Oh you missed a dewzie! SPOILER ALERT!
So the blackmail lady "Max" has hatched a huge plan by claiming the cement factory as her own personal mini Vegas. Chalk full of fight clubs, drinking and gambling. It's highly organized. She's got doormen, bouncers, traders, gaming tables, oddsmakers, booze and all kinds of other vices but lets make one thing clear folks, SHE DOES NOT DEAL IN PROSTITUTION!!! There is a line ok? Jeez. More about that later.
So she forces Barbie to fight and he loses on purpose to spite her in which case she is like "RAWR I will expose you, be my mate and we will rule this world!" And Barbie is like "nah! You cant have this world" and so Max is like; "Zen I WILL BURN IT TO ZEE GROUND!!!!" and Barbie is like "Whatever!" and he leaves.
So Barbie goes home and tells the hot ginger that he killed her husband (essentially taking Max's power away) he's like; "So yeah like, I totally like." And hot ginger is like; "Like I know cuz I like found the empty gun case. He pulled a gun on you right?" and Barbie is like; "Bro I'm so sorry it's like, I know its messed up but ya I'm stoked that you know now." and hot Ginger girl is like; "That's cool, but in the future no more lies ok?" and Barbie is like; "Totes future hot Ginger!!"
Meanwhile Big Jim is on a personal quest to destroy Max by finding out what her "insurance policy" is. So he digs through some property records and finds out she owns a cozy little mansion out on an island near town. So big Jim cruises out on his sick motorboat to the island and discovers that Max lives there with her Mom who invites him in and they have a cup of tea before she pulls a machine gun on him. (Max isn't there cuz she's too busy running mini Vegas) She proceeds to (for no good reason whatsoever) to tell Big Jim how she hates Chesters Mill because she got pregnant when she was young and the whole town shunned her so the only way she could survive was to be a gigantic ***** (oohh now we see why Max is sensitive about prostitutes! ohhh snap!) and so she hates the town and wants to BURN IT TO ZEE GROUND!!!!
I'd like to take a second break in our story kids and just remind everyone that the dome has been down 8 days.

Half the town is dead and society has already degenerated into mini vegas fight clubs and murder sprees. Ok moving on!
So Big Jim riles up Max's mom and takes the gun from her, ties her up and puts her on his boat, takes her out on the water and she conveniently falls in the water, and Big Jim decides to leave her to drown. (presumably)
When Big Jim gets home the hot latina policia is waiting for him, (cuz shes done her homework and she's like, ON TO Big Jim and his drug dealing ways so she islike all; "Hey Jim you come to station." But Jim is all like, "nah I had a bad day." And hot policia is like; "Ok you come to station in morning or I cuff you ok?" And Big Jim is like all... "Grrrrrrr" and hot policia is like all; "Ok bye."
So the episode ends with the seizure triplets convincing Junior that he's the 4th so they all head out to the old creepy dome and play telephone with the mini dome which now has a cocoon in it (oops sorry a crystalis as our young nerd pointed out) and so all 4 teens touch their hands to the dome and Pink stars start a fallin in the barn, formin constellations and basically makin it rain in the creepy old barn! And it's like all,,, WHOA!!!!
The end.