Denny Green coach is final year without an extension. No coach wants to be the lame duck coach going into the last year of a contract. I think he would have forced them to fire him if they did not offer an extension.


Sep 21, 2002
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Nashville TN.
The Cardinals were not going to have the option to just let Denny Green coach is final year without an extension. No coach wants to be the lame duck coach going into the last year of a contract. I think he would have forced them to fire him if they did not offer an extension.

He was in no position to force anything. He wasn't going to give up that last years salary.


May 14, 2002
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Holmdel, NJ
can anyone please explain to me the pros-cons of Ken Whisenhunt be our HC and/or letting Denny Green finish his last year.. what do you all think Ken will be able to do that Denny couldnt have done his last year...Who do you think will be his Offense staff.. sounds like most of the Defense side will probably stay...

1. Even with our somewhat improved offensive line near the end of the season, our offense, under DG, wasn't putting up the kind of points you need to win consistently.

2. The perception from the distant vantage point of many of us was that Dennis would occasionally act impulsively (cutting off his nose to spite his face), played mind games with some of the players and wasn't adverse to a few power plays involving veteran players and assistant coaches.

There's nothing wrong with not letting grass grow under your feet when you see problems that need solving, but you get the feeling that some of those decisions (a) weren't very fair and (b) weren't necessarily smart.

3. His W & L record.

4. A pretty good roster that underperformed with regard to missed assignments, penalties, poor techniques and lack of discipline/mental toughness.

Will Whisenhunt be any better than DG? I guess we'll find out over time. What I think we do know is that (a) he's a very creative play caller and (b) his offenses can run the ball regardless if it's on the shoulders of a big back or a smaller home run hitter. That's a start.

So far as the other "intangibles" are concerned, we don't know very much and at the very least assume he starts out with a clean slate. If the players feel the things he's doing have a reason and a logic, I believe this will be an improvement over DG's way of doing things.

Regarding offensive assistants - your guess is as good as mind. Regarding the defense, a lot of things point in the direction of retaining Clancy P and most of his staff, but I doubt this is a complete lock.

Bottom line - When you lose for three straight seasons, there's strong logical basis for making a change in order to break the pattern. When you do this, you risk creating a bit of uncertainty and even chaos in systems the players are comfortable with, but the upside is that - with the talent we already have on our roster - a new direction may put us on the right track toward the playoffs.

When you make a change, you can never be 100% sure things will work out, but on paper things look pretty promising to me.

Diamondback Jay

Psalms 23:1
Feb 28, 2004
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Pros Of Whisenhunt

-- He's shown ability to work within his means, and managed to mask Ben Roethlisberger's weaknesses, while revitalizing Jerome Bettis's career and turning Willie Parker in to one of the NFL's better young HBs. He also made Antwan Randle El a LOT of money by properly knowing how to utilize his strengths. He should have little problem doing as well with this offense.

-- He comes in here with a clean slate, with a Super Bowl ring to show off.


-- WAYYYYYYYY too sporatic in his play calling. Some games, he'll leave you thumping your chest, others he'll leave you scratching your head.


Registered User
Jul 15, 2002
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section 8 row 10
Here are my first thoughts on the hire. I just don'y know him very well. He has had success it appears with building an offense and has played the game at a high level. I like the fact that he is young and hungry to prove himself only 44 with a young family. He knows and has particapated with many winning programs especially directing the offense with Ben at the helm. I'm not a big fan of Bens, I am however a big fan of who called his plays into his strenghts and help make him an instant winner.

So I guess we will see. We all think that our top 15-20 players are as good or better than most. We have an up and coming pro bowler at QB. Two of the very best WR's in the game. A defense that just a year ago was in the top ten defenses in the league. Now we have a young athletic coach from a winning program that has learned under the very best.

Next year...should be fun!



All Star
Feb 21, 2003
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The Old Pueblo
Here are my first thoughts on the hire. I just don'y know him very well. He has had success it appears with building an offense and has played the game at a high level. I like the fact that he is young and hungry to prove himself only 44 with a young family. He knows and has particapated with many winning programs especially directing the offense with Ben at the helm. I'm not a big fan of Bens, I am however a big fan of who called his plays into his strenghts and help make him an instant winner.

So I guess we will see. We all think that our top 15-20 players are as good or better than most. We have an up and coming pro bowler at QB. Two of the very best WR's in the game. A defense that just a year ago was in the top ten defenses in the league. Now we have a young athletic coach from a winning program that has learned under the very best.

Next year...should be fun!


Add to that an increased raport with the players and better game mgmt, both by default, and things should be brighter in 07

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