Yar's Revenge (Atari 2600)
In a distant galaxy the civilization known as the Yars were attacked by the fierce Qotiles. Though badly damaged, the Yars' fought back using their mechanical ships that look like giant metal insects. The Qotiles have many laser cannons shielded behind celluliod barriers which are capable of destroying the Yars. It's up to you to control your Yar ships and dig your way through the shields and fire your powerful Zorlon Cannon into the Qotiles. The enemy is relentless; there are thousands of laser cannons surrounding the people of Yar, each one is capable of firing deadly energy swirls at the Yars. They are also protected with a destroyer missile that will constantly track you down and detonate your Yar ship. It's up to you to save the Yars, good luck!
One of my favorite games ever as a kid. Ironically, programmed by the same guy who did the E.T. game for the 2600 ).
Haven't played it in years, but loved that you could use the neutral zone to avoid the missiles, but still had to be aware of the swirls. At certain points in the game the neutral zone goes away and there's nowhere to hide. Point was to eat away the shield and destroy the laser cannon behind it. Seem repetitive? It was, but it was also addictive.
It's one of those games you can never truly beat, and the score stopped going up once you hit 999,999 (which I did more than once).
In a distant galaxy the civilization known as the Yars were attacked by the fierce Qotiles. Though badly damaged, the Yars' fought back using their mechanical ships that look like giant metal insects. The Qotiles have many laser cannons shielded behind celluliod barriers which are capable of destroying the Yars. It's up to you to control your Yar ships and dig your way through the shields and fire your powerful Zorlon Cannon into the Qotiles. The enemy is relentless; there are thousands of laser cannons surrounding the people of Yar, each one is capable of firing deadly energy swirls at the Yars. They are also protected with a destroyer missile that will constantly track you down and detonate your Yar ship. It's up to you to save the Yars, good luck!
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One of my favorite games ever as a kid. Ironically, programmed by the same guy who did the E.T. game for the 2600 ).
Haven't played it in years, but loved that you could use the neutral zone to avoid the missiles, but still had to be aware of the swirls. At certain points in the game the neutral zone goes away and there's nowhere to hide. Point was to eat away the shield and destroy the laser cannon behind it. Seem repetitive? It was, but it was also addictive.
It's one of those games you can never truly beat, and the score stopped going up once you hit 999,999 (which I did more than once).