I just went and looked. I have never seen one movie or tv show Katie Holmes has been in.. Couldn't for the life of me think of what she has been in..
I just went and looked. I have never seen one movie or tv show Katie Holmes has been in.. Couldn't for the life of me think of what she has been in..
Of course it doesn't. Most of that stuff (about Scientology) is completely made up.
Batman Begins? Surely you saw that movie.
I just went and looked. I have never seen one movie or tv show Katie Holmes has been in.. Couldn't for the life of me think of what she has been in..
TV Show: Dawson's Creek?
Movie: Phone Booth with Colin Farrell? And Batman Begins was the biggest one.
Gee was just kidding, of course he was a devout watcher of Dawson's Creek!
Interesting fact I read on MSNBC.com: even though he didn't file for the divorce this time, Tom Cruise separated from all 3 wives when they were 33; and, assuming the divorce is not finalized by December, legally divorced all 3 wives when they were 34.
Uh, yeah, how about you're wrong? If you're talking about their marriage, then I'm out of line, because I have no idea about that, but scientology is some messed up stuff.
Of course it doesn't. Most of that stuff (about Scientology) is completely made up.
Of course it doesn't. Most of that stuff (about Scientology) is completely made up.
You know nothing about it except what the media and Wikipedia has force-fed you. Just like 95% of the population.
chap, are you a scientologist?
No, I am not, but many of my friends are, and honestly they are no different than anyone else.
They admittedly have some strange aspects to their religion, but no stranger than Mormonism or Catholocism.
No, I am not, but many of my friends are, and honestly they are no different than anyone else.
They admittedly have some strange aspects to their religion, but no stranger than Mormonism or Catholocism.
No, I am not, but many of my friends are, and honestly they are no different than anyone else.
They admittedly have some strange aspects to their religion, but no stranger than Mormonism or Catholocism.
I'm not sure how much it will impact his career, but he's crippling Katie's career. Already had her pull out of some projects.
I can't wait until we don't have to hear about these two every other second. I give the over/under on their marriage 8 months ... and that's being generous.
Eyes wide shut much? I'm not impugning your friends or anything, but the religion is a crackpot nutjob religion that is often overbearing and dangerous. As posted, even a prominent former member of that 'religion' agrees. I put 'religion' in quotes because it's just a crock of crap. Hubbard was quoted prominently as saying the best way to make money is to create a fake religion. And yet mindless drones join up in droves. Stupid, really.
Maybe I don't know what you are referring to specifically but many reports had KH and her family worried about that aspect of the marriage.
There are several good books you can read Chap about Scientology. Some written from ex-members of the religion. Have you read them? I have read a couple and many of things they I have heard about the religion are in fact part of the religion. I think your comments are a gross over exaggeration that many of things you hear are not true.
Maybe if you were more specific?
Also, I find it curious she is seeking full custody.
but I do know at least 50, probably more like 75 of them and none of them are crazy nutjobs.
I've glanced over some of their reading materials at some friends' request, and nothing in it is fake--it's all about being a better person and enriching your life.... I do know at least 50, probably more like 75 of them....
I saw something on Saturday that said sources indicate it was in fact her discomfort with his religion that caused her to file for divorce.
This will be the last I post on this.
I know you're not an all-out bigot, but it's sad how bigotry has become the rule of the day, especially in the media--which by extension translates to people like you who are easily manipulated by mainstream media. The biggest opponent of Scientology is the psychiatric medical field--they are extremists when it comes to medicating children--they think it's totally wrong and that ADHD in a 4-year-old is a fallacy. That of course ticks off the psychiatric community to no end because who wants a whole group talking about awful your practice is--towards children, no less? So the media, which is heavily influenced by special interests like the medical community, takes an anti-Scientology stand because their backers force them to--leading to the people that consume it (like you and others) to believe everything you hear. I was like you at one time, I didn't know any Scientologists (well, that is, I didn't know any that I was aware of as being Scientologist), but now that I do, I understand it a lot more, and it's no different than anything else.
But calling my friends mindless drones isn't "impugning"? What about the multitude of other religions out there that are far more extreme? Catholicism is extremely radical in what they practice, but since millions more practice it, it's more tolerable, right?
Scientology is really more of a moral code than anything, more similar to Hinduism than traditional Christianity because it's based on human spirit rather than an all-knowning being. I will probably never become one, because like most religions, it is pretty expensive to practice (and I dislike ANY organized religion). Yes, it is money-making, like anything else, but you do know that the Vatican and the Catholic Church is the richest organization in the history of the world, right?
Anyway, although I'm disappointed in your close-mindedness, I definitely understand it. You have the right to think as you do, even though I think you are wrong in your reasons and even in the proof you try to provide. It's like that for most people who spend their time railing on something that a) they don't understand fully and b) has no bearing on their personal life whatsoever.
Please quote where Hubbard said that Scientology was "fake". I've glanced over some of their reading materials at some friends' request, and nothing in it is fake--it's all about being a better person and enriching your life. There's no aliens or spaceships or anything like that. That's just a falsehood perpetrated by people that see Hubbard as a Sci-Fi writer who created Scientology, so naturally, his "religion" must incorporate aliens, right? Ridiculous.
I don't expect to change your mind, and this is not a good thread/location for this, but I wanted to put this out there. Again, I am NOT a Scientologist, but I do know at least 50, probably more like 75 of them and none of them are crazy nutjobs--most of those I know are Christian.Just Kidding... And before anyone gets upset, my family is predominantly Protestant, so not everyone are nutjobs.
As for Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. I DON'T CARE. As long as Cruise keeps making fun movies, I'm good.