Coro suggested the Suns may/should look at Marreese Speights who may be available. I don't know why he's not playing, but I certainly wouldn't mind trading a pick + Clark for him.
As far as Dec. 15th, that applies to Childress, Frye and Warrick. I don't think Childress has much trade value right now. He is making $6.5M this year, with four more years under contract. Trading Childress is not really an option.
Frye may hold some value, but he is actually contributing this season. He won't be traded nor should he. No point trading a big for a big, unless the big we'd be getting is super-talented.
Warrick has played well enough that his trade value might have gone up a bit. But he's about the only player we have who has been able to execute pick-and-rolls consistently. Trading a capable PF away when that's the position you are trying to fill is probably not a good idea. Warrick could still start later on when Lopez comes back and plays better.
So our trading options are very limited. No one is going to take Turkoglu off our hands and actually give us someone useful in return. The only options imo are to either trade Richardson for a high-salaried player like Dalembert, which obviously carries its risks, or to try to swap Clark + pick for a low salaried one like Anythony Randolph, Hickson, or Speights. It may not be enough to get those.