Truth be told this thing is in the destiny slot now.
I'm not saying we're home free, no, I'm simply saying at times in life things are meant to be and it takes a lot to knock the thing out of that slot.
I'm personally afraid to jinx anything but it's so freakin obvious what the heck, the entire season is one giant moustrap like contraption that has led us to where we are.
The amount of things that have had to fall into place is just sick, it's off the charts.
We play Philly, we get beat like rented drums and they go on to the playoffs plowing out two teams we'd likely not beat on the road and we dispatch the other team with some kind of uber shelling.
Now we're matched up with Whiz's old team so we know more about them than any other team possible.
All of this after Whiz was turned down in his bid to be the Steelers coach, he comes here, we draft DRC, ..... this is just, well it just is what it is.