The funniest part of the second video was watching Ginobli & Nash use their best flopping skills in the first part. Nash hits the ground then flails his arms back like a truck just hit him! LOL! Then Ginobli, seeing Nash go flying back about 5 feet, says oh crap, I better fall too, just in case! Freakin hysterical! Two of the best Floppers the NBA has to offer doing what they do best! Classic! But at the end, the Bell foul was about as bad as Horry's foul last year. Same exact situation as last years game too. The only difference is that there was no scorers table for Manu to get nailed into. And this time, the Spurs had the ball with the lead. But c'mon Suns fans. Lets be real here. How is Horry's HIP check on Nash worse than Bell's SHOULDER check on Ginobli? The only difference besides what part of the body was used to foul the player with the ball was that after Bell drove his shoulder into Ginobli, he held his arms up as if to say, I just gave him a simple foul, no more. And Horry last year just walked away as if to say, Yeah, I fouled him hard. That's the only difference. Clearly, the Suns are playing more physical than the Spurs are so far this series. But we all knew that was gonna happen after last years great series.