Ahh We build them up only to tear them down.
Lets break this down simple like.
Dockett and Q are very good players on the cusp of being great players with a couple more good years. They want to get paid while their primary asset (their body) can still put out more PB level seasons. Saying we would be a better team by them not being on the squad is just silly.
They are doing whatever it takes to get a new contract. You know why? So they can start the clock on the NEXT contract before their production drys up. That is th
e nature of the NFL. Get as much money as fast as possible before the business side of the game is up against you.
My advice to all fans just follow players and thier impact on your favorite team on the field and in the locker room. Nothing more nothing less. Otherwise you'll go crazy. If you don't put them on a pedestal for any reason other their actual production on the field then its less likely this kind of stuff will shock and dismay you.
It's alot easier to sit on a MB and pretend like we wouldn't be trying to cash out at every opportunity possible because its easy to say how we want others to act when we have never been in the position.
Get over it and get excited for the football portion of the team.
Soap Operas are for house wives.