Warner will be going blu-ray after the holidays. they have hinted too much at it. sorry.
Toshiba is shooting themselves in the foot selling HD DVD players for so cheap. no other manufacturer will be able to sell one for any profit. so it pretty much leaves Toshiba by themselves.
while the sale is good for people that follow HD DVD and want to purchase a 2nd player, such a low sales price will might confuse newcomers to the format that regular DVD's will be shown in HD on their HD tvs. so while this may move all the A2's that Toshiba has sitting in warehouses unsold, it doesnt guarantee them more software sales.
also blu-ray has been killing HD DVD in terms of software sales the entire year by a 66:33 sales ratio. HD DVD couldnt even sell more disks during the week that transformers was released on.
and yes, i have a ps3