We're getting love from Dan Patrick


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Jan 2, 2003
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Ouchie-Z-Clown said:
er, jerk plummer. and it killed our playoff team. but that was (hopefully) a long time ago with a less competent organization.

exactly my point - I said with the management in place - I would expect that to not happen again. Besides, I'm just getting a little greedy right now and feeling this in the pit of my heart - We ARE the Cardinals, just how long do we actually think we're gonna be good before everything falls apart?


Registered User
Sep 12, 2004
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Ouchie-Z-Clown said:
this is a ridiculous statement. all he cares about is the money? doesn't care about winning? where in the world did you get that impression? just b/c he wants a lot of cash? what player doesn't try to get the biggest contract possible? only the aging vet who has made a ton of cash already and wants to play for a ring. i don't begrudge these players trying to cash in. they have limited playing careers and it's all supply and demand. you're making edge into a bad guy when he's not. he always plays hard. he plays injured. he's a winner. always been one. yeah, we don't want or need his kind here!
Did you listen to the Interview? I don't see how anyone that listened couldn't come up to that conclusion. He asked you are really close to winning a SB with Indy, would you go to a team that doesn't have a chance. A. Well I got to think about my future. Or something along those lines. I take that as he don't give to ****s about winning.


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Jan 2, 2003
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bottom line for me - I don't think there's a wrong way to go here. Either we get Edge and have one of the scariest offenses in the NFL or he goes somewhere else to someone in front of us who then won't take Carnell or Brown and they drop to us and Green takes one of them. Either way, I'm comfortable with that. The only thing that bothers me is if none of those guys are available come pick #8 then I think the 2nd rounder is a bigger gamble and this offense may not be ready to make uop for the shortcomings of that barren corner spot.

Either way though - and I can't believe and am SOOOO happy to be able to say this - I think the Cards will make the right decision - whatever that may be.


Comin for you!
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
I dont buy either Ouchie's or Cheesy's mirror opinions that Edges stats are that much more impressive because he was on a team that "predominantly threw the ball" If anything thats a bonus for Edge and makes him look better than he really is.

Any RB that has the advantage of playing behind Peyton Manning and that WR corps is going to benefit greatly because the D can almost never key on the run.

Bottom line is that despite there preferance for the pass James still got plenty of carries. If anything he is a worse RB than what his stats show since he plays with such a prolific passing offense.

Anyone who says that his stats arent a result of playing defenses that have been loosened by the pass is fooling themselves.


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Jan 2, 2003
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Shane H said:
I dont buy either Ouchie's or Cheesy's mirror opinions that Edges stats are that much more impressive because he was on a team that "predominantly threw the ball" If anything thats a bonus for Edge and makes him look better than he really is.

Any RB that has the advantage of playing behind Peyton Manning and that WR corps is going to benefit greatly because the D can almost never key on the run.

Bottom line is that despite there preferance for the pass James still got plenty of carries. If anything he is a worse RB than what his stats show since he plays with such a prolific passing offense.

Anyone who says that his stats arent a result of playing defenses that have been loosened by the pass is fooling themselves.

wha? You do realize year that Edge went down and was out for the majority of the season was the only year in recent memory that the Colts completely sucked and missed the playoffs, right? Probably just a freak coincidence though, right?

That argument above is INSANE - good one Shane. I needed a laugh today.

You guys want to hear something even funnier than what Shane just posted - today, due to lack of actors - I had to read opposite Marc Paul Gosselaar(Zack Morris from Save by the Bell and NYPD BLUE) and Leslie Bibb at the table reading for our pilot with all the stuffy ass FOX executives watching. Now THAT was funny.


The problem
Oct 7, 2003
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Scottsdale, AZ
Ouchie-Z-Clown said:
this is a ridiculous statement. all he cares about is the money? doesn't care about winning? where in the world did you get that impression? just b/c he wants a lot of cash? what player doesn't try to get the biggest contract possible? only the aging vet who has made a ton of cash already and wants to play for a ring. i don't begrudge these players trying to cash in. they have limited playing careers and it's all supply and demand. you're making edge into a bad guy when he's not. he always plays hard. he plays injured. he's a winner. always been one. yeah, we don't want or need his kind here!
I'm going to disagree with you here, Edge is all about the money. He has said so himself on many occasions. That being said, I could really care less what drives him as long he continues to work his ass off to be the best player in the NFL (which not coincidentally leads to bigger paychecks).


Comin for you!
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
cheesebeef said:
wha? You do realize year that Edge went down and was out for the majority of the season was the only year in recent memory that the Colts completely sucked and missed the playoffs, right? Probably just a freak coincidence though, right?

That argument above is INSANE - good one Shane. I needed a laugh today.

You guys want to hear something even funnier than what Shane just posted - today, due to lack of actors - I had to read opposite Marc Paul Gosselaar(Zack Morris from Save by the Bell and NYPD BLUE) and Leslie Bibb at the table reading for our pilot with all the stuffy ass FOX executives watching. Now THAT was funny.

Yea thats just insane. Its a known fact by all that great passing offenses will open up a running game. You sir are in just blind Edgerin James denial. He benefits in every way from that passing offense. Even moreso now than he ever has.

Whats even funnier is how many of you still tout him as a break away RB.

There were more factors leading to the Colts not being in the playoffs. Like say the worst D in the league arguably during that time period. Thats why they went out and got Dungy to try and right that ship.

You can have your manlove for him all you want(When I say that I like him and would be happy if we got him) I just feel there are more reasonable options that would put us in just as good a position!


May 15, 2002
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York, PA
I'm against trading for James. I personally think that he has used up 60-65% of what he had. He's still a good RB, but he's no longer great. Bottom line, I'd rather draft a stud RB at #8 & watch him in his PRIME, than to trade for an ALMOST over-the-hill guy.


I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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CardinalLaw said:
Did you listen to the Interview? I don't see how anyone that listened couldn't come up to that conclusion. He asked you are really close to winning a SB with Indy, would you go to a team that doesn't have a chance. A. Well I got to think about my future. Or something along those lines. I take that as he don't give to ****s about winning.

that's stupid. if the colts can't guarantee his financial future (remember, he's a rb - they have short shelf lives in the nfl, and he's had a couple of injuries already) then he SHOULD look to leave. the colts made a decision to pay harrison and manning to the detriment of being able to pay edge. that was their football decision. now edge has to make a decision that is part football and part business. don't overlook the business part of the nfl, that's sheer folly and naiveity. he prolly wants to go where he can make the most amount of money and still have a good team. nothing about his on the field playing has ever indicated that he doesn't want to win. disparaging him like that is stupid.


I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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cheesebeef said:
bottom line for me - I don't think there's a wrong way to go here. Either we get Edge and have one of the scariest offenses in the NFL or he goes somewhere else to someone in front of us who then won't take Carnell or Brown and they drop to us and Green takes one of them. Either way, I'm comfortable with that. The only thing that bothers me is if none of those guys are available come pick #8 then I think the 2nd rounder is a bigger gamble and this offense may not be ready to make uop for the shortcomings of that barren corner spot.

Either way though - and I can't believe and am SOOOO happy to be able to say this - I think the Cards will make the right decision - whatever that may be.

not surprisingly, i agree.


I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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Shane H said:
I dont buy either Ouchie's or Cheesy's mirror opinions that Edges stats are that much more impressive because he was on a team that "predominantly threw the ball" If anything thats a bonus for Edge and makes him look better than he really is.

Any RB that has the advantage of playing behind Peyton Manning and that WR corps is going to benefit greatly because the D can almost never key on the run.

Bottom line is that despite there preferance for the pass James still got plenty of carries. If anything he is a worse RB than what his stats show since he plays with such a prolific passing offense.

Anyone who says that his stats arent a result of playing defenses that have been loosened by the pass is fooling themselves.

you know, it's really a chicken or egg argument. but there is no denying that he'd have had a lot more tds if the colts weren't forcing the pass for manning's record. hell, announcers made that comment week after week as did fantasy football forecasters.


Comin for you!
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
Ouchie-Z-Clown said:
you know, it's really a chicken or egg argument. but there is no denying that he'd have had a lot more tds if the colts weren't forcing the pass for manning's record. hell, announcers made that comment week after week as did fantasy football forecasters.

Theres no denying he wouldnt have the yards he had last year or the running lanes to run through would he be playing with a passing offense the likes of any other team besides the one hes on.


I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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Shane H said:
Yea thats just insane. Its a known fact by all that great passing offenses will open up a running game. You sir are in just blind Edgerin James denial. He benefits in every way from that passing offense. Even moreso now than he ever has.

Whats even funnier is how many of you still tout him as a break away RB.

There were more factors leading to the Colts not being in the playoffs. Like say the worst D in the league arguably during that time period. Thats why they went out and got Dungy to try and right that ship.

You can have your manlove for him all you want(When I say that I like him and would be happy if we got him) I just feel there are more reasonable options that would put us in just as good a position!

i don't think he's a breakaway threat.


Things have changed.
May 14, 2002
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PACardsFan said:
I'm against trading for James. I personally think that he has used up 60-65% of what he had. He's still a good RB, but he's no longer great. Bottom line, I'd rather draft a stud RB at #8 & watch him in his PRIME, than to trade for an ALMOST over-the-hill guy.

It's almost going to be funny to watch Edgerrin James avg 2000 all purpose yds from scrimmage the next 4-5 years while our "stud RB at #8" turns out to be Thomas Jones, Curtis Enis, or Kijana Carter.

I think losing the last 50 years or so has created a fan base of people who have accepted being losers and give excuse after excuse for not getting better. I am a season ticket holder that flies in from Texas 8 times per year...I would like those dollars spent on a proven NFL RB.


I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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Shane H said:
Theres no denying he wouldnt have the yards he had last year or the running lanes to run through would he be playing with a passing offense the likes of any other team besides the one hes on.

i'll give you that, but how many less yards? pure speculation. he's a stud. i wouldn't give him lt or portis money, but a notch below it wouldn't hurt my feelings


Comin for you!
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
TheCardFan said:
It's almost going to be funny to watch Edgerrin James avg 2000 all purpose yds from scrimmage the next 4-5 years while our "stud RB at #8" turns out to be Thomas Jones, Curtis Enis, or Kijana Carter.



Thats a hilarious statement considering some tof the pimping of these college RBs that you have been doing!


The Cardinal Smiles
Dec 6, 2002
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Ouchie-Z-Clown said:
i'll give you that, but how many less yards? pure speculation. he's a stud. i wouldn't give him lt or portis money, but a notch below it wouldn't hurt my feelings

What do you think of him health wise (knee) though?


I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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TheCardFan said:
It's almost going to be funny to watch Edgerrin James avg 2000 all purpose yds from scrimmage the next 4-5 years while our "stud RB at #8" turns out to be Thomas Jones, Curtis Enis, or Kijana Carter.

I think losing the last 50 years or so has created a fan base of people who have accepted being losers and give excuse after excuse for not getting better. I am a season ticket holder that flies in from Texas 8 times per year...I would like those dollars spent on a proven NFL RB.

yeah, the draft scares me. particularly with our rb drafting history. the only thing that tempers my fear is denny's history drafting rbs. if we average those two histories we get what . . . anthony thomas?


Comin for you!
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
Ouchie-Z-Clown said:
i'll give you that, but how many less yards? pure speculation. he's a stud. i wouldn't give him lt or portis money, but a notch below it wouldn't hurt my feelings

agreed! Like I said I will smile(a big smile) should we land him. I just like other option first. Ones that I feel would make us just as potent per say.


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Jan 2, 2003
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Shane H said:
yup no shock there. :D

First - Shane - their defense still sucks for the most part and was REALLY bad still two years ago when they got to conference finals - yet they still had one of the best records in the league so I think that kinda takes the wind out of your sales on the whole D was the reason the Colts went from constant playoff contenders to 5-11. In addition to that, while listing off Edge's stats this year versus Henry when Henry was completely healthy(which he hasn't showed that he is anymore) you also neglect to mention that Edge did everything he did - 4.6 yard's per carry - 1548 yards 450 receiving in just 15 games as well. That's pretty sick. And don't give me that - SEE - HE MISSED A GAME! stuff either because he didn't play against the Broncos in the last game of the season because they had their playoff seed all sewn up and he and Peyton both sat out.

So does - considering through 15 games he had 1548 yards - does 1650 yards, 9 TDs and 500 receiving yards look better than Henry's 1400 yards and 13 TDs - uh yeah - it makes it look even worse.

Either way - I think Edge is a stud and would be psyched to get him, but there are other good options out there(the draft namely - Henry pales in comparison IMO and the money would much riskier versus the risk/reward that Edge would bring).


I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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arthurracoon said:
What do you think of him health wise (knee) though?

it's been two years since the injury. the surgical procedures in play now are so unbelievable, that i believe if his career has been shortened, it's only by a year or so. while he is certainly not the back he was when he was running for 1,700 yards (despite what all the press seems to say), i think he's still a superior back. good size, excellent vision, nice power, and just enough speed.

again, everyone is clamoring to throw cash at 'quan and he's had as serious problems as james and james is further removed from injury, has had a fantastic post-injury season (last year) whereas 'quan has not, and has a much better proven track record overall than 'quan.

i'm not saying it's an either/or with james and 'quan, but we should view these injury discussions consistently.


Things have changed.
May 14, 2002
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Shane H said:

Thats a hilarious statement considering some tof the pimping of these college RBs that you have been doing!

Who have I pimped? Get your facts straight and go back and look.

The only thing hilarious is you calling me out incorrectly.

I have all along said I want a proven NFL back over any college RB. As soon as Henry became available...I wanted to trade for him. Now that James is available he is my #1 choice.

I think Benson is the best RB in the draft but I have not been pimping him or any other RB over a proven NFL RB.


Comin for you!
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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
cheesebeef said:
First - Shane - their defense still sucks for the most part and was REALLY bad still two years ago when they got to conference finals - yet they still had one of the best records in the league so I think that kinda takes the wind out of your sales on the whole D was the reason the Colts went from constant playoff contenders to 5-11. In addition to that, while listing off Edge's stats this year versus Henry when Henry was completely healthy(which he hasn't showed that he is anymore) you also neglect to mention that Edge did everything he did - 4.6 yard's per carry - 1548 yards 450 receiving in just 15 games as well. That's pretty sick. And don't give me that - SEE - HE MISSED A GAME! stuff either because he didn't play against the Broncos in the last game of the season because they had their playoff seed all sewn up and he and Peyton both sat out.

So does - considering through 15 games he had 1548 yards - does 1650 yards, 9 TDs and 500 receiving yards look better than Henry's 1400 yards and 13 TDs - uh yeah - it makes it look even worse.

Either way - I think Edge is a stud and would be psyched to get him, but there are other good options out there(the draft namely - Henry pales in comparison IMO and the money would much riskier versus the risk/reward that Edge would bring).

Yes the Colts D isnt great but it is definately better than it was during those seasons. So the wind is still there.

Oh and lets be honest. Put the Healthy Henry of 2003 in last years Colts line-up and it would not be unreasonable to say he would have had 1600 yards as well. So I dont really see the point? Besides I dont see anything making 1400 yards and 13 TDs look bad :shrug: . Only you and Ouchie could come up with a statement like that.

You guys act as though Henry at 26 and no history of "major" injuries is damaged goods. :shrug:


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May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
TheCardFan said:
Who have I pimped? Get your facts straight and go back and look.

The only thing hilarious is you calling me out incorrectly.

I have all along said I want a proven NFL back over any college RB. As soon as Henry became available...I wanted to trade for him. Now that James is available he is my #1 choice.

I think Benson is the best RB in the draft but I have not been pimping him or any other RB over a proven NFL RB.

You have pimped some of this college talent. Must I really delve back and look? Heck having Benson in your signature was pimping enough.

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