Mr. Shocker, why do you follow this team? Your posts seem to always containg something about how dreadful it is to have the Cards in AZ, how dreadful the unis are, how they are an embarrassment etc etc etc. Why waste your time following the team if that is how you feel?
Rivercard, I suppose that's a valid question, and you are right...I am slightly down on this organization after watching them for 15 years. I tell you what, I'll tell you why I follow this team, as long as you tell me honestly why you follow the Cards as well. You certainly don't have to go in as much detail as I'm about to bore you with....Deal?
The short answer as to why I follow the Cardinals is this:
I love NFL football, and I live here in the Valley of the Sun. Bottom line. I'm a BIG-TIME HOMER. I root for everything ARIZONA! My apologies to sportsfans who started following their particular team only because their uniform's looked cool, or it was the flavor of the month. I guess that makes me old-school and a "throw back", even though I'm only 32 years old.
With that being said, I want to root for my "home" NFL team. I think it goes without saying that most people in the Valley want the "home" teams to do well. Sheesh, we live here! Of course we want our "home" teams to represent us well. If you lived in Chicago, you would find that most people there would be rooting for those teams. Same in any city...
Bobcat pretty much summed it up for me best with his assesment that I'm certainly NOT against the Cards, I "just want what we all want and that is a team the represents us in Arizona with style, and grace. In other words an organization that is not 3rd world, but is on the cutting edge of pro sports. i.e. The Phoenix Suns and Az. DimondBacks organization. An owner that cares about his community as well as the bottom line."
However, it is apparent that a lot of people on this board either starting following the Cards before they moved to Arizona (and are still attached), or they are following them from elsewhere in the country, and could really care less about "what" is going on in Arizona. It's certainly nice having some fans elsewhere around the country, but to me, it is a serious conflict of interest when it pertains to what I'm about to say...
Since this team moved to Arizona as opposed to being BORN here, I do have many issues with their ownership, and how they handle this entire franchise. Mostly though, they seemed to seriously misjudge everything about Arizona. They have not built any momentum in establishing a fan base. It is rare to see Cardinal apperal being worn here. Hardly anyone goes to the games, etc. you know the story. To me, this is the biggest injustice to the community, and could be so easily remedied, to an extent, by simply changing the name for God's sake!
It's NO SECRET that my biggest qualm with the whole Cardinal organization is the "name" of the team. I think it's the most stupidest out of place name in all of sports. It's no wonder, the Rams didn't change their name when they moved to Missouri. Rams officials probably feared that some leftover Cardinal fans would come out of the closet, and make a big fuss about getting their team name back where it belongs. "Whew", said most St. Louisan's, when Rams ownership said, "We'll stick with the Rams name. End of story"
I'm sorry you guys from Missouri and Illinios, but it just doesn't work here. Emmitt said it best, "When you look good, you feel good!"
Please understand...Arizona is one of those unique states in this nation that conjure up certain images because of it's landscape. Much like Florida or Texas for example. Think of all the professional teams names in Florida or Texas for a second, and maybe you'll see where I'm coming from.
In this day of age, the right thing to do is have a marketable name (image). Especially when moving to such a unique state such as Arizona. Twenty to twenty-five years ago and beyond, team names didn't necesarily mean so much from a marketing standpoint. So when teams moved to a different city, it wasn't that big of a "marketing mistake". People accepted, and that's just how it was. Nowadays, it huge. But all that doesn't mean I can't root for the Cardinals. I'm a homer...remember.
When they first moved here, lots of people were hoping they would change their name. That was the first sign to me that this ownership is "stuck" in a time warp. Ever since then and to present, that assumption has pretty much held true. From player contracts to hiring "has beens"...Bidwill seems to be "stuck".
Yes, progress may be happening as we speak. Their are signs. We are paying for a new stadium. Now can we get a Arizona "name". To me (and probably a lot of fellow Arizonan's), a name change would be a "real" symbol of hope signaling that the front office (ownership) is changing it's way of doing business.
Arizonan's want to be proud of our NFL football team for once. Up to this point, with the exception of '98, this franchise has been sadly...a joke.