We don't have the money to compete; judge us when we have our own stadium

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john h

Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
It's obvious that there is a bunch of idiots on here that don't know anything about much of nothing because if you did you would be running a sports team of your own now wouldn't you? It's also obvious to me that there are a lot of so called "experts" on here that like to write long "articles" professing their so called "knowledge" about everything with no verifiable credentials in writing or sports management. You also have obviously never run a real business either. So go ahead, fire or cut anyone on the team you want, sign anyone you want and cut them the next day if you get a wild hair. Spend ALL of the money without researching or any knowledge of anything, and when you don't have any money left to pay the bills because you didn't know squat about what you were doing to begin with, stand there and tell everybody at least you were doing something. And by the way, if you think buying a ticket gives you the right to bitch and call the owners names try that approach the next time you go to the movie theatre and buy a ticket and don't like the movie. Ask the owner what he paid his employees and what he pays himself a year and see what it gets you. It's really none of your business now is it unless they really want you to know.If you don't like whats going on stay the hell home and don't go to the games of watch the game on TV, it don't take a lot of intelligence to figure that out. I think all of you need to to come on here and post your tax returns so we can all see what your pitiful salaries really are so your petty jealosy can really become apparent. Does the term WANNABE me anything tou you? GROW UP!!!

26 post and you know enough about us and the Cards to call us "idiots"? Are you really a Cardinal fan or just someone passing the time of day?

john h

Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
Yeah, people pocket money when a business makes a profit, how do you think that they pay your salary? And you can talk all you want about what you know but it's obvious you don't know squat. Ban me if you want, so what you are still just part of the herd.

Two post of yours I have read and that is enough for me to pass by all your future post. Your right to post and mine to ignore. I would guess your reader ship is dropping as I type.


Hall of Famer
Oct 22, 2006
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Nashville, TN

Yeah,I have 26 posts but I have been watching this board for a long time and I have been watching the Cardinals since 1973 probably longer than most of you have been alive...SOOO I guess I have seen and heard and watched more Cardinals games than almost anyone on this board and I've heard all of the recycled junk that is spewed on here over and over again for almost 30 years if not here but in the national sports publications and the papers in St Louis.There are alot of people that watch this board that don't bother to post.


Sep 24, 2002
Reaction score
Fort Myers
Yeah,I have 26 posts but I have been watching this board for a long time and I have been watching the Cardinals since 1973 probably longer than most of you have been alive...SOOO I guess I have seen and heard and watched more Cardinals games than almost anyone on this board and I've heard all of the recycled junk that is spewed on here over and over again for almost 30 years if not here but in the national sports publications and the papers in St Louis.There are alot of people that watch this board that don't bother to post.

Great, you've been around a long time...how many Championships have you seen again?

Sorry if I want my team to win and maybe stray away from the norm.


Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score
ordinance 2257
Yeah,I have 26 posts but I have been watching this board for a long time and I have been watching the Cardinals since 1973 probably longer than most of you have been alive...SOOO I guess I have seen and heard and watched more Cardinals games than almost anyone on this board and I've heard all of the recycled junk that is spewed on here over and over again for almost 30 years if not here but in the national sports publications and the papers in St Louis.There are alot of people that watch this board that don't bother to post.

And your point would be what again? So what if you've been watching the Cardinals since 73? Whats next you're going to tell me its a crime I just started following the team since 95? Kudos to you for following this team but calling people morons because you don't agree with their opinions endear you to the community really well.


Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Yeah,I have 26 posts but I have been watching this board for a long time and I have been watching the Cardinals since 1973 probably longer than most of you have been alive...SOOO I guess I have seen and heard and watched more Cardinals games than almost anyone on this board and I've heard all of the recycled junk that is spewed on here over and over again for almost 30 years if not here but in the national sports publications and the papers in St Louis.There are alot of people that watch this board that don't bother to post.

36 years of this? I'd love to hear more from you and the others who probably have lots to contribute but don't post...I would figure I would be nuts at this point from the lack of a championship. It does make it exciting from the standpoint that making the playoffs would be a marvelous acomplishment.


Supporting Member
Feb 3, 2003
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The Aventine
Yeah,I have 26 posts but I have been watching this board for a long time and I have been watching the Cardinals since 1973
You'd think that you'd be acutely aware of just how poorly the Bidwills have managed this team, then.

Oh, wait, I forgot. They've made a profit. Bully for them.

How much more of a profit do you think they could make it to the playoffs once in a while?


Hall of Famer
Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
seen alot

Yeah I've seen alot. I've seen stuff happen on the field that has made me physically ill to watch it, but the point is in the 36 years I've watched, the past few have offered the most hope for change and all i see are people flaming the team.If they don't get it done this time it probably isn't ever gonna happen and I'll probably just quit watching, but believe me they are closer than they ever have been.Give em the benefit of the doubt just 1 more time.


Supporting Member
Feb 3, 2003
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The Aventine
in the 36 years I've watched, the past few have offered the most hope for change
You've been around long enough to experience dashed hopes. You can't blame people for being guarded, or in the case of this free agency, pissed.

I see what you do in terms of hope. We have a lot of talent on the team right now.

...here it comes....wait for it....

But, IMO, that promise is being pissed away. 5 wins last season? A stagnant FA period where we've not only thus far ignored our holes, but created others? Yeah, I'm pissed.

But thank god for Bill Bidwill having some walking around money.


Hall of Famer
Oct 22, 2006
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Nashville, TN

I've got news for you, it was well reported in many publications years ago that the Bidwills had little resources to run the team and had to wait until the league revenue sharing money came in after the start of the season to cover their debts, It would be of no suprise to me to find out that they are still in debt for past years. It takes time for money to turn over sometimes, sometimes it goes out faster than it comes in.


Supporting Member
Feb 3, 2003
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The Aventine
I've got news for you, it was well reported in many publications years ago that the Bidwills had little resources to run the team and had to wait until the league revenue sharing money came in after the start of the season to cover their debts, It would be of no suprise to me to find out that they are still in debt for past years. It takes time for money to turn over sometimes, sometimes it goes out faster than it comes in.
Good lord, you're condescending.

I've got news for you: The Bidwills are not so cash strapped that they can't spend to the cap effectively--in fact, all we hear is how they DO spend to the cap, right? Well, how about this--instead of extending the players year after year that contribute to the poor records, wait until they're ACTUALLY IN A CONTRACT YEAR and use the "proactive" money they're saving by doing that by trying to fill the holes on the roster.

Back to specifics: The Cardinals have a gaping hole at LT. They have a gaping hole at OLB. They could easily get better at FS and CB and TE.

And they signed a backup C.


Big T

Sep 19, 2006
Reaction score
I wouldn't get too overwrought if I were you tnmike.

Most of these guys that are riding your case are the same ones that have been spewing this kind of stuff ever since THEY came on board here.
What cracks me up is when some of them like the wannabe Shakepearean so often deluges the board with his ban threats when he's the one, if anyone, that should heed his own threats.
I think reasonable people know that just because someone has "only" 36 or whatever posts doesn't necessarily correlate to how long they've been a Cardinal fan.

Look at my post count....and I've actually been "around here" since back before Skkorp even started this board or even the AZSPORTSFANS board that spawned this one. In fact I've been around since back in the "old days" back when NEM was the nemesis on the old "rivals" board.
Hang in there, the hot air and threats coming from some of these guys are hollow. They can't ban anyone. You are entitled to your opinion just as much as they are theirs, regardless of how much they may try and intimidate you.

The only thing I really don't understand is why a few of them are seeminly allowed to continually do it, especially to perceived "new" posters. (as well as anyone else who's opinion differs from their own.


Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score
ordinance 2257
I wouldn't get too overwrought if I were you tnmike.

Most of these guys that are riding your case are the same ones that have been spewing this kind of stuff ever since THEY came on board here.
What cracks me up is when some of them like the wannabe Shakepearean so often deluges the board with his ban threats when he's the one, if anyone, that should heed his own threats.
I think reasonable people know that just because someone has "only" 36 or whatever posts doesn't necessarily correlate to how long they've been a Cardinal fan.

Look at my post count....and I've actually been "around here" since back before Skkorp even started this board or even the AZSPORTSFANS board that spawned this one. In fact I've been around since back in the "old days" back when NEM was the nemesis on the old "rivals" board.
Hang in there, the hot air and threats coming from some of these guys are hollow. They can't ban anyone. You are entitled to your opinion just as much as they are theirs, regardless of how much they may try and intimidate you.

The only thing I really don't understand is why a few of them are seeminly allowed to continually do it, especially to perceived "new" posters. (as well as anyone else who's opinion differs from their own.

So its ok to call people morons just because their opinions differs from yours? Maybe tnmike should read the rules of this site. http://www.arizonasportsfans.com/vb/showthread.php?t=44083

Big T

Sep 19, 2006
Reaction score
So its ok to call people morons just because their opinions differs from yours? Maybe tnmike should read the rules of this site. http://www.arizonasportsfans.com/vb/showthread.php?t=44083

Just for the record, I went back and I didn't see where he called anyone a MORON.

He did use the term 'idiots' once in his first post, but that surely doesn't make him any different than some of you all and your wolfpack-like tactics.


Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score
ordinance 2257
Just for the record, I went back and I didn't see where he called anyone a MORON.

He did use the term 'idiots' once in his first post, but that surely doesn't make him any different than some of you all and your wolfpack-like tactics.

btw maybe you need to search the whole post cause I never insulted him but telling him how many post he had. This is a community, I'm not lynching him just asking him what gives him the right to call people idiots? Just cause he doesn't agree with some posters here?


Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
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Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
I wouldn't get too overwrought if I were you tnmike.

Most of these guys that are riding your case are the same ones that have been spewing this kind of stuff ever since THEY came on board here.
What cracks me up is when some of them like the wannabe Shakepearean so often deluges the board with his ban threats when he's the one, if anyone, that should heed his own threats.
I think reasonable people know that just because someone has "only" 36 or whatever posts doesn't necessarily correlate to how long they've been a Cardinal fan.

Look at my post count....and I've actually been "around here" since back before Skkorp even started this board or even the AZSPORTSFANS board that spawned this one. In fact I've been around since back in the "old days" back when NEM was the nemesis on the old "rivals" board.
Hang in there, the hot air and threats coming from some of these guys are hollow. They can't ban anyone. You are entitled to your opinion just as much as they are theirs, regardless of how much they may try and intimidate you.

The only thing I really don't understand is why a few of them are seeminly allowed to continually do it, especially to perceived "new" posters. (as well as anyone else who's opinion differs from their own.

Actually, the only two on this thread that have personally insulted anyone have been tnmike and now you, big t. I'm a wannabe Shakepearean? Maybe that's something similar to a Shakespearean, with an S in the middle? So I have an education and am a professional actor. That's a reason to personally insult me?

I so often deluge the board with my ban threats? For one, I can't ban anyone. For another, that's probably the first time I've posted anything like that in over a year. Deluge? Um, no. Finally, I many times find that I would like to call other people on here who disagree with me idiots. I've refrained from doing so. Why? Attack the post, attack the opinion. Do not attack the person. You upbraid me for something while simultaneously doing exactly what you accuse me of. Does that show class to you, big t?


Hall of Famer
Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
Nashville, TN

I said that there were some idiots on here but I never called out anyone in particular and I have never used the word moron.

Cards Czar

The Bird is the Word
May 14, 2002
Reaction score
Alton, Ill
All right all of you go to the corner. Do you want me to call your parents!

Lets all chill a bit.

Navy Mike

Cbus cardsfan

Back to Back ASFN FFL Champion
May 14, 2002
Reaction score
I've got news for you, it was well reported in many publications years ago that the Bidwills had little resources to run the team and had to wait until the league revenue sharing money came in after the start of the season to cover their debts, It would be of no suprise to me to find out that they are still in debt for past years. It takes time for money to turn over sometimes, sometimes it goes out faster than it comes in.

The Bidwill's aren't in debt and haven't been. They needed the revenue sharing to have the cash to come up with money for the big signing bonusses and thus said they couldn't compete without the revenue streams that a new stadium would bring. And, if for some ungodly reason, they were in debt then it just goes to show how inept they are at running an organization.

john h

Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
Reaction score
Little Rock
26 post and you know enough about us and the Cards to call us "idiots"? Are you really a Cardinal fan or just someone passing the time of day?

I got sucked in again about watching the Cards since 73. Try since 1943. If you never watched the Bears play the Cards in Wrigley then you have a way to go.


Supporting Member
Feb 3, 2003
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The Aventine
John, are you having a conversation with yourself again? Do we need to up your meds?

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