A little background. I had no plans to see this movie, no desire to. I'm off for the week and had an appointment in a nice neighborhood, after which I was going to take in the neighborhood, check out a new restaurant, and watch Harold and Maude at the local art house theater. But it was pouring rain, so...I checked out what was playing at my local theater, and this is all that even remotely looked good.
At first, I thought I'd made a mistake. It was slow and boring. But, as it got better and better, I realized the slow start was just a decent slow burn. IDGAF about the actual tornadoes; I just wanted an entertaining story. I didn't want sad story lines in place only to bridge the special effects. So, I was both pleasantly surprised and greatly entertained when the story was superb. I would highly recommend this movie. Any movie that Stout doesn't want to see and then actually likes should get like a 200% on RT