We don't have the money to compete; judge us when we have our own stadium

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Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
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Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
Ah yes, the pathetic rallying cry of the Bidwills that emanated from Cards HQ through the mouthpiece that is Rod Graves for several seasons. We don't have the money, they whined. We have such a crappy stadium, they insisted. Just you wait and see how big of players we'll be once we have the revenue flow of a new state-of-the-art stadium, they cried.

Yeah. Marcel Shipp and Hanik Milligan re-signed. Al Johnson as the lone FA. A backup CB and a role-playing FS in talks. NO other visits scheduled. Bonuses accellerated to this season simply to eat up cap space so the team can pretend they're being proactive when in reality they are simply fleecing the fans by keeping a 'healthy cap'.

Judge you when you have a stadium? I find you guilty of complete and utter fraud, Bidwill family, and I sentence you to the wrath of the fans. You suck; you drain our money, and you carry it to the bank as you trot out your sorry story of a plan. You promised to spend like a real team when you got the new stadium, and you simply pocket the benefits. I say you deserve to be lynched by the media and the fans, and be pushed into a no-control capacity by the NFL like what happened to the Bengals' owner.


Nov 9, 2005
Reaction score
Ah yes, the pathetic rallying cry of the Bidwills that emanated from Cards HQ through the mouthpiece that is Rod Graves for several seasons. We don't have the money, they whined. We have such a crappy stadium, they insisted. Just you wait and see how big of players we'll be once we have the revenue flow of a new state-of-the-art stadium, they cried.

Yeah. Marcel Shipp and Hanik Milligan re-signed. Al Johnson as the lone FA. A backup CB and a role-playing FS in talks. NO other visits scheduled. Bonuses accellerated to this season simply to eat up cap space so the team can pretend they're being proactive when in reality they are simply fleecing the fans by keeping a 'healthy cap'.

Judge you when you have a stadium? I find you guilty of complete and utter fraud, Bidwill family, and I sentence you to the wrath of the fans. You suck; you drain our money, and you carry it to the bank as you trot out your sorry story of a plan. You promised to spend like a real team when you got the new stadium, and you simply pocket the benefits. I say you deserve to be lynched by the media and the fans, and be pushed into a no-control capacity by the NFL like what happened to the Bengals' owner.

Amen brotha...


Apr 30, 2003
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Urban is really a good source out in the desert. He explains were a lot of our cap space went:

BUT the Bidwills are definately still the biggest scam artists ever. If they get anymore aggressive this offseason they might actually have to wake Bill from his afternoon nap.


Hall of Famer
Oct 22, 2006
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Nashville, TN
It's obvious

It's obvious that there is a bunch of idiots on here that don't know anything about much of nothing because if you did you would be running a sports team of your own now wouldn't you? It's also obvious to me that there are a lot of so called "experts" on here that like to write long "articles" professing their so called "knowledge" about everything with no verifiable credentials in writing or sports management. You also have obviously never run a real business either. So go ahead, fire or cut anyone on the team you want, sign anyone you want and cut them the next day if you get a wild hair. Spend ALL of the money without researching or any knowledge of anything, and when you don't have any money left to pay the bills because you didn't know squat about what you were doing to begin with, stand there and tell everybody at least you were doing something. And by the way, if you think buying a ticket gives you the right to bitch and call the owners names try that approach the next time you go to the movie theatre and buy a ticket and don't like the movie. Ask the owner what he paid his employees and what he pays himself a year and see what it gets you. It's really none of your business now is it unless they really want you to know.If you don't like whats going on stay the hell home and don't go to the games of watch the game on TV, it don't take a lot of intelligence to figure that out. I think all of you need to to come on here and post your tax returns so we can all see what your pitiful salaries really are so your petty jealosy can really become apparent. Does the term WANNABE me anything tou you? GROW UP!!!


Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
It's obvious that there is a bunch of idiots on here that don't know anything about much of nothing because if you did you would be running a sports team of your own now wouldn't you? It's also obvious to me that there are a lot of so called "experts" on here that like to write long "articles" professing their so called "knowledge" about everything with no verifiable credentials in writing or sports management. You also have obviously never run a real business either. So go ahead, fire or cut anyone on the team you want, sign anyone you want and cut them the next day if you get a wild hair. Spend ALL of the money without researching or any knowledge of anything, and when you don't have any money left to pay the bills because you didn't know squat about what you were doing to begin with, stand there and tell everybody at least you were doing something. And by the way, if you think buying a ticket gives you the right to bitch and call the owners names try that approach the next time you go to the movie theatre and buy a ticket and don't like the movie. Ask the owner what he paid his employees and what he pays himself a year and see what it gets you. It's really none of your business now is it unless they really want you to know.If you don't like whats going on stay the hell home and don't go to the games of watch the game on TV, it don't take a lot of intelligence to figure that out. I think all of you need to to come on here and post your tax returns so we can all see what your pitiful salaries really are so your petty jealosy can really become apparent. Does the term WANNABE me anything tou you? GROW UP!!!

First off, say hello to the ban you're probably about to get. Nice personal attack, pal.

Second off, to your bolded part, um no, you're pretty much 100 percent wrong. You don't have to know thing one about sports to own a sports team. You have to be rich enough and purchase a team or inherit one. Sports knowledge doesn't enter into it.

Also, because of the revenue sharing and the base money an NFL team makes, as well as the stadium revenue stream, they are most certainly making money. We all know this, though you might not want to admit it. Bidwill simply pockets what he doesn't spend. We also know this.

Fourth, I obviously do have some knowledge. I know roughly how the salary cap works. I know Joe is a salary cap guru, and he is ripping the Cards for how they are handling the cap this season. So yeah, I can actually speak from a stance of some knowledge here.

As for the rest of your elementary rudeness, well, I will simply ignore it. Now that I've absolutely shredded your post, have a good vacation ban.


Hall of Famer
Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
Nashville, TN

Yeah, people pocket money when a business makes a profit, how do you think that they pay your salary? And you can talk all you want about what you know but it's obvious you don't know squat. Ban me if you want, so what you are still just part of the herd.

Cbus cardsfan

Back to Back ASFN FFL Champion
May 14, 2002
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It's obvious that there is a bunch of idiots on here that don't know anything about much of nothing because if you did you would be running a sports team of your own now wouldn't you? It's also obvious to me that there are a lot of so called "experts" on here that like to write long "articles" professing their so called "knowledge" about everything with no verifiable credentials in writing or sports management. You also have obviously never run a real business either. So go ahead, fire or cut anyone on the team you want, sign anyone you want and cut them the next day if you get a wild hair. Spend ALL of the money without researching or any knowledge of anything, and when you don't have any money left to pay the bills because you didn't know squat about what you were doing to begin with, stand there and tell everybody at least you were doing something. And by the way, if you think buying a ticket gives you the right to bitch and call the owners names try that approach the next time you go to the movie theatre and buy a ticket and don't like the movie. Ask the owner what he paid his employees and what he pays himself a year and see what it gets you. It's really none of your business now is it unless they really want you to know.If you don't like whats going on stay the hell home and don't go to the games of watch the game on TV, it don't take a lot of intelligence to figure that out. I think all of you need to to come on here and post your tax returns so we can all see what your pitiful salaries really are so your petty jealosy can really become apparent. Does the term WANNABE me anything tou you? GROW UP!!!

signed Mike Graves.


Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Yeah, people pocket money when a business makes a profit, how do you think that they pay your salary? And you can talk all you want about what you know but it's obvious you don't know squat. Ban me if you want, so what you are still just part of the herd.

You are a fool, we all have a vested interest in the team, spending money to buy them a stadium and spending money on tickets year after year to watch this team fail in a new and embarassing method.


Chopped Liver Moderator
Super Moderator
Supporting Member
Aug 19, 2005
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It's obvious that there is a bunch of idiots on here that don't know anything about much of nothing because if you did you would be running a sports team of your own now wouldn't you? It's also obvious to me that there are a lot of so called "experts" on here that like to write long "articles" professing their so called "knowledge" about everything with no verifiable credentials in writing or sports management. You also have obviously never run a real business either. So go ahead, fire or cut anyone on the team you want, sign anyone you want and cut them the next day if you get a wild hair. Spend ALL of the money without researching or any knowledge of anything, and when you don't have any money left to pay the bills because you didn't know squat about what you were doing to begin with, stand there and tell everybody at least you were doing something. And by the way, if you think buying a ticket gives you the right to bitch and call the owners names try that approach the next time you go to the movie theatre and buy a ticket and don't like the movie. Ask the owner what he paid his employees and what he pays himself a year and see what it gets you. It's really none of your business now is it unless they really want you to know.If you don't like whats going on stay the hell home and don't go to the games of watch the game on TV, it don't take a lot of intelligence to figure that out. I think all of you need to to come on here and post your tax returns so we can all see what your pitiful salaries really are so your petty jealosy can really become apparent. Does the term WANNABE me anything tou you? GROW UP!!!

I actually agreed with a lot of what you said, until this. If you bitch at a movie theatre, you can get a refund. I used to work at a movie theatre, and gave refunds all the time..... so there goes that theory.

I agree with the overall theme of your post though. There are those that bitch when we do nothing, and bitch because we do nothing right in their eyes. They will always be around, especially in internet message boards. You should take what is said with a grain of salt.

We could have signed a top tier free agent, and someone would bitch that we didn't sign 5 average ones instead. We could have signed 5 average guys, and someone would bitch about the wrong 5 guys, or we should have signed the top tier.

Haven't you learned that already?

signed Mike Graves.

I get it.... Mike Bidwill, Rod Graves.... clever.


ASFN Addict
Aug 22, 2003
Reaction score
The 215
It's obvious that there is a bunch of idiots on here that don't know anything about much of nothing because if you did you would be running a sports team of your own now wouldn't you? It's also obvious to me that there are a lot of so called "experts" on here that like to write long "articles" professing their so called "knowledge" about everything with no verifiable credentials in writing or sports management. You also have obviously never run a real business either. So go ahead, fire or cut anyone on the team you want, sign anyone you want and cut them the next day if you get a wild hair. Spend ALL of the money without researching or any knowledge of anything, and when you don't have any money left to pay the bills because you didn't know squat about what you were doing to begin with, stand there and tell everybody at least you were doing something. And by the way, if you think buying a ticket gives you the right to bitch and call the owners names try that approach the next time you go to the movie theatre and buy a ticket and don't like the movie. Ask the owner what he paid his employees and what he pays himself a year and see what it gets you. It's really none of your business now is it unless they really want you to know.If you don't like whats going on stay the hell home and don't go to the games of watch the game on TV, it don't take a lot of intelligence to figure that out. I think all of you need to to come on here and post your tax returns so we can all see what your pitiful salaries really are so your petty jealosy can really become apparent. Does the term WANNABE me anything tou you? GROW UP!!!

Rod, is that you?;)


I'm saying you ARE stuck in Wichita
Mar 20, 2003
Reaction score
The big problem (besides the owners and giving Rod Graves an extension) is that the FO and Whiz believe that all the players we have now are starter caliber and we only need depth.
I don't care how many 'strides' we made in the last 4-5 games when it didn't count, we sucked. Alot of players on this team are 2nd string for other teams and yet, we're looking for depth??
That's the plan, there is no mystery. They want dpeth. They believe the team that was on the field last year can win and go to the play-offs and win a Super Bowl. That's why they play right? To win the Super Bowl, anything less is failing. If you're not in it to win it all, you shouldn't be in it
Great plan....same plan and get used to another 3 years of this cuz Graves sux, should never have been given an extension and just 1 year after the opening of the stadium, they can go back to beign a sucky team because they got the stadium thay wanted and can sit back and count thier $$


Oct 11, 2002
Reaction score
Between the Pipes
It's obvious that there is a bunch of idiots on here that don't know anything about much of nothing because if you did you would be running a sports team of your own now wouldn't you?

I don't know what, "don't know anything aabout much of nothing" means exactly. But ok.


An Army of One
May 10, 2003
Reaction score
lat: 35.231 lon: -111.550
FA is 5 days old, let's give up! Jeez, if being a fan is so painful then quit. If you don't like the way a particular business is run then it is your right not to patronize said business.

The Bidwills have hung on to our most talented players and they ate the last year of Denny's contract to bring in Whis and then they paid Grimm $1 million-a-year. I guess because we didn't use all our cap room on Clements or Adalius Thomas our season is doomed!

All this wailing and gnashing of teeth at this time is really pointless.


Supporting Member
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
FA is 5 days old, let's give up! Jeez, if being a fan is so painful then quit. If you don't like the way a particular business is run then it is your right not to patronize said business.

The Bidwills have hung on to our most talented players and they ate the last year of Denny's contract to bring in Whis and then they paid Grimm $1 million-a-year. I guess because we didn't use all our cap room on Clements or Adalius Thomas our season is doomed!

All this wailing and gnashing of teeth at this time is really pointless.


Things have changed.
May 14, 2002
Reaction score
FA is 5 days old, let's give up! Jeez, if being a fan is so painful then quit. If you don't like the way a particular business is run then it is your right not to patronize said business.

If you enjoy losing and have not grown tired of the ineptitude of the team...stop reading the negative posts.


Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
FA is 5 days old, let's give up! Jeez, if being a fan is so painful then quit. If you don't like the way a particular business is run then it is your right not to patronize said business.

The Bidwills have hung on to our most talented players and they ate the last year of Denny's contract to bring in Whis and then they paid Grimm $1 million-a-year. I guess because we didn't use all our cap room on Clements or Adalius Thomas our season is doomed!

All this wailing and gnashing of teeth at this time is really pointless.

As annoying as the "wailing and gnashing of teeth" is for you, it's twice as annoying having people tell you to settle down. We all spend quite a bit of time following this team and if you can't understand why people are impatient with how things are done then I don't know what to tell you. SOC. You are right though, all the worrying about it is worthless. It was pretty silly to get fired up about your team when your GM and coach talk about "having a plan" and "being aggressive in FA".
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An Army of One
May 10, 2003
Reaction score
lat: 35.231 lon: -111.550
As annoying as the "wailing and gnashing of teeth" is for you, it's twice as annoying having people tell you to settle down. We all spend quite a bit of time following this team and if you can't understand why people are impatient with how things are done then I don't know what to tell you. SOC. You are right though, all the worrying about it is worthless. It was pretty silly to get fired up about your team when your GM and coach talk about "having a plan" and "being aggressive in FA".

Whatever. If having a coronary five days into a weak FA market makes you feel better then have at it.
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