Time for a Change


Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
This team is too young not to have a quality head coach.

After watching the Golden State game, it was clear to me we were not properly prepared tonight.

This loss, despite not having Marion and Z falls directly on Frank Johnson's shoulders.

I am very disappointed.

This team has the pieces to be one of the elite teams in the West. They just lack true leadership.

And it's not all Stephon's fault we all see him motivating and inspiring these guys to play better.

The peices are there, we have what we all have asked for : a back up to Steph, solid play from our bench, and a servicable 3 headed center.

I love what FJ did last year but if we want to take another step closer to seeing championship banners hanging in AWA we need a better coach.

And we need one fast before this team loses its fire to win.