wow, so many thoughts, so confused...
how can a team that is so good let a core nucleas player go? especially a team that is so unique in the way it plays the game? remember how long it took raja to get in the flow? kg's been playing a certain way for a decade, it's not going to be easy to change that.
so it has finally gotten to this point: we are basically saying shawn marion for kevin garnett is a fair trade, and i believe it. IF kg actually wanted out, you're NOT going to get ANYTHING better than marion.
i just have such a hard time thinking about letting shawn go. its so funny, about 18 months ago, i was the one making all the 'trade marion' threads, but i have seen the light. who WOULD i trade marion for? in our system, with our team, i'd trade him for LeBron...that's it. Not DWade, not Duncan, not Shaq, not Brand, NOBODY else. that's how good i think marion is.
all that being said, if this were to happen, i'd be riveted. that would be high drama. so many questions: can KG and amare co-exist? can KG fit in the run-n-gun scheme? would KG lose some of his effectiveness not being the primary ball-handler?
interesting thing about the two, KG and marion, is that their perceived weaknesses are similar: both seem to wilt in big games, are not as physical around the rim as they could be.
KG eclipses marion in that he can create his own shot, better passing instincts, and he has height. Marion beats KG in that he is better off the ball (which is prized in our offense), generally quicker/more explosive, better chemistry with current team, and slightly better defensive ability for his size.
they are a wash in terms of rebounding, shooting, ft's, to's, and leadership imo.
if that choice was given to me, i think my head would explode. this is to say it's certainly closer than some people here think. if anything, i'd be inclined to stay with marion, ESPECIALLY if i was headed out the door. why risk that this could blow up in your face on your way out the door. you've done GREAT, just keep status quo and you're guaranteed to look like gold as you ride off into the bitter cold and snow...