You know, if the Suns biggest worry is the play of their 5th/6th option (Diaw), I think we can all be pretty happy. I for one am extremely glad Boris is on this team and really don't want to see him moved, and I know Coach D feels the same way. He is having a bit of a down year, but its a typical sophomore slump (since last year he was more or less a rookie). Like a lot of foreign born players, Boris is having trouble being aggressive, I think that'll change over time. Also, with the shot doctors on the Suns staff his shooting will continue to improve over the year. I only hope the Suns can keep Ivaroni this year, and he can continue to give Diaw guidance as far as being a good big go.
I'm not worried about the Spurs in the playoffs nearly as much as I am Dallas. KT does an EXCELLENT job on Duncan, and the Spurs normally (tonight was an aberration) can't even slow Amare. There aren't going to be many games where Amare, Diaw, Barbosa, Marion and James Jones all look like crap. Maybe 2 of the 5 in one game, but 5 out of 5? I doubt it.
We should look at the silver lining in this game. The Suns proved to themselves they can compete in a different type of game if need be. They learned a lot about themselves and got some excellent game tape. The refs were just a mess tonight (both ways), and slowed the game down, which really hurts the Suns, that won't happen every night in a 7 game series. Furthermore, the Spurs are getting old. Big Shot Bob I no longer fear. Finley can't hit anything unless he's standing still and wide open. Oberto and Elson aren't anything to write home about. My biggest concern is Tony Parker, the Suns never even slow him down.