You can still drink heavily while being a fan of a good team.DevonCardsFan said:Because I need an excuse to drink heavily on Sundays
thirty-two said:Cuz I think Neil Rackers is hot.
It's been the only bright spot as of late!
ANDY440 said:Because winning every weekend becomes boring & bland.Observe your basic Steeler / Patriot / Colts fan,theyre zombies.The outcome of their games are so predictable.Its like wondering if a brand new Toyota is going to start when you turn the key,of course it does! Driving a clunker gives you an apreciation for the little things that go right every once and a while.
JasonKGME said:Sorry breaking away from the mood of the thread....
I'm a Cardinal fan first and formost because I love the team, have since they moved to Arizona back in 1988. And I know as a long standing Card fan when we finally get good, that I am those of us who have remained loyal and faithful fans will know that we deserve to see the success more then the ton of bandwagonners who will jump all over the Cards jockstrap when the winning begins. It will be that much sweeter. Ask any Red Sox or White Sox fan what I mean.