As of tonight, the numbers seem slight, 123,000 cases reported & 1300 deaths, compared to flu season of 2018 with going on 1 million hospitalized & 80,000 deaths. Now that is only the serious cases, no count on those who got sick at home. And no mention whatsoever as usual of people infected with no or very minor symptoms, who may have been spreading the flu to others.
When I saw those sorts of numbers from our center of disease control a couple weeks ago, I wondered why this new virus was any different from any flu and season. Those flu numbers are from a vaccinated populace too. So it seems to make one wonder, why all the care and worry so extreme compared to any virus outbreak year. Is it possible that the govt and news agency created this over reaction with all the extreme measures and isolation, all leading to the shut downs and unemployment. Is it a staged outcome so the party in power can pretend to come to the rescue, and scare the voters not to have a change in power during this a voting year. To hell with them if they ruined sports for us all this year in the slightest way just to get reelected.
Usually they start a war to accomplish that. Is this their 2020 election year "war", the Republicans pulling old faithful out of their bag of election year tricks.
I certainly don't have the answer, but would not in the least put it past them. We won't know for decades when historians look back and have more objective access to the truth.
But until then, could or would you actually believe that behind closed doors the Republicans haven't discussed and planned how they can and are going to use this virus in helping in the upcoming election. If I am wrong forgive me. If I am right, don't expect the results of this "epidemic" to vanish before fall or winter.