Yep.Not just that but the owner (managing partner) seems to be the boss for many franchises. The owner having final say isn't the problem, it's at what level he's involving himself that's created a lot of the issues.
And it isn't that he meddles. All owners meddle. It's that he's so incredibly bad at it.
Ideally an owners competency to meddling ratio should at least be greater than 1. After all, the more competent an owner is the more meddling he should be allowed to do. However, Sarver's competency level has proven time and time again to be incredibly low. Like one of the worst in professional sports. And yet he's one of the bigger meddlers.
He's like a PG who has a 0.10 AST/TO ratio. Sure, he might make a nice assist now and again, but it doesn't excuse his innumerable poor decisions. No one is going to win starting that guy.