Russ Smith said:
Totally disagree, I mean Green himself compared Josh to Favre and Culpepper, so it's gotta be his fault that hasn't panned out. Green this year compared Navarre to Brady.
Do I think the Cards had great talent under mac no, but again that's 2 years ago, mac has nothing to do with how crappy the OL is now, that's ENTIRELY on Green. Mac isn't the guy that decided Shipp, Arrington and James jackson were the answer at RB. Mac isn't the guy that decided not having a single drafted TE on the opening day roster made sense. mac isn't the guy that decided any DT over 305 pounds had no business on this team.
This team is way more talented than it was 2 years ago, so the fact that the record isn't much better tells you there's a HUGE problem with getting that talent to perform on Sundays. I call that, coaching.
Comparing a guy to a pro bowler and him being a pro bowler are two different things. Green, as I recall, praised McCown's atheltic ability and said"Hopefully we have another Michigan QB like Brady is in Navarre"
I agree ont he OL but would you have rather just keep it the same? It was bad then and it is bad now. So it is a wash. It needs to be fixed and hopefully it will.
There are still major holes to fill on this team and that is what the last two years have been about. Percuring talent so this team can be competitive. Of course we can go back to the days of McKinnon, Thompson, Dennis Johnson, and Barron Tanner if you think that is better talent.
Oh and Mac in fact, did, make the decision that Shipp was the man at RB. He re-upped under Mac.
Mac has everything to do with how this team was left in disarray. You think in 2 years Green and company can build through the draft and obtain enough Free Agents to fill a roster that was 90% fodder AND make the playoffs? You sure do have high expectations.
But lets just fire all of them and bring in, oh yeah, who again? How about the QB's coach for Cincy? He is young and Palmer is good, lets go with him. Or keep O'Dea and fire the rest. I am sure he is desperate enough to be a HC.