Right Clif, 'out selling mainstream', just like Grunge did, and died. Or Disco did, and died. Or 80's syntho did, and died. Or 80's hair/metal did, and died.
There is really so little that Rap/Hip Hop has to offer the world, it makes it hard to not lump it all together as music that sucks.
Hip Hop is dead music walking simply because of the complete lack of skill necessary to do it. I can take a 70 year old man and work with him on it and eventually make him tolerable. I can't do that with real music needing vocal talent. Half of Hip Hops intrigue is that fact that anyone can 'sing along' with it. You don't need any skill to talk. I think the other half of the fans just like the opportunity to spout off vile lyrics and try to pass them off as 'how the real world is'. What a crock.
Give me Earth, Wind and Fire, the Ohio Players, Brothers Johnson, Otis Redding, Marvin Gaye, quality black performers with style, skill, and their own styles of bling. Guys that brought the style. All we have now are baggy pants, underwear out the top, moronic gold chains, sideways hat wearing followers that steal half of the tracks to make their 'music', because they don't have the talent to create it.
So come on and call me a racist, but before you do come to my house and check out my blues collection. Music is about style, not race.