Although we talk about the ping-pong balls and give the numbers of them, this is just a manner of speaking. They're really combinations of 4 numbers chosen from the integers 1 through 14. The groups of 4 numbers are chosen by selecting 4 balls at random from among 14 balls numbered 1 through 14. There are 1001 such combinations and one of them is ignored when it comes up so there are 1000 used combinations which are allocated to teams which don't make the playoffs. Once a team has won the first slot with the first drawing its combinations are ignored for subsequent drawings and similarly for the team winning the second draft slot when the third slot is being chosen. Combinations are ignored by redoing the drawing of combinations until an non-ignored combination is selected.
Incidentally combinations of 4 numbers from among 14 were used when there were 13 teams in the lottery and I think the coincidence of there now being 14 teams and 14 numbered balls gives rise to some confusion.
In case anyone is wondering, there is no statistical difference between ignoring some cases when they occur and arranging things so precisely those cases cannot occur. (At least, thats true when you use objects that are distinguishable. Strange things happen when one gets down to the quantum level...)
I realize that I have not watched the lootery in a very long time. At one time they really used balls.