After all the stiff centers we've had over the years, Len is the picture of fluidity. In no particular order: Joe Kleine, Big Daddy, both Jakes, Robin, James Edwards, Haddadi, Neal Walk, Dennis Awtrey, Rich Kelley, Rick Robey, Andrew Lang, Daniel Santiago, Longley, Stephen Hunter. There are more I'm sure but my head is aching. Not all of them were useless by any means but graceful they were not. Robin has clearly improved since he left and he may look better now, too.
Last year about this time I predicted that Len would be the best center Phoenix has ever had... I'm a llittle less sure of it now than I was then because he has gained very little in court awareness after one year. I hope Jeff plays to his strength - guarding one player - to bolster his confidence and plays him in longer stretches.