We lost the game the moment DA put Pike in instead of Strawberry. Our offense was not going well but our defense with zone frustrated them a lot until the aging Pike came in and we couldn't defend as well. This is similar to when Nash is on the court. The defensive rotation was simple lacking. We were behind a lot more in the Pacers' game when Nash left, but with defense, we turned it around. Yet, in this game, putting Pike in was ruining the only chance we had, i.e. hanging in there with defense.
I know some would view this loss as satisfaction, "I told you guys we can't win without Nash". That's self-fullfilling prophecy/fallacy. I say coach didn't really want to win, not to mention they were not prepared for games without Nash. With 45 min practice a day as a team, I doubt they ever have time to work on it. If you really, want to know whether the team can win without Nash, either fire the coach or have Nash sit for 10 games and force the coach to really work on alternative game plans.