Who cares what Amin looks like? He's not one of the faces of the franchise.
And for anyone that says bad PR doesn't matter... all that matters is $ when it comes to FA, that's pretty narrow minded thinking. If two teams, armed with the same amount of money are going after a FA, you better believe what players think of a FO matters a hell of a lot as the deciding factor when money's the same.
Apparently quite a few since they are posting and agreeing with him. Not just here, but everywhere. He's a mouthpiece of BS with a national platform, and suckers who just want to complain and moan about someone else team, will pile on our team. It's all bs.
Remember he was part of the franchise, so it's a bit disingenuous for him to be, again, putting us down for things done during HIS administration. Plus he was making crap up, and he has little, if any logic.
NO ONE WRONGED HIM ON THE DRAGIC trade. Yet most people aren't saying anything except praising him for being an butthole and wrong btw.
He seems more salty then Dragic and McD combined. Yet wasn't involved, and wasn't wronged. Pointing that out, and his axe to grind against the Suns, and all the misinformation he published, should sort of be in the mix when discussing the merits of what he said.
Just because a bunch of blind people agree the destination is that way, doesn't mean they are right. Hell how do they even know they are all pointing the same way?
Yeah PR matters, and I don't think what McD did, he should of done. But at the same time, there were some circumstances.
But if we put it all into perspective, the damage that was done, was done mostly by Dragic. What Dragic did was worse then what McD did. He didn't say anything untrue. Did what he say really make things that much worse then what Dragic did. Not really. If people want to believe BS they can, and if FA's don't come here because they believe a bunch of BS spouted out by me-first crybabies like Goran and Amin, then you're right. BS can cause us trouble. That doesn't mean I should stop pointed out BS.
Also has anyone stopped to write down the questions? They were PEPPERING them, with every little nuance. He should have said no comment, and we did many times.
Maybe if you saw the number of times they peppered them with basically the same question, you'd see they actually handled it pretty well.
The shots they took were believing the guy two front office's scouted, and younger, they got after being blindsided (sort of...it's both yes and no to that) by Dragic was better then Dragic. They believe they got the better player. They said that after being screwed by Dragic. After being peppered. Okay.
It's salty, but it's really not that bad.
They were right that the winners buy into the team. Jordan did. Magic did. Duncan did. Dragic didn't. That's simply a fact. Dragic left because he didn't want to and couldn't see something blatantly obvious, the team has an approach and he was going to be a part of it, but some small inconveniences got in the way, and that was too much. That's some thin skin for Dragic.
But no, if FA's want to be morons, and not come here because of this situation, then I think the thing they will think about most, is what Dragic said about not having trust, not what McD said to partially and not nearly as bad is could of been to explain the situation.
Either way, signings are just one way to improve, so it doesn't completely screw us. Even with $arver's history we still have managed to get some talent to come here, and I think that is FAR FAR worse for us PR wise, then what McD said. So let's put those things into perspective.
Look at it realistically. Do most players think they are going to try to screw the front office they are looking to join? Because that's what elicited the response. So no, this isn't just a GM going off on someone, it's only after a very bad, and very public situation caused by a baby disgruntled player who acted first.
That FA, could say...I'll never be like that idiot Dragic, thus it doesn't apply to me, and so why should it impact my willingness to sign?
But it's also not just money or the way a moron forced his way out of town, it's also how good the team is and what direction it's going.
If $arver didn't kill our team's chances to sign FA's, then what McD said during some very difficult situations, won't have a long term impact as well.
McD could and should have taken a slightly higher road, but some of what he said was unavoidable, and where he did take shots, they were based in unabashed truth.