Spurs request suspension of Barbosa


Feb 4, 2008
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Just watch Ginobili a bit closer after the contact with Nash. It's hillarious. You can clearly see that he still could continue running if he wanted to (didn't lose his balance at all) and than dives to the ground like a soccer player.

It is? Yes, every single time a Spurs player got fouled is a flop, but when Suns player got fouled, it's the hardest foul that was ever delivered and every single one deserves a suspension. Haven't you heard that?

In fact, in last night game, the referees were so pro Spurs, they allowed Amare to mug Ginobili, they allowed people to push off Kurt Thomas, then call a T on him. If the Suns didn't win, it MUST be the refs. Right?


Feb 4, 2008
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a couple of posts later...

so Barbs was mugging him.

but if shaq is out of the play,
barbs is not mugging him & there's not much of a foul?

then why would barbosa be suspended?

kid, go away. your the "disease" on this forum. lucky suns fans are immune to you.

Woosh .... that's the sound of sarcasm flying over your head. Sir.


Apr 26, 2008
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looks like I'm missing something here. It looks like he's being pulled down and is bracing himself.
I've got to agree, Ginugly was just in the wrong place at the right time. Rub some money on it, he'll feel better.


Feb 4, 2008
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Don't mischaracterize what I write, simpleton. Your comments are complete non sequiturs, having nothing to do with my analysis and not representative of my thoughts at all.

Read: You are now on my ignore list.

First of all, *Stop responding to Trolls* please.

Second, Shaq hit Ginobili rather hard but when you watch on normal speed, it is clear that Manu and Barbosa are just doing a typical "loose ball struggle." It doesn't take a physicist to realize that Manu was moving back much faster than Shaq's contact would warrant and he took Barbs with him.

There was a Spur that incidentally hit Barbs in the head when going for the ball earlier in the video. Saying Barbs premeditated hitting Manu in the face would be as ridiculous as saying the Spur premeditated hitting Barbs in the head (or less so because the Spur player was not under duress, heading to the ground).

So how is this not putting the responsibility on the Spurs? Perhaps you would like to explain how Barbosa hitting Giniboli hard after Shaq put GInobili in a headlock could somehow translate to Ginobili moving at an unusual speed other than him flopping?

As an aside, the Raja Bell foul was just a hard foul, a flagrant would not have been necessary but it wouldn't be out of the question. The Horry foul last year was worse because Nash was nowhere near a scoring position on the floor. Regardless, the Horry foul was not the atrocity, the suspensions were. Two players were suspended as the result of a flagrant foul. Neither the Suns nor Horry should have been suspended.

So Ginobili not having full control of the ball means that he was in a scoring position? Why shouldn't the two SUns be suspended? It has been enforced for the last 15 years.