ANOTHER non-elimination round? that pisses me off. i like the cha cha's, but c'mon. let's stop dragging this out. i almost feel like they keep trying to boot the beauty queens so the other three teams can claim some big "karma got them in the end" thing, but the bq's just aren't losing.
I made the exact same comment, that had to be the first time ever we had 2 non elims in a row? I was actually thinking serves them right they sell out when they could have simply asked Charla and Mirna for some money and cancelled the pact with the BQ's.
That said, I loved the spin, BQ's saying they said we'll give you money you don't yield us and yield the team of your choice. Uh that's NOT what happened you asked them to yield eric and Dani. And even Danny and Oswald lied IIRC. They said "we might yield you" which is what started the whole thing about we'd take money for the yield, so IIRC it was their idea, not the BQ's?
But I agree the double non elims really annoyed me. They did say that's the last one though.
I really hope we see some footage of Eric and Dani going off on those 2 teams though you know they will and it would sure be funny.
BTW, anybody else amazed they not only didn't censor, but they used subtitles when one of the BQ's said "ride the pony" when he was using that bamboo pole to
flatten out the noodle dough? Very funny but I sure was surprised they allowed it.